The Student Voice
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The Student Voice
Too often in education we think we know what is best for our students. Not often enough do we listen and hear what our students are saying about their education. This collection tries to show more of the student perspective.
Curated by Peter Mellow
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
April 2, 2:08 PM!

How do we help students from disadvantaged backgrounds feel confident about school?

How do we help students from disadvantaged backgrounds feel confident about school? | The Student Voice |
Research shows students who are confident about their ability to succeed tend to be more academically successful. A new Australian study shows how to boost student confidence.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
November 17, 2023 4:33 PM!

Universities Are Failing at Inclusion.

Universities Are Failing at Inclusion. | The Student Voice |
Instead of being places where students learn other points of view, American universities have become ideological war zones.
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