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onto digital marketing strategy
May 21, 2014 5:56 PM!

Why Content Marketing Fails Slides via Growth Hackers

Why Content Marketing Fails Slides via Growth Hackers | digital marketing strategy |
[Content Marketing, Must Read] Great slides by Rand Fishkin on what makes an effective content marketing strategy. He outlines 5 reasons why your strategy might fail: You believed the biggest myth content marketing ever told the world You made content without a community You invested in content creation, but not in it's amplification You ignored content's most powerful channel: SEO You gave up too fast

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
malek's insight:

How content marketing works?

Get ready for the long, entertaining and highly informative trip. I like the section about "content without a community", a real eye opener.

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, May 21, 2014 1:29 PM

Excellent and exhaustive punch to the gut of the many "content marketing" myths that exist. I would've added a section on Mark Schaefer's Content Shock, but that 1,000 word post is for another time. Between then (when I write the rejoinder) and now read Rand Fishkin's riff on why "inbound marketing" fails and see if you recognize some of your myths, urban legends and untruths about content marketing.

Love the almost RANDOM case view (see the beard slides) since that journey is so accurate to how journeys start, are sustained and end up in a purchase or subscription.

Also discusses visual marketing tend in a cool way (nope, nope, yes on Google).

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Curated by malek