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November 5, 2014 7:20 PM!

How One Marketing Blog Tripled Its Email Subscribers With 3 Simple Strategies - Copyblogger

How One Marketing Blog Tripled Its Email Subscribers With 3 Simple Strategies - Copyblogger | The MarTech Digest |


Strategy #1: Ask for emails more aggressively. Here are three ways to help promote email sign-ups throughout your site.

>>Use free tools that give visitors an easy way to subscribe [The author’s] business website,, offers free tools to grow your email list. The main ones I use are List Builder, a non-annoying pop-up, and Scroll Box, a sign-up form that only appears towards the end of an article or blog post.

>>Make your home page an email gate

>>Ask your readers for their email addresses within your content


Strategy #2: Create a one-month free course

  1. Have launch partners. 
  2. Decrease the course length.  Four to six weeks is enough time to provide substantial educational value.
  3. Narrow your topic.
  4. Create urgency. 


Strategy #3: Write high-value guest posts


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Joemktg's insight:

And there are excellent details when you click through. Smart insight with a been there, done that attitude. Nice.

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October 22, 2014 10:52 PM!

5 Email Growth Hacks From Someone Who Amassed A List of 750,000 - Forbes

5 Email Growth Hacks From Someone Who Amassed A List of 750,000 - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |


1. Optimize your top pages

One of the fastest ways to acquire email addresses is to look at the pages that generate most of your traffic, and optimize those pages to capture email addresses. Another not-so-obvious page is your about us page. This is commonly one of the most frequented page on websites, and should be taken advantage of to capture emails.


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2. Rock the bonus content

Noah creates bonus content related to his blog posts, like a checklist or excel template. He then strategically places a call to action to this content in the top ⅓ of his blog post. You’ll also notice on his blog that he has no right rail to capture email address. Noah explains that people want you to tell them what they should do, and he wants his readers to focus on his relevant bonus content.

This strategy has increased his email conversions by over 12%!


3. Create email-based courses and recycle content

Noah launched Summer of Marketing earlier in June as series of emails that teach the basics of marketing. The beauty of this strategy is that that along with some original content, he re-used many of his blog posts and packaged them as part of the weekly emails you’d get when you sign up for this course. He acquired over 5,000 contacts with this strategy.


4.  If you don’t ask, you won’t get

To start his presentation, Noah first asked everyone in the audience who was or who wasn’t familiar with his AppSumo business. For those unfamiliar, Noah responded almost instinctually “to go to, and now enter your email address to get our great deals.”


5. Have one core goal, and reverse engineer it.

You most likely can relate. It’s all too easy to have numerous goals that you juggle and end up not hitting any of them. Noah keeps it simple by having one core goal that ties into everything he does. They created one simple spreadsheet with 20 rows that outlined the different channels where they could acquire contacts, from guest posts, to Facebook ads, to online email courses. Each channel had a forecasted reach and a conversion rate, all totaling to 50,000 contacts. As the proverb goes, keep it simple stupid.

Joemktg's insight:

SumoMe's list building efforts was briefly mentioned yesterday in a post from KISSmetrics, so this caught my eye as it gave more detail.

Shannon K. Steffen's curator insight, October 23, 2014 7:31 AM

Email maintains the highest conversion factor due to it's double opt-in system and delivery. Here's some good (overlooked) tips that you should take to heart.

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October 22, 2014 9:23 AM!

How 9 SaaS Companies Hacked Their Growth - KISSmetrics

How 9 SaaS Companies Hacked Their Growth - KISSmetrics | The MarTech Digest |


1. Build a big email list.

Who did it? AppSumo (Noah Kagan)


2. Go referral crazy.

Who did it? Dropbox


3. Piggyback on free marketing platforms.

Who did it? Airbnb.


4. Be exclusive.

Who did it? LinkedIn.


5. Give people money.

Who did it? Paypal.


6. Make a wait list.

Who did it? Mailbox.


7. Dominate content marketing.

Who did it? Buffer App.


8. Be free.

Who did it? Evernote.


9. Give your customers a killer customer experience.

Who did it? Help Scout.



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Joemktg's insight:

Not all apply, e.g., #8 is a very difficult business model. But the little things lead to big opportunities, e.g., #1. Click through for a quick write-up on each.

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October 1, 2014 8:47 PM!

