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Police Cadet Training with AIRSOFT OBSESSED! – Video from AO Dave on YouTube

Police Cadet Training with AIRSOFT OBSESSED! – Video from AO Dave on YouTube | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |


Thumpy Covey's insight:

This one has us more hooked-up with the good vibes than we normally are for a Cops-Train-With-Local-‘Softers event….because this time it is Police AND their Explorers/Cadets training with some of the best…the AIRSOFT OBSESSED gang in  California!  Yea, THAT California!  ‘See, when you work together and do the right things to help your local LEO’s, the gaps are bridged and it not only builds good teamwork for the departments, the officers and FUTURE officers, but for your whole community.  Take that, Lawmakers in the BIG SAC!


Great stuff as always from our buddy AO DAVE…you need to CLICK THAT PIC to tell ’em atta’boy and watch some more of the awesome work on the AO YouTubez!

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AIR STUPID: Don't transfer airsoft guns at SCHOOL! -

AIR STUPID: Don't transfer airsoft guns at SCHOOL! - | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“…Susan Stark Haydon, a school district spokeswoman, said the male student received the replica gun from a friend and was going to work on it.

The student brought the replica into the district workspace. It was left wrapped in paper in a corner of the workspace when a teacher saw it and unwrapped it….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

NEVER EVER bring an airsoft gun onto a school campus, for any reason…even if you are just taking it home to help a friend.  We think “the friend” should be part of this event in big way, too…just sayin.’

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AIRSOFT by STUDENTS! - O B Design Studio T91 - Airsoft Taiwan on YouTube

Thumpy Covey's insight:

You need to listen closely to this one at the beginning...this gun was MADE BY STUDENTS, and you won't find a BB GBB any nicer any place!  Check it out...and share this one with your friends!  NICE WORK!

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