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Awesome Custom Guns from Japan – Yuri Custom Works

Awesome Custom Guns from Japan – Yuri Custom Works | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

Great find by Alex Hodgson on the Airsoft Heretics Group on FB!

Thumpy Covey's insight:

What an awesome gallery of fine pistol craftsmanship from YURI CUSTOMS WORKS in Japan.  Just wish we could get the import/export issues worked out to get these in the USA or around the world to your country….yea, probz an issue.  CLICK THAT PIC to see lots more!

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Tokyo Marui’s New Guns – First Looks from Itsuya Itsuya on YouTube!

Tokyo Marui’s New Guns – First Looks from Itsuya Itsuya on YouTube! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
Tokyo Marui's New Guns - First Looks from Itsuya Itsuya on YouTube!
Thumpy Covey's insight:

Great first looks from the land of airsoft perfection, as the uber-media gang at the ITSUYA ITSUYA Channel have first-vids of the Tokyo Mauri announcements on Wednesday!


See the videos below…and CLICK THE PICS to see all past and future uploads from one ofg the hottest airsoft and real-gun chans’ in Japan!

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Good Sir Knight with OPIE! – US ‘Softers in Okinawa – YouTube

Good Sir Knight with OPIE! – US ‘Softers in Okinawa – YouTube | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

Good Sir Knight with OPIE! - US 'Softers in Okinawa - YouTube

Thumpy Covey's insight:

“We are GO FOR NOOB TUBE!”  And, super excite to see our long-term ENC ‘bro OPIE running the TM Shotgun downrange in Okinawa with one of the ‘softers we love to support from ‘over here”… THE GOOD SIR KNIGHT!  Good channel,  good gear, good ‘gouge”…GET SOME with the Iron Tigers Okinawa gang!   CLICK THAT PIC to hook up to GSK’s Socials, too!

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Costa in Japan 2016 Take TWO - Sightings on Social Chans

Costa in Japan 2016 Take TWO - Sightings on Social Chans | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |


Will the phots and videos this year have the same impact going into Chris’s visit to SHOT Show in 2 weeks?   You now know where to look for the answer.  Right here...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

It is UNDERWAY once again in 2016…Chris Costa is back in the homeland of airsoft, and the sightings, posts and clicks are about to overwhelm the Interwebz once again as they did last year.

The 2015 Costa Ludas & Company tour of Japan was well-covered by fans around the world, and reported on via Thumpy’s SCOOP page…yea, we didn’t have WP 2.oh up and running yet… as well as the pre-trip announcements for this year’s Peace Combat et al adventures.  The 2016 pose-off turned the ‘web upside down and spawned #costagate as a trending hash’ world wide.

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Is this Japan's newest "Bullet Train?" - Found by Land Warrior Airsoft - Facebook

Is this Japan's newest "Bullet Train?" - Found by Land Warrior Airsoft - Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

Uh…. what? A train that fires BB’s? And they already come in honking two tone colours? Is this the future of Airsoft?

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Seems TOKYO MARUI has continued its colorful, plastic toy-making ways.  Why did no respectable airsoft media person from Japan get the low-down on these from any of TM’s show displays?  And, will it chrono at bullet-train FPS?  To join the convo…CLICK THE PIC!

UPDATE: We stand corrected by our buddy OPTI PRIME, both HYPERDOURAKU and POPULAR AIRSOFT passed this along after the Toy Show!  DOH!  Love it when we get called out!

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Tokyo Marui Hit A Big Milestone As They Celebrate 50 Years Of Business - Popular Airsoft

Tokyo Marui Hit A Big Milestone As They Celebrate 50 Years Of Business - Popular Airsoft | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“With all the news happening in airsoft this year such as new technologies that promise to bring our airsoft experience to whole new level, there is something that many airsoft players around the world failed to notice. The company that defined and molded airsoft to what it is right now, and carried the torch of the industry when other companies fell along the way, celebrated its 50th year as a business early this week.