4 Email Plugins That Will Grow Your List Today | Convince and Convert

4 Email Plugins That Will Grow Your List Today | Convince and Convert | The MarTech Digest |


1. HelloBar

This email collection plugin was created to make things simpler for the average blog. What it does is put the email subscribe bar at the top of your blog. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find a simple plugin that does this exact thing. It works for both desktop and mobile.


2. KingSumo Giveaways

Josh had gathered over 200k subscribers with this plugin, which is mind blowing. On top of that, he only used a $70 software as the prize. It’s very rare when this happens, but amazing that it did. He did a few things in his giveaway that made it successful: He made the contest short, he offered something his audience was craving, and launched his contest with 5,500 email subscribers.


3. Optin Forms

This plugin is beautiful. It replaces the original odd-looking Mailchimp opt-in forms for the better. You can choose to set it up to display on every post, and customize the color, text, and more. 


4. SumoMe

After you download the plugin to WordPress, go to your homepage of your website. Then, click on the crown symbol. This is your app store. From there you have many tools you can download. You’ll see mini-pop ups that you can try. You’ll have heat maps, which show you what people are reading exactly and where they are clicking. You’ll have the cool share buttons and other new features that come out every so often. All this for free. 



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Joemktg's insight:

Intrigued by #2! TEST!

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September 25, 2014 8:42 PM!

How to Find Your Prospect’s Email Address Using Free Tools | Datanyze Blog

How to Find Your Prospect’s Email Address Using Free Tools | Datanyze Blog | The MarTech Digest |


To find user name structures, try using the ‘fill in the blank’ search operator. In this case, your search query will be *, which will display all results that end with ‘’. If you dig through the results a bit (yes, you may have to go to page 2 or even page 3…) you should stumble upon the email address of an employee at your prospect’s company, which will give you the user name structure for your prospect.


If you aren’t using Rapportive to verify email addresses, you’re not doing it right. Once you’ve found the domain and user name structure, it’s time to verify that your prospect’s email follows the same framework. In Gmail, compose a new message and type in your prospect’s inferred email address. If one or more of your prospect’s social networks pop up on the side panel, congrats! The email you entered is valid.


As mentioned in the above, using free tools to find emails is far from foolproof, and it’s likely that you’ll encounter a number of roadblocks along the way. The above steps will get you there some of the time, but if you’re searching for a faster and more accurate tool, we suggest you check Datanyze’s Email Finder



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Joemktg's insight:

Rapportive is also available as an add-on to Firefox and Chrome.

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August 14, 2014 9:05 PM!

Ad Tech and Marketing Automation Have Finally Collided - Ad Age

Ad Tech and Marketing Automation Have Finally Collided - Ad Age | The MarTech Digest |


Marketing automation tools are also often only as good as the lists fed into them, meaning they aren't useful for marketers that don't have significant databases of prospects. This is where the data platforms -- Acxiom, Turn, and recent Oracle acquisition BlueKai -- come in. They allow marketers to take their lists of known prospects and form audience clusters with similar characteristics that can be reached with ads.


Maureen Little, Sr. VP business development at Turn, said the integration allows marketers to pick desirable segments within their marketing-automation platform, and expand those specific groups. "I can say, 'Gosh, this is such a valuable segment; how many more people can I find that look like it?'" she said. "They will be able to say 'I just took the audience that is a couple hundred thousand and I believe that I've found 1.2 million people who look significantly like this consumer.'"



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Joemktg's insight:

Excerpted the most pertinent portion of the article, pertaining to taking your assets and supplementing it with 3rd party sources.

Scooped by Joemktg
July 17, 2014 7:19 PM!

How Effective are Purchased Lists, and Do You Need to "Warm Them Up" First? - Newfangled

How Effective are Purchased Lists, and Do You Need to "Warm Them Up" First? - Newfangled | The MarTech Digest |


We bought another 2,000 names and didn’t warm them up one bit, just threw them on the list and they started getting emails from us the next week, just whatever was in the queue for our full list. And you know what? We saw a 0.86% unsubscribe rate with those people. And that’s when we realized that so long as you are well positioned and are creating very strong, unique, expertise-based educational content for your prospects, then a highly targeted purchased list can be every bit as effective as the one you’ll build up organically over time via opt-in subscriptions, or the purchased list you took great pains to pre-nurture. The List Inc is an excellent resource, and I definitely recommend their services. There are others, like Hoovers and Goldmine and, which is owned by Salesforce, but I’d start with The List just because their data is so strong.



