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NICE WORK! – KANSAS BILL PASSES! – From Blake Carpenter on Facebook

NICE WORK! – KANSAS BILL PASSES! – From Blake Carpenter on Facebook | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“..This evening the Kansas House of Representatives voted on and passed HB2502. HB2502 had the BB gun legislation that I have been working on since before the 2016 legislative session began. This piece of legislation will offer the children of Kansas the opportunity to continue to compete in BB gun competitions and practices inside of school facilities. It will also allow children to learn valuable gun safety lessons. I would not have been able to accomplish this legislation without the help and guidance of other representatives, staff members and senators. Thank you to all who supported this legislation and helped get it through the process. HB2502 will now go to the governor for him to sign…”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

CONGRATS going out to our new Kansas buddy with an "R" next to his name...for keeping it REAL in the heartland, and getting this potentially-precident setting state bill on the way to Governor Sam Brownback for his signature!

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Baltimore Shooting: No Charges for Teen, Ban Guns = AIR STUPID!

Baltimore Shooting: No Charges for Teen, Ban Guns = AIR STUPID! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |
Baltimore Shooting: No Charges for Teen, Ban Guns = AIR STUPID!
Thumpy Covey's insight:

Come on Balt O. Srsly?  The fallout breaks down like this; 7 shooting by LEO’s so far this year, 3 in the past week.  BB Gun kid shot by plain-clothes officers survives but will NOT BE CHARGED much less prosecuted for the myriad laws he allegedly broke.  But, immediately….what happens?  LETS BAN THE GUNS.  Plastic, Polymer, Steel, Real, Fake, Airsoft/BB/Pellet or Bullets…


Come on Balto.  Are you SERIOUS?  This sets the stage for more police, facing down more kids with guns. (SEARCH IT…many Baltmore Sun op-ed writers agree!)


Oh, BTW, see THIS LITTLE DITTY missed in the tie-in coverage?…another teen, another gun.  This one LOADED with more than bb’s  CLICK THE PIC…

Come. On. BALTO!

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STORM THE STATEHOUSE UPDATE! - Mass 'Softers Fighting Back!

STORM THE STATEHOUSE UPDATE! - Mass 'Softers Fighting Back! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

PLEASE PASS ON THIS POST and all of the links today and into the future.  Even though this is a short-notice hasty defense, the fight is not over yet!


Thumpy Covey's insight:

UPDATE FROM BOSTON!  Rob from FUBAR AIRSOFT and some of his guys are BOOTS ON THE GROUND to Storm The Statehouse...and we also heard from SISU MILSIM that she is going to be traveling down to Boston from New Hampshire to support the effort!


PLEASE PASS ON THIS POST and all of the links today and into the future.  Even though this is a short-notice hasty defense, the fight is not over yet!


SHARE THE LINK TO Gun Owners Action League - GOAL...who are supporting Airsofters, 'Ballers and Airgun Sports Shooters in the battle to kill H-3476!

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Give up your BB guns? - UK's response to Terrorists?

Give up your BB guns? - UK's response to Terrorists? | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“This year the campaign will also focus on imitation weapons, BB guns and air weapons, and the potential for these items to be mistaken for genuine weapons. A social media campaign will highlight how realistic imitation firearms can appear – even to the highly-trained eye of a firearms officer – and the dangers faced by anyone carrying such an item in an inappropriate setting. This will include a number of tweets beginning Monday 23 November with images of guns giving people #secondstodecidewhether the guns posted are real or fake….”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Saw this one over on the always-reliable AIRSOFT INTERNATIONAL FB Fan Channel…and wondered what ‘Softers around the world say about any attempt to combat terrorism by such a wrong-headed official idea as this. True…all of us have different levels of ‘official-dumb’ to navigate in our quest for BB warz…but, come on.  Do we let the terrorists win?  

Another link with commentary, via UK Shooting News WP Page: LINK HERE

CLICK THE PIC for the official link to the Met’s ‘campaign”…and LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS HERE for us to share…

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