Last 8th of June 2015, Tokyo Marui celebrated their golden year as a company at the Hotel New Otani in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. The Hotel New Otani is a very famous hotel that…”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

History and pride on display!  GREAT COVERAGE by OptiPrime and his contact in Japan of this MAJOR EVENT…FIFTY YEARS for TM!  Man, almost as old at the Thump-man!  CONGRATS TO TOKYO MARUI from all your fans here in the USA!  And hat tip to Vic, the only media guy who could pull this all together!

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Matt does Akihabara! - Claymore Airsoft in Japan Pt.2 - on YouTube

Matt does Akihabara! - Claymore Airsoft in Japan Pt.2 - on YouTube | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“In the final part of our Japan review, Furey takes you for a tour of the famous Akihabara airsoft shops…”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Matt Furey-King IS big in Japan!  And the UK…and EU…and pretty much any place folks in-the-know know airsoft!  LOVE THIS ‘guided tour’ of places like ECHIGOYA, GUNSMITH and MORE!

The Guns Gear and Goodies are AMAZING! Check it out, ask some questions and LIKE/SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to see lots more from the KING of airsoft!

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MORE AA-12 Video from Hyperdoruaku - on YouTube!

MORE AA-12 Video from Hyperdoruaku - on YouTube! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

GOOGLE TRANSLATE: “It is electric shotgun AA-12 of Tokyo Marui.
It was presented at the Shizuoka Hobby Show in May 2015.

Total length 839mm
Weight 4.2kg
Weapon and number 90 shot optional drum magazine 3000 shots
8.4V nickel hydrogen only to the S battery…”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Hyperdouraku had first phots and now has VIDEO of the presentation at the Shizuoka Show!

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FIRST VIDEO OF Tokyo Marui AA-12 Shotgun! - ItsuyaItsuya on YouTube!

FIRST VIDEO OF Tokyo Marui AA-12 Shotgun! - ItsuyaItsuya on YouTube! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“Tokyo Marui new product – AA-12 Reviews… May 14, 2015 at the Shizuoka Hobby Show .
Review :

Thumpy Covey's insight:

ITSUYAx2 has first video from the TM Booth…this is a nice surprise!  BUT…will YOU be trying to get one into the USA?

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GOOGLE TRANSLATE: "And Chris Costa who first visit to Japan in January 2015, Jimmy Hendirekusu interview.

Interviewer Mr. Tomo Hasegawa.

Details article
http: // ...

※ real gun, views on air gun community in this interview, Firearms and Swords Control Law and the United States of legal interpretation, etc. in Japan, Chris Costa, is due to personal opinion and opinion by Jimmy Hendirekusu Messrs...."

2015年1月に初来日したクリス・コスタと、ジミー・ヘンディレクスのインタビュー。 インタビューアーはトモ長谷川氏。 詳細記事 ※本インタビュー内の実銃、エアガンコミュニティに関する見解、日本の銃刀法や米国の法解釈...

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Call this one COSTAGATE, The Lost Interviews, as HYPERDOURAKU rolls out this over ONE HOUR with Chris and Jimmy (hate what Translate does to your name, man...such is life/love/tech...)

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GET IN MY BOX!, Japan-Style! - @タクティカル・ダンボールPro 新発売 Tactical Cardboard Box Pro - HYPERDOURAKU on YouTube


Thumpy Covey's insight:

Yea, our "Hero" old SOLID SNAKE from BEAT DOWN BOOGIE might want to think about making a fanboy trip to Japan, a-la Chris Costa!....He's got fans who want to "Get in the box" too!

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HYPERDOURAKU! - Operation Freedom オペレーション・フリーダム サバイバルゲームフィールド - on YouTube

GOOGLE TRANSLATE: "Chiba Prefecture Inba County is Operation Freedom Operation Freedom survival game field , which opened in April 2015 to Shisui...

千葉県印旛郡酒々井町に2015年4月にオープンしたOperation Freedom オペレーション・フリーダム サバイバルゲームフィールドです。..."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

You want to see one cool field...THIS ONE IN JAPAN IS AMAZEBALLZ!  I had friends who played "Army Men" in a sandbox site like this when we were little kids, and to know that you can do it with airsoft guns would have me STOKED!!!!  Thanks to HYPERDOURAKU for pushing this one over the weekend!