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Joemktg's insight:

So two lessons: (1) the response from your purchased list is a function of the quality of the messaging; and (2) check out for marketing and advertising contacts.

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July 15, 2014 6:28 AM!

Buying fake leads? LeadID launches new fraud-finding tech powered by Forensiq - VentureBeat

Buying fake leads? LeadID launches new fraud-finding tech powered by Forensiq - VentureBeat | The MarTech Digest |


But just as advertisers combat clickfraud with forensic tools to find and remove clickfarms, lead buyers now have a new tool to fight fake leads.


LeadID has incorporated fraud detection capability powered by Forensiq, one of the top online ad fraud finders, to check the IP address, proxy server(s), VPN, operating system, browser ID, and device ID of all generated leads. Then LeadID checks that against a constantly updated list of known offenders. The result is a risk score and classification that a lead buyer can use to assess how likely it is that the leads he or she just bought from Eastern Europe or Nigeria are fake.


It’s likely just a matter of time until this type of technology is also built into marketing automation systems’ lead scoring capabilities.



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Joemktg's insight:

The real question: why would you do this in the first place?

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June 26, 2014 8:40 AM!

Why Should I Append Social Media Data? - TowerData

Why Should I Append Social Media Data? - TowerData | The MarTech Digest |


As a leading provider of demographic, household, purchase and interest data, TowerData has received a number of inquiries regarding our ability to append social media data, and we’re excited to say that Social Media Append is now part of the TowerData package. Our new Social Media Append service can return profile URLs as well as social network stats such as number of profiles and number of followers, friends or connections for 30-50% of your email subscribers.



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Joemktg's insight:

Not shilling here, but thought this was an interesting offer.

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June 6, 2014 10:00 AM!

Email List-Building From the Experts: How to Grow a Massive Email List

Email List-Building From the Experts: How to Grow a Massive Email List | The MarTech Digest |


6 key strategies on how to grow your subscription list

Examining these top blogs (plus some bonus research, too) shows that there are many different ways to go about growing your list and creating those crystal clear calls-to-action that drive subscribers:

1. Treat your blog home page like an email capture form

2. Include a can’t-miss call-to-action: Popups, slideups, menus, and popovers

3. Multiple CTAs: Give readers infinity+1 opportunities to subscribe

4. Got something valuable? Give it away

5. Keep the subscription link handy

6. Test your messages: Start with social proof: Would you be more apt to join an email list if you knew 8,000 other people were already signed up?

The concept of social proof says yes, which is why you see many sites advertise the size of their email list on their signup form.



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Joemktg's insight:

The whole article is a good overview on capturing subscribers, which of course is completely contingent on traffic!

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May 28, 2014 8:26 AM!

What Does Acxiom's $310M LiveRamp Bid Mean For Marketers? - Forrester

What Does Acxiom's $310M LiveRamp Bid Mean For Marketers? - Forrester | The MarTech Digest |

Advanced/ Digest...

On May 14, Acxiom announced its intention to acquire LiveRamp, a "data onboarding service," to the tune of $310 million in cash.


The acquisition sets Acxiom up to displace traditional MSPs. LiveRamp has built integration relationships with four of the biggest managed service providers (MSPs): Epsilon, Equifax, Experian, and Merkle. We have a hard time seeing how marketers will justify a standalone customer relationship management (CRM) database when they could, for example, port their POS and order management system (OMS) data directly into AOS, and use that as their "customer marketing platform-as-a-service."


What does this mean for the myriad marketers who have invested heavily in their relationship with Acxiom over the years? Can they expect those marketing databases and services to continue? And if so, then we must ask again: How can Acxiom be an agnostic technology vendor at the same time as it is supporting hundreds of marketing databases?



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Joemktg's insight:

B2C, but bringing it to your attention as the mindset/strategy can be ported over to the B2B environment.

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May 27, 2014 8:20 AM!

6 Valid Reasons to Buy a B2B or B2C Prospect List - Marketing Technology Blog

6 Valid Reasons to Buy a B2B or B2C Prospect List - Marketing Technology Blog | The MarTech Digest |

Basic/ Digest...

