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Digital Marketing Power
Everything you need to know about digital, mobile & social media marketing to help you engage your audience & drive new business
Curated by Gary Hitching
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Scooped by Gary Hitching
May 8, 2013 3:51 AM!

Quick Ways to Improve the SEO on Your Blog

Quick Ways to Improve the SEO on Your Blog | Digital Marketing Power |

SEO can take hours, days, months, and years to utilize on your blog, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ‘quick fixes’ as well. The main idea of SEO is that you keep doing it in order to keep getting results, but if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, here are a couple of quick tips for improving SEO on your blog that you can likely look into during your lunch break. None of these options will take longer than fifteen minutes (unless you take your time) so you can check them off of your to-do list whenever you have a spare minute or two.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 6, 2013 3:46 AM!

Generating Content for SEO: Get Over Writer's Block

Generating Content for SEO: Get Over Writer's Block | Digital Marketing Power |

Let’s face it, blogging is not easy. The hardest part can be thinking of good things to write about. There are only so many different ways that you can talk about the Super Bowl Ads and when you’ve exhausted all options, you’re just left with writer’s block.

When it comes to SEO, without good content you can’t grow your rankings. You may find yourself searching for ideas on how to generate fresh content. Here are some great tips from a recent SEOmoz webinar called 'how to blog like you mean it', which should help the next time you find yourself staring at the wall.

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