The Student Voice
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The Student Voice
Too often in education we think we know what is best for our students. Not often enough do we listen and hear what our students are saying about their education. This collection tries to show more of the student perspective.
Curated by Peter Mellow
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Rescooped by Peter Mellow from Educational Leadership
February 20, 2023 3:50 AM!

Victorian universities underpaid workers by $50m in three years, National Tertiary Education Union report says

Victorian universities underpaid workers by $50m in three years, National Tertiary Education Union report says | The Student Voice |
The University of Melbourne has received the highest bill for staff underpayment claims in the country, at $31.6 million from four separate incidents in the past three years. 
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Rescooped by Peter Mellow from Educational Leadership
August 19, 2020 6:09 AM!

Our jobs at universities are precarious and overburdened. The pandemic has made them harder

Our jobs at universities are precarious and overburdened. The pandemic has made them harder | The Student Voice |
As casual staff, we face impossible targets and routinely do unpaid work
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