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HKOTG TV: Salamander M16 Adaptor/ Marui 870 - on YouTube

Host: Martin
Camera: Declan

Big thanks to Salamader
Please Like Share and Subscribe.
Stay Tuned for more videos, reviews and much more.
in the mean time come join us in the HKOTG Facebook Group, all Airsofters are welcome. Link Below
Like the HKOTG Facebook Page"

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Stuff flowing from JAPAN over to the Hong Kong Off the Grid guys...and this is something you'll probably see,...yea, maybe not!  Great catch, looks whack but "works a treat" as our 'buds say!

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GOOGLE TRANSLATE: "January 11, 2015 , survival game field of Chiba Prefecture, on the 12th , is the pattern of Sabage piece Combat FES 2015 COSTA in Japan , which was held in CAMP DEVGRU.  Costa has also been recorded valuable scene to flag get .

Detailed Review from here : http: // ..."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Man, this is the best stuff so far from #costagate....we hate that really, and you will too when you see how hard he dove into the games during the January Japan trip!  This is exciting stuff and will likely win-over some more skeptics!  Dude has some moves, and communicates, too...all the tactical from real-gun apply here, too!

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Claymore Airsoft in Japan Pt.1 - on YouTube

"Furey and friends muck about in Japan and experience CQB in the homeland of airsoft. I hope you enjoy watching half as much as we enjoyed filming it!

Includes a mini review of the Tokyo Marui M320 grenade launcher.

This is the first episode of our new series. Please like and subscribe, just for fun we'll be posting more videos of our airsoft adventures from around the world, as well as some reviews and pro tips from veteran players...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

The ONE and ONLY "Furey" and his buddies..including YAS from HYPERDOURAKU!.. take the English-speaking world on a multi-part tour of the "homeland" of Airsoft...and do so, so much more in Japan!  COOL VID!  Can not wait to see where they go and what they do next!

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2015/1/10 to It is a design of PEACE COMBAT FES 2015 COSTA in Japan of piece combat organized that have been made in Tokyo Sabage Park...."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

THE BEARD and Company in airsoft action in Japan...this is a FIRST since "COSTAGATE2015" hit...and I gotta admit, his skill set and DRIVE to be in the fight even on an airsoft field is intense!  Dig this...and SHARE to get the gang at HYPEDORUAKU the views they deserve for this one!

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Before #CostaGate2015 There Was Japanese Manga Chris Costa - The Firearm Blog

Before #CostaGate2015 There Was Japanese Manga Chris Costa - The Firearm Blog | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"Before Chris Costa strutted his stuff in Japan, in the now infamous #costagate2015, Chris Costa was already famous in Japan. Back when he was working with Travis Haley at Magpul Dynamics, a Japanese publication company immortalized Costa and Haley in a small Japanese Manga. For those who are not familiar with the art form, “Manga” …


Thumpy Covey's insight:

Who knew?  Apparently, THE FIREARM BLOG did, and saved up these long-lost manga scans for just the right moment.  TIMING!  See 'em all over at of our favorites for real-gun news that we check up on several times a day!

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Yeager & CostaGate - Chris Costa talks about his visit to Japan - on YouTube Support this Channel: Training NEAR YOU: Yeager's Amazon Shop: http:...
Thumpy Covey's insight:

OK, seems that Yeager gets the GET first.  I'm put this here for USA Airsofters...and those in Japan and around the world....but listen carefully, and you are hearing...ON THE SHOT Show Floor....a change-in-perspective from two of the most-visible guys in real-steel.  And we expect that many, many more are sensing the same change.  Airsoft is here.  Airsoft is real.  Airsoft NEEDS to be better, and does have a place in the gun world.

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#COSTAGATE VIDEO! - Runway Tactical ft Chris Costa - Mat Best MBest11x - VIDEO on Facebook

#COSTAGATE VIDEO! - Runway Tactical ft Chris Costa - Mat Best MBest11x - VIDEO on Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
We were at the house and decided to try out this new thing we've been seeing called "Runway Tactical", but apparently I wasn't doing it right. Chris...
Thumpy Covey's insight:

This drives the stake into the heart of #costagate   DO THIS!  Watch the video at the link...CLICK ON ANY BEARD!

