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Scooped by Joemktg
September 24, 2013 8:32 AM!

B2B Lead Blog » Lead Generation: How using science increased teleprospecting sales handoffs 304% | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

B2B Lead Blog » Lead Generation: How using science increased teleprospecting sales handoffs 304% | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


This is a patented Conversion Heuristic created by MarketingExperiments, a division of MECLABS, that’s typically been used as a systematic framework to analyze a conversion process.


So, I wanted to see if this heuristic could be applied to lead generation through teleprospecting. After all, we’re trying to convert people, convince them to say “yes” to whatever we’re selling, but we’re doing it in the real world, not the virtual one. Anyone who has worked in inside sales knows that sales professionals are always informally testing to learn what works and what doesn’t.


For me, these tests confirm my curiosity that the Conversion Heuristic would work both online and offline to improve lead generation. It sets the foundation for creating a repeatable, scalable telesprospecting process to will help you achieve the highest ROI.

Joemktg's insight:

Another great article, which proves the point that the formula should be used as a guideline to test certain features and processes. You've seen MEC's work before. Here's an example.

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Scooped by Joemktg
November 15, 2012 8:43 AM!

Marketers Look at Teleprospecting to Nurture Leads

Marketers Look at Teleprospecting to Nurture Leads | The MarTech Digest |

Many marketers have found a workaround by outsourcing the task of basic engagement. Just as the marketers determine when a prospect is sales ready and move them to the sales team, the outsourced team teleprospects with leads, and moves them up as potential leads for the marketer to engage directly.

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