PARTICIPATORY Democracy Versus Representative Democracy | UK Column | actions de concertation citoyenne |

Although the attention of the British public has long been distracted by Media Disinformation campaigns there are still occasions when the press publish a small fragment of an issue of constitutional importance.


For example, when reading about the recent troubles in Eqypt I was intrigued by a comment contained within the article Hillary Clinton says Egypt needs transition towards democracy. The article reported that

'US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said a move towards a participatory government [my emphasis] has to be initiated but cautioned that the Egyptian establishment should make sure there is no political vacuum in the process of transition'.

Just like you I was convinced that in the United Kingdom we lived in a representative democracy where constituents elected their representatives to take up issues on their behalf in Westminster. What has become clear in recent decades is that Governments may change colour but there is no difference in policies between the competing political parties. Neither do they honour their manifesto promises. Your vote no longer counts. Does the style of 'participatory government' that Clinton is promoting for Egypt already exist in the UK?

Via jean lievens