A new way for brands to tell stories on Instagram | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA | Scoop.it

Instagram's advertising product has received a significant upgrade that will appeal to travel marketers of all kinds: it's called Carousel Ads. Rather than one image sitting in the standard Instagram scroll, small buttons will appear below ads with multiple images. Users can then swipe to experience the other images, with a final screen featuring a call-to-action that promises to create an actual conversion funnel for advertising on the visual photography medium that is Instagram. The company says it is trying to replicate the feeling of a multi-page magazine spread with the inherent tracking advantages that a digital experience provides. The viability of these units for travel greatly depends on the cost, which is dependent on engagement. If the conversions are low, then the unit, may not be financially viable for travel marketing. Read more on the Instagram business blog.

Via Tourism Australia