11 Brilliant #Tools for Organizing, Developing & Sharing Your Ideas | digital marketing strategy | Scoop.it

Ideas come to us in all shapes and sizes, in all levels of importance, and at all different times of day. Sometimes, we get inspired by something we read online and want to capture it and comment on it. Other times, we come up with an idea out of nowhere and want to jot it down, or say it out loud into our phones before we forget it.When we have these ideas, it's far too easy to forget them or let them slip through the cracks -- especially if we don't have a system for organizing them. Thankfully, there are some amazing tools out there that can help us track and organize ideas in all different situations.Here are the best tools out there for organizing your ideas -- including note-taking tools, visual organization tools, collaboration tools, and general organization tools....

Via Jeff Domansky, Ricard Lloria