The Student Voice
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The Student Voice
Too often in education we think we know what is best for our students. Not often enough do we listen and hear what our students are saying about their education. This collection tries to show more of the student perspective.
Curated by Peter Mellow
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
July 8, 6:41 PM!

‘Tell students they can do it’: how Aboriginal people can inspire each other to become teachers

‘Tell students they can do it’: how Aboriginal people can inspire each other to become teachers | The Student Voice |
In a new project, we are talking to Aboriginal high school students and teachers to understand how to encourage more Aboriginal people to become teachers in the Northern Territory.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
January 7, 2023 8:32 PM!

Wadeye student Amaya Chula hopes her university acceptance will inspire others in remote Northern Territory communities.

Wadeye student Amaya Chula hopes her university acceptance will inspire others in remote Northern Territory communities. | The Student Voice |
Of all the students who finished year 12 in the Northern Territory last year, only 5 per cent were from remote communities. Amaya Chula wants to help change that.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
February 4, 2022 6:24 PM!

First Nations students need culturally safe spaces at their universities

First Nations students need culturally safe spaces at their universities | The Student Voice |
Culturally safe spaces are pivotal in the academic success of First Nations students.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
March 7, 2021 5:21 PM!

Kenisha Gumbula, single mum from Arnhem Land, set to become first Yolngu lawyer

Kenisha Gumbula, single mum from Arnhem Land, set to become first Yolngu lawyer | The Student Voice |
Kenisha Gumbula says she thought law would be too hard "for someone like me". Now she is not far off graduating, and helping other Yolngu Matha speakers navigating the English-language legal system.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
May 22, 2020 11:04 PM!

I was told as an Aboriginal I could get alternative access to uni, so my results wouldn’t matter

I was told as an Aboriginal I could get alternative access to uni, so my results wouldn’t matter | The Student Voice |
My grandmother quickly set me straight and taught me to work hard despite the limited expectations of those around me
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
April 8, 7:47 PM!

At 81-years old, Tasmanian Aboriginal elder Jim Everett graduates with Masters.

At 81-years old, Tasmanian Aboriginal elder Jim Everett graduates with Masters. | The Student Voice |
From Cape Barren Island, Uncle Jim Everett Puralia Meenamatta shared why he chose to study Aboriginal philosophy.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
March 31, 2022 6:54 PM!

The Gap will never close if Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students don’t feel safe on university campuses

The Gap will never close if Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students don’t feel safe on university campuses | The Student Voice |
New research has found that Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students are more likely to be sexually harassed in a university context than any other students.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
March 7, 2021 5:22 PM!

Indigenous curriculum sees enrolments double at Minto's Campbellfield Primary School

Indigenous curriculum sees enrolments double at Minto's Campbellfield Primary School | The Student Voice |
Nicole Wade used to run away from school when students and teachers didn't recognise her Aboriginality. Now she's a school principal, harnessing the strength of children who were just like her.
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Rescooped by Peter Mellow from Educational Leadership
July 5, 2020 6:02 PM!

How to listen and learn from Indigenous children in order to help them

How to listen and learn from Indigenous children in order to help them | The Student Voice |
Here are the lessons we can learn from Dujuan Hoosan, a young Aboriginal boy, on how to change the education system.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
August 22, 2019 6:15 PM!

‘Taking your mob with you’: giving voice to the experiences of Indigenous Australian postgraduate students: Higher Education Research & Development: Vol 32, No 4

‘Taking your mob with you’: giving voice to the experiences of Indigenous Australian postgraduate students: Higher Education Research & Development: Vol 32, No 4 | The Student Voice |
Indigenous Australian postgraduate students experience different barriers from those encountered by non-Indigenous students. In the transition from undergraduate to postgraduate study, Indigenou
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