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One-on-One with Thumpy! – Larow Tactical Custom Gun Camouflage! – YouTube Video

One-on-One with Thumpy! – Larow Tactical Custom Gun Camouflage! – YouTube Video | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
One-on-One with Thumpy! - Larow Tactical Custom Gun Camouflage! - YouTube Video
Thumpy Covey's insight:

Now THAT’S what we’re talking about when you want to ‘blend in!’ Beau Knows Camos!  And you can see plenty more in the latest One-on-One with Thumpy video…or justCLICK THAT PIC to get in touch with Larow Tactical and Illustrations via AIRSOFT R US TACTICAL in Burlington, NC!

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Learning from BALLAHACK – a HUGE NEW video series!

Learning from BALLAHACK – a HUGE NEW video series! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

Learn from United States Military professionals how you can paint your weapons and gear in a simple way. Navy SEAL face painting 101. Camouflage and concealment tips. And the History of Camouflage. Limited time Spring Blowout Sale!..."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

THIS is exciting and goes live RIGHT NOW! Christopher from BALLAHACK AIRSOFT gave us a sneak preview of his very first video-on-demand series that’s been a long time in the making, to get the right people to cover the right subjects in the proper way FOR AIRSOFTERS and MILSIM players to learn from experts!


Who are they? A trio of America’s best and brightest…oh, ok, our best anyway (hehehe) and three guys who’ve been there, done that and ALSO are supporters and players who understand the subtle differences between the “military way” of camouflage…and what AIRSOFTERS NEED TO KNOW! That’s the thing that excites us the most. You are not going to get a history lesson or things that don’t apply practically when you use this information to improve your game. And heck, it’s just plain FUN!

CLICK THOSE PICS NOW to get started on this incredible adventure, online from the Mighty B!

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Airsoft GI Uncut - Team Night April 1st GI Tactical Richmond VA, Equipment / Gun Painting - on YouTube

GI Zach will be available to help you paint your gun or your equipment at GI Tactical's Team night Wed April 1st...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Cool Idea!  We love the GI Tactical/ASGI "Team Night" concept, but even better when guys get together to not just talk airsoft, but to DO AIRSOFT STUFF, too!  DO THIS VIRGINIA!  Wednesday Night!

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AIR STUPID OHIO! - Rep. Patmon's HB 119: NO, it doesn't ban BB guns or airsoft guns (or really do much of anything) - Buckeye Firearms Association

AIR STUPID OHIO! - Rep. Patmon's HB 119: NO, it doesn't ban BB guns or airsoft guns (or really do much of anything) - Buckeye Firearms Association | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"Earlier this month, headlines screamed the news that Ohio Rep. Bill Patmon (D-Cleveland) had introduced a bill that seeks to ban "any BB gun or gun replica that a 'reasonable person' would confuse with a real firearm....""

Thumpy Covey's insight:

But, did reporters read the bills?  NO! And it is up to gun-rights organizations like the BFA - nice! - to dive into the details.  We will add a few airsoft-specific comments to the excellent article you will read:  The chances of any of these bills passing is minute, but Airsoft is again thrown under-the-bus by Paintball and Air Guns...or, its the old divide-and-conquer by lawmakers in Ohio, as it was in California.  AND, notice the wording carefully...its almost identical in definitions and phrasing to Cali's SB199...wonder if plagiarizing legislation state to state is a no-no amongst anti-gunner law "breakers."  GREAT VIDEO AT THE END, TOO....pass this one on to your battle buddies as one to get everyone up to speed!

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NLAIRSOFT @ IWA 2015 - Ross at WE Airsoft Europe - NUPROL - on YouTube

"Ross at WE Airsoft Europe / NUPROL. Seems to be Ross is also a big fan of our dedicated Airsoft app on Windows :)..."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

If you know NOTHING about WE Airsoft and NUPROL, this video from Ross and the gang at NL AIRSOFT will take care of that!  Watch, ask and respond on the site, and hit those LIKE/SHARE/SUBS!

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Real Gun? Toy Gun? What happens When Lawyers without Law Enforcement Experience Write Gun Laws -

Real Gun? Toy Gun? What happens When Lawyers without Law Enforcement Experience Write Gun Laws - | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"...While it is certainly a real tragedy when any child is injured or killed because a police officer mistook a toy gun for a real gun, the burden of responsibility should not remain, solely, on officers and/or individuals who seek to defend themselves against imminent danger or death. 

Parents should know the huge safety risks involved before investing in toy guns for their children and those children should not be allowed to roam the streets carrying them...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Although not "real news," this article on City Watch LA's site is an op-ed whose writer has clearly done her homework...and a great "read this" pointer for folks who want to get up-to-speed on the LA./Cali/US Senate Bill situation in a hurry.  And, the quote above?  We could NOT AGREE MORE!

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Hong Kong Off The Grid: Cerakote part 2 - HKOTG TV on YouTube

"HKOTG TV Cerakote HK part 2
Host: Martin
Camera: Declan
Big thanks to Cerakote
Please Like Share and Subscribe.
Stay Tuned for more videos, reviews and much more.
in the mean time come join us in the HKOTG Facebook Group, all Airsofters are welcome. Link Below
Like the HKOTG Facebook Page"

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Wanna color, coat and protect?  Then HKOTG shows you what goes into a Ceracote job, as its done over in HK!

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TYE DIE YOUR MAGS! - Magpul PMag M3 Sand - on YouTube


Thumpy Covey's insight:

Here's a challenge, 'softers...anyone ever try this idea with any other brands of poly-mags for airsoft?  You do the everyone how...and during SHOT Show 2015, you're likely to have a VIRAL HIT that steals Mag-Thunder.....

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VIDEO : DIY Visible Targets

"This is a short video on how to make your very own VISIBLE target. Very easy to make. only things you need are 1. bright piece of paper "neon green" 2. a..."

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Curated by Thumpy Covey
The home of Airsoft News for the USA and the World. Innovation in Airsoft is OUR ONLY GAME!