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Milsim games? HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! Airsoft R US Tactical and AIRSOFT BATTLE PARK - on YouTube

"NO! We're not joking! Milsim games will be held at Airsoft Battle Park every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month starting March 15th. They'll be run by Todd, who is a former Marine with an impressive resume...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Green Vs. Tan!  TIME TO STEP UP YOUR GAME!!!! Can't wait to see what Bill and Zack have under their brain-buckets on this one!...

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MAY 2nd! - OP: Bad Blood West 2015 - NYC Airsoft is BACK!

MAY 2nd! - OP: Bad Blood West 2015 - NYC Airsoft is BACK! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a third of Congo’s population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The country is split into 6 waring factions. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples from the effected regions to try and isolate the new ebola strain. Each of faction has sent armed medical teams into the hot zone in the tribal territories to find them.

Join us for the first West Coast production of OP: Bad Blood, a unique 6 faction civil-war game taken from today’s headlines. A portion of the proceeds will go to support...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

This one is gonna be SPECIAL!  The NYC AIRSOFT gang are headed West in the Spring...find out where and what YOU need to do to get into the fight!...CLICK THE PIC!

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WHAT MILSIM SHOULD BE ALL ABOUT! - a creed from Blacksheep Milsim - Official - on Facebook

WHAT MILSIM SHOULD BE ALL ABOUT! - a creed from Blacksheep Milsim - Official - on Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"Please share this, print it, post it. There is a downloadable version on the Blacksheep website....

The Paramount MilSim Experience"

Thumpy Covey's insight:

THIS is what we so inelegantly tried to get across on Monday...leave it to the pros like Major B. to nail it to the wall, so that everyone who plays the game can nail it to THEIR wall!  Well Done!

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Honesty in Airsoft Games...XTREME AIRSOFT Blog!

Honesty in Airsoft Games...XTREME AIRSOFT Blog! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"...Keep in mind, we will get back what we put into the things we enjoy. Plus, airsoft games played honestly are much more intense and fun...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Great message in this blogpost from the cats' at XTREME AIRSOFT...something we all must strive for and enforce in 2015!

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The Four FOOD GROUPS of SAFETY @ Ballahack Airsoft

The Four FOOD GROUPS of SAFETY @ Ballahack Airsoft | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
Ballahack Airsoft is the largest Airsoft field in Virginia! The field is located at 2900...
Thumpy Covey's insight:

SEE THE DETAILS for what BALLAHACK does to keep it safe for everyone...EVERY FIELD should be run like this one!



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MilSim Application of PJ's - Airsoft Ohio Forums

MilSim Application of PJ's - Airsoft Ohio Forums | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
MilSim Application of PJ's Airsoft Advancement and Scenario Discussion.
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Curated by Thumpy Covey
The home of Airsoft News for the USA and the World. Innovation in Airsoft is OUR ONLY GAME!