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Rescooped by Terheck from The 21st Century!

Educational Technology: Great list of app based on task you want students to accomplish

Educational Technology: Great list of app based on task you want students to accomplish | Education & Numérique |

Great list of apps and tech tools that are organized based on the task you want students to accomplish. It was out on  Twitter and I can't find the original tweet. What do you want to do...? There's a tech tool for that.

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge
Pam Colburn Harland's curator insight, June 17, 2014 7:06 PM

If you want students to... have them use... Makes a great list!

Libchelle's curator insight, June 18, 2014 6:25 PM

Fantastic  table for students, teachers and parents. 

Glenda Rose's curator insight, February 25, 2017 3:13 PM
I can add some more to this!  Great start, though.

Scooped by Terheck!

A l'université, les vertus pédagogiques des « serious games »

A l'université, les vertus pédagogiques des « serious games » | Education & Numérique |
Bloc opératoire, tour de contrôle pour les futurs aiguilleurs du ciel, entretiens personnalisés… l'université utilise de plus en plus les jeux vidéos dans les apprentissages.
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Rescooped by Terheck from Elearning, pédagogie, technologie et numérique...!

De la pédagogie à l'andragogie - Hugues Lenoir

Hugues Lenoir, Enseignant-chercheur en Sciences de l'Education à l'Université Paris Ouest Nanterre. La Défense Responsable de la Licence professionnelle de Formation de Formateurs.

Via Carole TACHEAU, siham yakrib, CECI Jean-François
Carole TACHEAU's curator insight, November 15, 2013 3:31 PM

Très instructif comme rappel sur ce qu'est l'andragogie

1. Les principes fondamentaux : l'apprenant, les conditions d'apprentissage, rôle et statut et fonctions du formateur, les méthodes 

2. Choix de méthodes et d'outils : la stimulation, le photo langage, la formation action, autoscopie, situations de travail, réseaux d'échanges de savoirs

Rescooped by Terheck from Digital Curation for Teachers!

Why Scoopit Is Becoming An Indispensable Learning Tool

Why Scoopit Is Becoming An Indispensable Learning Tool | Education & Numérique |
Why Scoopit Is Becoming An Indispensable Learning Tool

Via catspyjamasnz
Alfredo Corell's curator insight, July 15, 2013 5:53 AM

A review about the uses of in the classroom.

Ra's curator insight, July 21, 2013 9:47 PM

Curating as a group, students identify their own input with their initials. Allows for a synthesis of ideas.

GwynethJones's curator insight, August 13, 2013 2:05 PM

SO true! This is my FAV new Curation tool....well, add Scoopit to MentorMob & you have a dynamic duo!

Rescooped by Terheck from Learning & Technology News!

The future of learning - Sugata Mitra

The future of learning - Sugata Mitra | Education & Numérique |

In this talk, Sugata Mitra will take us through the origins of schooling as we know it, to the dematerialisation of institutions as we know them. Thirteen years of experiments in children's education takes us through a series of startling results – children can self-organise their own learning, they can achieve educational objectives on their own, they can read by themselves. Finally, the most startling of them all: groups of children with access to the internet can learn anything by themselves. From the slums of India, to the villages of India and Cambodia, to poor schools in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, the USA and Italy, to the schools of Gateshead and the rich international schools of Washington and Hong Kong, Sugata's experimental results show a strange new future for learning.

Via Nik Peachey
Leonardo Alves's curator insight, June 6, 2014 7:17 PM

Um novo e estranho futuro da aprendizagem. Crianças que aprendem por si mesmo, com recurso a Internet.

ainslime mount's comment, June 14, 2014 12:51 AM
Thats stunning...
ainslime mount's comment, June 14, 2014 12:51 AM
Thats stunning...
Rescooped by Terheck from Contre l'Éducation. Tout contre.!

Café histoire — Infographie : Histoire des technologies scolaires...

Café histoire — Infographie : Histoire des technologies scolaires... | Education & Numérique |
Infographie : Histoire des technologies scolaires “Une intéressante infographie regroupant l’histoire des technologies à l’école depuis 1650… Via : h… ” View Post (Photo: Infographie : Histoire des technologies scolaires Une...

Via Mila Saint Anne
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"Le temps scolaire n'est ni le temps technologique, ni le temps politique"

"Le temps scolaire n'est ni le temps technologique, ni le temps politique" | Education & Numérique |

"Toute la semaine, ActuaLitté poursuit ses entretiens avec Patrick Ghrenassia, professeur agrégé de philosophie, qui officie aujourd'hui à l'ESPE de Paris, Université de Paris-Sorbonne. Auteur publié chez Hachette et Hatier, et blogueur sur L'Etudiant, il aborde aujourd'hui la transition numérique dans l'univers scolaire. Le fossé croissant qui se discerne entre enseignants et élèves et les mutations sociales, autant de questions qui interrogent notre relation actuelle à la transmission."


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Rescooped by Terheck from A New Society, a new education!!

A Definition of Emerging Technologies for Education. George @Veletsianos

Via Cristóbal Suárez, Labtic.Unipe, juandoming
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