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COSTA SIGHTING at SHOT Show 2015: @warsport • Instagram photos and videos

COSTA SIGHTING at SHOT Show 2015: @warsport • Instagram photos and videos | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
Thumpy Covey's insight:

Here you go, Airsoft Media....your first opportunity to interview The Beard post-Japan "CostaGate" fan trip....and we hope you'll show him the respect he deserves for the heat he is about to take on for standing up for airsoft and challenging most of the industry in Vegas to STEP UP!  Go get the big GET!

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COSTA IN JAPAN, in Chris Costa's own words and Photos - FACEBOOK

COSTA IN JAPAN, in Chris Costa's own words and Photos - FACEBOOK | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"Recently I had an excellent opportunity to travel over to Japan in support of their Airsoft community, and While I was there our hosts had asked that my trip mate, Jimmy Hendrix and I to participate in a few rounds of indoor and outdoor Airsoft games as a show of support for the Japanese players. In conjunction with the games, our hosts had also requested that we attend several events for the airsoft community that provided us with an opportunity and venue to partake in Q&A and photo session with the fans..."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Get the WHOLE STORY, unfiltered and in new photos posted by the Costa gang over at CC's own Facebook page.   Cut through the crap and read/see it here....CLICK THE PICS!

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COSTA and HENDRIX Greeting to Japan....Ver.02!! クリス・コスタ氏 来日直前特別ビデオメッセージ - YouTube

PEACE COMBAT FES 2015 - COSTA IN JAPAN 2015年1月、あのクリス・コスタ氏とジミー氏が日本に初来日! アメリカから2人のビデオメッセージが送られてきました!! ★来日中の特別イベント★ 2015.01.07(WED)ウェルカムパーティ @ 渋谷O-EAST 2015.01....
Thumpy Covey's insight:

With a little "research" we were able to track down a couple video greetings from The Beard and his bud before they headed to "the homeland of plastic death" as we've been reading and watching.,..there's going to be a FULL TEN DAYS of this stuff coming down...including several visit to AIRSOFT in and Clamp Down...

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VIRAL COVERAGE: 'Costa In Japan' is a Facebook "organization?"

VIRAL COVERAGE: 'Costa In Japan' is a Facebook "organization?" | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

GOOGLE TRANSLATE: "January 2015, Mr. Chris Costa will visit Tokyo Japan. From January 5, 2015 up to 15 days to support the Japan decision !! Japan of Mr. Chris Costa and Mr. Jimmy hen di Rikusu, to introduce the information in your stay !..."

"January 2015, Mr. Chris Costa will visit Tokyo Japan. 2015年1月5日から15日まで来日決定!! クリスコスタ氏とジミーヘンディリクス氏の来日をサポートし、滞在中の情報をご紹介!..."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

After the release of THIS VIDEO...and THIS ONE on Wednesday, Chris Costa's pre-SHOT Show tour to Japan has gone mentally viral...with all manner and stripe of expected and unusually web-ass-hatery ensuing....wait until you see some of the other photos...and the G-GUN, (probbaly unlicensed) airsoft variety he is going to be presented with.  And, what will Customs do with that...???

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Chris Costa In Japan (Magpul Dynamics) - WiseFreeman on YouTube

Chris's panel at Costa Welcome Party by Peace Combat on 7th Jan 2015.
Thumpy Covey's insight:

More from the Costa personal appearance during his tour this week in, dudes chanting your name...crazy fanboyi'z there!

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COSTA hits the runway in Japan - Video from SOLOMON FREEMAN - Facebook

COSTA hits the runway in Japan - Video from SOLOMON FREEMAN - Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

Chris Costa showcasing his signature stance at "Costa Welcome Party" by Peace Combat‪#‎CostaInJapan‬ ‪#‎MagpulDynamics‬ ‪#‎CostaLudus‬

NOTE: Chris was providing photo op to the guests by request of the event organizer, with an airsoft....."

Thumpy Covey's insight:

This shorty video is getting massive MASSIVE share traffic from Chris Costa's "tour of Japan."  See the video via the link....CLICK THE PIC!

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Curated by Thumpy Covey
The home of Airsoft News for the USA and the World. Innovation in Airsoft is OUR ONLY GAME!