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GUNS YOU CAN TRY at FULDA GAP….Bingo Airsoft Designs has been BUSY BUSY!

GUNS YOU CAN TRY at FULDA GAP….Bingo Airsoft Designs has been BUSY BUSY! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

The squad of AS5 guns is just about ready for Fulda Gap next weekend! Come find Bingo Airsoft Designs at the event and check them out or take one for a test drive on the field…the AS5, Designed to Dominate! …”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

GUNS YOU CAN TRY at FULDA GAP….Bingo Airsoft Designs has been BUSY BUSY!

MAN OH MAN!  Has Rudy Hilado been burning up the 3D Printers!  Check these out!

All of these BAD-AS5 machines are going to be on-hand at the BINGO vendors tent this coming weekend at FULDA GAP…and, the R-Man will be sending them down range as a test…and to gather user/shooter input on how they perform in action at America’s biggest game!....SEE MORE AT THE THUMPY NEWS BLOG, including our exclusive video....CLICK THE PIC!

The squad of AS5 guns is just about ready for Fulda Gap next weekend! Come find Bingo Airsoft Designs at the event and check them out or take one for a test drive on the field…the AS5, Designed to Dominate! …”

Airsoftshowoffs's curator insight, October 5, 2015 3:02 PM

Unique 3 printed guns!


BIG "BAD" NEWS! - BINGO AIRSOFTWORKS is now BINGO AIRSOFT DESIGNS! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"...I’m happy to announce the Bingo Airsoft Designs, LLC, (BAD) will be one of the sponsors for the upcoming Fulda Gap airsoft event, Oct 9-11. They anticipate more than 1400 players for the Fulda Gap event. For more details see

As a sponsor for the event, we’ll be giving away a Bingo customized HPA airsoft gun as a door prize, worth > $800. We will also have several Bingo Airsoft Designs prototype guns, now called the Advanced System 5 (AS5), available as loaner guns for people to try out during the event and give us some feedback on how it performs for them. These loaner guns will be all HPA guns, powered by both Wolverine Airsoft Inferno engines and Polarstar Airsoft JACK and Fusion Engines…”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

We’ve been chatting since our meetup with RUDY from Bingo Airsoftworks at the big GI TACTICAL VIRGINIA meetup in April (See the video HERE), and now his full plans for FULDA GAP 2015 are ‘in the clear!”  GREAT NEWS and we hope you all will swing by the BINGO AIRSOFT DESIGNS both and “test drive” one of his INNOVATIVE guns!

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