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Rescooped by juandoming from 21st Century Learning and Teaching

8 digital skills we must teach our children | #DQ #DigitalQuotient #EQ #EmotionalQuotient

8 digital skills we must teach our children | #DQ #DigitalQuotient #EQ #EmotionalQuotient | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
The digital world is a vast expanse of learning and entertainment. But it is in this digital world that kids are also exposed to many risks, such as cyberbullying, technology addiction, obscene and violent content, radicalization, scams and data theft. The problem lies in the fast and ever evolving nature of the digital world, where proper internet governance and policies for child protection are slow to catch up, rendering them ineffective.

Moreover, there is the digital age gap. The way children use technology is very different from adults. This gap makes it difficult for parents and educators to fully understand the risks and threats that children could face online. As a result, adults may feel unable to advise children on the safe and responsible use of digital technologies. Likewise, this gap gives rise to different perspectives of what is considered acceptable behaviour.

So how can we, as parents, educators and leaders, prepare our children for the digital age? Without a doubt, it is critical for us to equip them with digital intelligence.


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Via Gust MEES
Armando's curator insight, June 22, 2016 3:04 AM
8 digital skills we must teach our children
Sandra Guerra's curator insight, June 22, 2016 11:44 PM

How to help our children and students develop a digital intelligence. 

Willem Kuypers's curator insight, June 24, 2016 3:15 AM
Le monde digital se développe sous nos yeux ! Il faut apprendre à vivre avec.
Rescooped by juandoming from Didactics and Technology in Education



No relatório 'New Vision for Education: Fomento Social e aprendizagem emocional através da Tecnologia ", o Fórum Econômico Mundial explora como" qualidades de caráter ", como colaboração, comunicação e pensamento crítico vai equipar os alunos para ter sucesso na economia digital em rápida evolução. Para prosperar no século 21, os alunos precisam de mais do que a aprendizagem acadêmica tradicional. . Eles devem ser adepto de colaboração, comunicação e resolução de problemas, que são algumas das habilidades desenvolvidas através da aprendizagem social e emocional (SEL) Em 2015, o Fórum Econômico Mundial (WEF) publicou o relatório New Vision for Education: Desbloquear o Potencial of Technology que incidiu sobre a questão premente do fosso e as formas de resolvê-lo através da tecnologia habilidades do século 21. Nesse relatório, WEF definiu um conjunto de 16 proficiências cruciais para a educação. Dessas habilidades, 10 foram marcadas tanto "competências" ou "qualidades de caráter". As competências são os meios pelos quais os alunos abordam desafios complexos; eles incluem colaboração, comunicação e pensamento crítico e resolução de problemas. Qualidades de caráter são as maneiras pelas quais os alunos se aproximam seu ambiente de mudança; eles incluem curiosidade, adaptabilidade e consciência social e cultural.


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Via Gust MEES, Carlos Rodrigues Cadre, Rui Guimarães Lima
Gust MEES's curator insight, June 8, 2016 7:39 AM
In the report ‘New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning through Technology', the World Economic Forum explores how "character qualities" such as collaboration, communication and critical thinking will equip students to succeed in the swiftly evolving digital economy.

To thrive in the 21st century, students need more than traditional academic learning. They must be adept at collaboration, communication and problem-solving, which are some of the skills developed through social and emotional learning (SEL).

In 2015, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published the report New Vision for Education: Unlocking the Potential of Technology that focused on the pressing issue of the 21st-century skills gap and ways to address it through technology. In that report, WEF defined a set of 16 crucial proficiencies for education. Of those skills, 10 were labelled either “competencies” or “character qualities”. Competencies are the means by which students approach complex challenges; they include collaboration, communication and critical thinking and problem-solving. Character qualities are the ways in which students approach their changing environment; they include curiosity, adaptability and social and cultural awareness.


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Rescooped by juandoming from Didactics and Technology in Education



No relatório 'New Vision for Education: Fomento Social e aprendizagem emocional através da Tecnologia ", o Fórum Econômico Mundial explora como" qualidades de caráter ", como colaboração, comunicação e pensamento crítico vai equipar os alunos para ter sucesso na economia digital em rápida evolução. Para prosperar no século 21, os alunos precisam de mais do que a aprendizagem acadêmica tradicional. . Eles devem ser adepto de colaboração, comunicação e resolução de problemas, que são algumas das habilidades desenvolvidas através da aprendizagem social e emocional (SEL) Em 2015, o Fórum Econômico Mundial (WEF) publicou o relatório New Vision for Education: Desbloquear o Potencial of Technology que incidiu sobre a questão premente do fosso e as formas de resolvê-lo através da tecnologia habilidades do século 21. Nesse relatório, WEF definiu um conjunto de 16 proficiências cruciais para a educação. Dessas habilidades, 10 foram marcadas tanto "competências" ou "qualidades de caráter". As competências são os meios pelos quais os alunos abordam desafios complexos; eles incluem colaboração, comunicação e pensamento crítico e resolução de problemas. Qualidades de caráter são as maneiras pelas quais os alunos se aproximam seu ambiente de mudança; eles incluem curiosidade, adaptabilidade e consciência social e cultural.


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Via Gust MEES, Carlos Rodrigues Cadre, Rui Guimarães Lima
Gust MEES's curator insight, June 8, 2016 7:39 AM
In the report ‘New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning through Technology', the World Economic Forum explores how "character qualities" such as collaboration, communication and critical thinking will equip students to succeed in the swiftly evolving digital economy.

To thrive in the 21st century, students need more than traditional academic learning. They must be adept at collaboration, communication and problem-solving, which are some of the skills developed through social and emotional learning (SEL).

In 2015, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published the report New Vision for Education: Unlocking the Potential of Technology that focused on the pressing issue of the 21st-century skills gap and ways to address it through technology. In that report, WEF defined a set of 16 crucial proficiencies for education. Of those skills, 10 were labelled either “competencies” or “character qualities”. Competencies are the means by which students approach complex challenges; they include collaboration, communication and critical thinking and problem-solving. Character qualities are the ways in which students approach their changing environment; they include curiosity, adaptability and social and cultural awareness.


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Rescooped by juandoming from Creative teaching and learning

Sixteen skills students need to learn today to thrive tomorrow

Sixteen skills students need to learn today to thrive tomorrow | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

"Will classes in curiosity, problem-solving and creative thinking soon be on the curriculum? Our latest report thinks it should ..."

Via Leona Ungerer
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