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Fighting the Good Fight for Airsoft in the UK! – Update from UKARA/UKAPU

Fighting the Good Fight for Airsoft in the UK! – Update from UKARA/UKAPU | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
From left to right- Matt Furey-King (Chair UKAPU), Tim Wyborn (Chair ATB), Frank Bothamly (Chair UKARA), James Williams (Treasurer UKAPU)…(Photo Courtesy Matt!)


Thumpy Covey's insight:

GREAT Update from the one -and-only (no-longer) Hong Kong Furey and Friends…distinguished gentlement one-and-all…I’d be super-happy having this ‘lot representing me in my country!  How’bout some CLICKS ON THAT PIC to get hooked up with Matt’s Link to stay on-top of the UK legal scene and SUPPORT THE GUYS DOING YOUR HEAVY LIFTING!

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UK Airsoft - Safe Enough, again? - UKAPU on Facebook

UK Airsoft - Safe Enough, again? - UKAPU on Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“The law commission has today published its report on firearms which you can read here;

There’s a good chance it will be put into law, as this is the case with law commission reports generally. From our perspective the most interesting parts are that they state that the lethality threshold should be set to 1J, but that an airsoft exemption should be created (based around the VCRA 2006 specific exemption). They recommend setting this exemption at 1.3J/2.5J in line with the 2011 ACPO testing. This is great news. Sensible conclusions, no more ‘airsoft legal limit’ grey areas, and they’ve listened to the airsoft associations. Also note that we were supported by BASC and GTA….Matt Furey-King, Chairman UK Airsoft Players Union…”
Thumpy Covey's insight:

GOOD NEWS FROM THE LATEST LEGAL REVIEW and Recommendations, via MATT FUREY-KING and the UKAPU on their Facebook Page…CLICK THE BANNER ABOVE for the details…and the link below for the full report…

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Air SMART - Standing up for Airsoft in the UK! - Combat South UK

Air SMART - Standing up for Airsoft in the UK! - Combat South UK | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
Air SMART - Standing up for Airsoft in the UK! - Combat South UK
Thumpy Covey's insight:

Great job by COMBAT SOUTH‘s Stephen Banks for tackling the bad news, putting the positive push on with a local news paper, which did a great service by being fair and objective on this one!

CLICK THE PIC to read the story in THE NEWS!

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More on the EU Airsoft AIR STUPID plan- Video from the EAA & Matt Furey-King

More on the EU Airsoft AIR STUPID plan- Video from the EAA & Matt Furey-King | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“Link to full article…

The EU is voting on whether to implement a proposal which will really hurt airsoft and other parts of the firearms community….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Our buddy Matt Furey-King puts some more perspective on the proposed AIR STUPID European Union ‘trial balloon’ being floated to have all airsofters register their replicas as if they were actual firearms or face criminal penalties…all in the name of fighting terrorism. 

AIRSOFTERS ARE NOT CRIMINALS and AIRSOFT IS NOT THE PROBLEM!…CLICK THE PIC or Matt’s link to the EAA Facebook Page for the full details and a STEP BY STEP list of things you need to do now to fight this!

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AIR STUPID! - UK Airsoft Break-in goes wrong! Robbers take a swim...

AIR STUPID! - UK Airsoft Break-in goes wrong!  Robbers take a swim... | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“…Four men fled from Trojan Airsoft, on Viaduct Street, central Stockport, on Tuesday shortly after midnight.

They were disturbed by a member of staff and jumped into the River Mersey near King Street Bridge sparking a police hunt with dogs and a helicopter….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

GOOD NEWS is that the quartet of would-be break-in artists got away with ZERO…and apparently got away wet, or may have not made it, based on the dangerous route they took….

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AIR STUPID UK: Shoot an ARMED COP IN THE FACE, get 3 months for the assault, 5 YEARS for the gun? - FACEBOOK

AIR STUPID UK: Shoot an ARMED COP IN THE FACE, get 3 months for the assault, 5 YEARS for the gun? - FACEBOOK | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
AIR STUPID UK: Shoot an ARMED COP IN THE FACE, get 3 months for the assault, 5 YEARS for the gun? - FACEBOOK
Thumpy Covey's insight:

THANKS to our buddy, the always awesome MATT FUREY-KING for passing this one along.  There is DEFO something wrong when the officer and her command think this is an appropriate sentence…should have been much, MUCH more time in the ‘jolly old gaol’ for this AIR STUPID! – READ IT ALL>..CLICK THE PIC!

“….Saul Whitaker, of The Crescent, Andover, was sentenced to five years in prison for possession of an imitation firearm, 18 months for dangerous driving and three months for assault at Winchester Crown Court on March 20.

Mr Apter added: “I want to thank the judge for recognising that police officers deserved to be protected from those who wished them harm and I hope that every day Whittaker spends in jail he contemplates his actions….”

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