Tracy's Random Affinities
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March 28, 2014 9:00 PM!

Does Teaching Kids To Get 'Gritty' Help Them Get Ahead?

Education circles are abuzz with a new concept: that resilience and persistence are just as important as intelligence to predicting student success and achievement. But can "grit" actually be taught?

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March 10, 2014 8:52 PM!

Paleo Uncensored | theclothesmakethegirl

Paleo Uncensored | theclothesmakethegirl | Tracy's Random Affinities |
Last week I had a super fun conversation with Brandyn and Lisa, the dazzling personalities behind the Primal Wellness web site and the Paleo Uncensored podcast. Seriously. There were so many laughs during our time ...
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March 14, 2014 11:17 AM!

The Best PR Advice You’ve Never Heard - from Facebook’s Head of Tech Communications

The Best PR Advice You’ve Never Heard - from Facebook’s Head of Tech Communications | Tracy's Random Affinities |
“Imagine you’re sitting across from a reporter at lunch. You’re telling them what you do, your story, why they should care about your product. You have to convince this reporter to not only write about you, but that what you’re doing matters. That you’re going to be successful.”
This is Caryn Marooney, Head of Technology Communications for Facebook. But before that, she co-founded OutCast, the elite PR agency that worked with one-time startups Amazon,, Netflix and VMware. She’s seen firsthand how hard it is for young companies to capture press attention when they have zero brand recognition and limited resources.
Most founders set out to create something iconic but don’t know where to start. At First Round’s recent CEO Summit, Marooney boiled down this massive challenge into an execution plan and guidelines for startups to craft an image that will resonate with the public and the press, launch on a strong note, and build momentum as they grow — regardless of size and resources.
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