-- >  Appending Data to existing customer lists can help provide you with up to date business information, segmentation data, contact information, and other key information.

-- >  Cleansing Data can keep you off of blacklists, increase your inbox placement, help you avoid junk filters, and improve overall deliverability.

-- >  Finding Contacts that moved on can help expand your business.

-- >  Profile Analysis – customer surveys and data collection are great, but a data append can provide you with all the information your business needs to help understand those people or businesses that you are already doing business with. Demographics and firmographics can help you understand the industries and geography that you’re reaching (or not), help you develop targeted content strategies, and help you determine optimal advertising paths to get the right message to the right person.

-- >  New Business –New business lists are a gold mine to many industries! Not for SPAMMING, but for finding and building relationships with them.

-- >  Prospect Lists – are you a business that just received a slew of investment funds? It’s time for you to begin actively locating prospects and selling to them. You can’t possibly wait on permission-based inbound marketing efforts to take hold and have people knocking on your door… you’ll lose the investors and your opportunity. Prospect lists can help your sales team better target the calls they make and the mail your marketing department can touch with. There’s no way to accomplish this without a data purchase.



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Joemktg's insight:

Adding another one: having a complete DB in your MAS instance helps with the profiling as visitors come to your web site as a result of your inbound and outbound work.

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May 12, 2014 7:50 AM!

Building a Killer Email List From Scratch #infographic - GetResponse Blog - Email Marketing Tips

Building a Killer Email List From Scratch #infographic - GetResponse Blog - Email Marketing Tips | The MarTech Digest |
Want to build a great email list with customers who engage? Take a look at these tips and infographic to find out how!


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Joemktg's insight:

There are no short-cuts, only hard work.

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March 17, 2014 9:30 AM!

Usability is Key When Building a Marketing Technology Stack | Bizo | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Usability is Key When Building a Marketing Technology Stack | Bizo | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Intermediate/ Excerpt...

When we launched our Bizo Data Solutions product, ease of use was a critical feature that we baked in. Bizo Data Solutions integrates with a company's existing marketing technology stack, allowing marketers to use Bizo's demographic data on more than 120 million business professionals to get more value out of their marketing programs and other technology investments.Bizo Data Solutions currently supports a number of top digital marketing solutions and channels, including Adobe AudienceManager, Salesforce, Eloqua, BlueKai, Google Analytics, and more.


This seamless data integration gives marketers access to Bizo audience data so that they can combine it with their own first-party data or other data sets they may be accessing for a richer more targeted approach to reach their B2B targets.



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Joemktg's insight:

I like Bizo. It's a bit of a push to say that Bizo is a critical part of the building of the marketing stack, but it's an important choice of 3rd party data.

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March 5, 2014 10:50 AM!

Stay in Compliance: What Marketers Need to Know About ePrivacy Law - Marketo | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Stay in Compliance: What Marketers Need to Know About ePrivacy Law - Marketo | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |


FREE: AgileContent™ delivers more quality content to your market! Get your FREE 14 Day Trial NOW!: No credit card required!


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Joemktg's insight:

And I'll keep hounding you about this: watch out for the mid-year rollout of Canada's CASL: it's enough to make you stop email marketing into Canada!

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February 19, 2014 6:10 AM!

Top Data Types Considered Essential to Marketing Success - Marketing Charts | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Top Data Types Considered Essential to Marketing Success - Marketing Charts | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |

More than 9 in 10 companies believe that some form of data is essential to their marketing success, reveals a recent report from Experian Quality Data. But, obviously, some forms of data are simply more essential than others. Not surprisingly, contact data is considered essential by most respondents connected to data management – who hailed from the US, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Germany and France.


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Joemktg's insight:

The only surprise is the ranking of behavioral data, which will rise over time.

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January 22, 2014 4:48 AM!

The Art and Science of Growing Your Email List: Determining Subscriber Acquisition Cost - Profs | #TheMarketingTechAlert

The Art and Science of Growing Your Email List: Determining Subscriber Acquisition Cost - Profs | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Email Marketing - So how can you go about determining the value of new subscribers—as well as the limits of what you’d be willing to pay to get one?



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Joemktg's insight:

That whole section of the article was important, so I clipped it for you and inserted. More details when you click through.

