A different pattern of student engagement: Mature distance students at university | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Mature students have:

- Equal levels of satisfaction

- Deeper learning strategies

- more committed / motivated

- Different pattern of interaction (less interaction with other students)

- Better able to manage distance (have the life skills and time-management skills

- Experience a lot of role and financial pressure, alienation and anxiety

- Lack of skills (don't necessarily have the up to date skills required...yet another thing to learn in the first year)

- Overload of first year

- Knowledge conflict

The definition of student engagement for this study comes from the OSSIE: "The time and energy students invest in educationally purposeful activities, and the effort institutions devote to effective engagement".


===> The scales of engagement include academic challenge, work integrated learning, active learning, enriching education experiences, and staff and student interactions. <===




Via Ana Cristina Pratas