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January 9, 2014 5:58 AM! Reinvents CRM and Lead Gen Tools For Small Business - Forbes | #TheMarketingTechAlert Reinvents CRM and Lead Gen Tools For Small Business - Forbes | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Basic/ Excerpt...

Launched in 2011 with no outside funding, Gupta’s InfoFree is a user friendly and inexpensive online resource that allows sales people and small sized businesses to market to their most relevant audiences by providing unlimited sales leads, mailing lists, business credit reports, e-mail lists, and other relevant databases that connect through a simple, but powerful CRM package for just $49.95 a month. InfoFree now has over 10,000 subscribers and 100,000 users through its freemium model.


“We built our CRM service ourselves.  Our customers find CRM packages like too complicated for their needs.  I call it ‘CRM for Dummies’ with 3-4 simple but powerful functions.  90% of our customers didn’t use a CRM, so we asked them what they needed. We want to reach the least common denominator to develop the largest possible market.  There are five million small businesses and 20 million sales people, that’s the size of the market we are going after.



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Joemktg's insight:

This is one of those essentials for SMBs, and you're not locked into a subscription, i.e., you can cancel at anytime. They will be releasing their free CRM shortly.

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Scooped by Joemktg
December 16, 2013 5:47 AM!

A summary of buying B2B email lists | NuSpark Marketing | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

A summary of buying B2B email lists | NuSpark Marketing | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Basic/ Excerpt...

Generally, buying email lists is a fruitless venture, as these lists mostly contain people who have no interest in your product. Purchased lists come with a damaged reputation, as it is considered an industry shortcut that does not pay off many dividends. Since you have no idea if the customers on your list would ever buy your product, it can be a waste of time and money. Remember, it is important to market these emails directly to your targets.


Renting B2B email lists from a third party has its own set of pros and cons. Although rented lists typically contain clients that may fit your target audience, continuously paying rental fees is an expensive endeavor. Rented lists should really only be considered if you are promoting a one-time event or only plan on sending a few emails per year.



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Joemktg's insight:

1) Be careful about buying Canadian lists. The new CASL could hurt you.

2), D&B, etc. are wonderful sources: expensive but reputable. See list sources under Filter.

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Scooped by Joemktg
December 5, 2013 4:07 AM!

How to Grow Your Email, Mobile, & Social Audiences [INFOGRAPHIC] - Pardot | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

How to Grow Your Email, Mobile, & Social Audiences [INFOGRAPHIC] - Pardot | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Have you ever noticed how some companies are able to cultivate an audience of thousands, while other companies struggle to get just a couple of shares on their content?



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Joemktg's insight:

In case you missed anything. Bottom line: what's the incentive?

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November 18, 2013 4:05 AM!

B2B Marketers Primary Sources of Prospect Data and Customer Insights - MarketingCharts | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

B2B Marketers Primary Sources of Prospect Data and Customer Insights - MarketingCharts | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


Just 16% of North American B2B marketers say that their prospect data is accurate, reliable and comprehensive, with 79% admitting it needs improvement, details the CMO Council in a new report [download page]. Part of the problem seems to be that a plurality 24% update their data resources only periodically, with few doing so constantly in real-time (17%) or daily (14%). Marketers may have difficulty updating data more than periodically, given that they are drawing on a wide variety of sources.


NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Joemktg's insight:

Can't argue with the sources nor the order of priority, but I'm a bit surprised that proprietary DBs are only 51%.

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November 6, 2013 4:38 AM!

Email List Growth: Marketers Rank Their Most Popular and Effective Tactics - MarketingCharts | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Email List Growth: Marketers Rank Their Most Popular and Effective Tactics - MarketingCharts | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


Email marketers have a variety of goals in mind when conducting their campaigns, ranging from selling products and services (62%) to generating leads (52%), driving site traffic (51%) and driving brand awareness (51%), according to a new report [download page] from ExactTarget. With respondents saying that the quality of their subscribers is as important as overall ROI when gauging their email program’s effectiveness, the study looks not only at the most popular subscriber growth tactics, but also at their perceived effectiveness in drawing high-quality subscribers.



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Joemktg's insight:

You should take a hard look at this list, and ask yourself if you're not doing it, then what is the cost to get it done? It's minimal, and with minimal effort you can build your list.

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