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Scooped by Joemktg
February 11, 2016 8:13 PM!

Movable Ink | US Consumer Device Report 2015 Review [FREE REPORT]

Movable Ink | US Consumer Device Report 2015 Review [FREE REPORT] | The MarTech Digest |
Movable Ink's 2015 US Consumer Device Preference Report provides deep insight into consumers’ adoption and use of smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, and how they engaged with email throughout 2015. 

The 2015 report covers how the holiday season compared to the rest of the year, as well as a slowing trend in mobile and tablet email opens. We also broke down data on user habits and trends including:

Conversions by device and vertical
When emails are opened during the day by device type
Time spent in email based on device

Download the free report today to access all of our research and analysis.

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Scooped by Joemktg
September 24, 2014 7:16 AM!

B2Bs Must Shift To Support The Mobile Marketing Conundrum - Forbes

B2Bs Must Shift To Support The Mobile Marketing Conundrum - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |


B2B’s must think about their mobile presence and while leaping from unaware to mobile savvy may be more evolutionary than revolutionary, it must be done and as a starting point B2B’s should be thinking about the following 4 things:


Mobile Website: First and foremost does your mobile web experience create the right first impression? Consumers want mobile sites to load fast and provide large easy to read navigation so they can figure out where they want to go.


Articles and Content: B2B’s are now using more and more content to help buyers engage with their brand. From the blog to your downloadable whitepapers and infographics, mobile users are looking to be able to read and learn about your business on screens that may only be 3 or 4 inches in size (not everyone has adopted the iPhone 6+ or the Samsung Note).  If the visitor finds your content quickly but it isn’t in a responsive format then chances are they won’t read it.


Social Friendly: In an online world where we don’t only consume content, but share the best and most insightful findings of our day on social media sites, does your mobile site make social sharing and engagement easy?


App-Centric: Perhaps the biggest trend that most B2B’s are unaware of is that most people on their mobile devices aren’t on the web browser but they are using applications (apps).  For B2B’s this doesn’t necessarily mean that they need an app (although they may), but rather that they need to consider their mobile presence within apps (specifically social sites). For instance, a user on Facebook or LinkedIn may want to learn more about your business.



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Joemktg's insight:

The last point is very interesting: within what app is your content be presented, and is there an opportunity for integration with that app? Should content be created that is app-specific?

Ashley Brown's curator insight, September 29, 2014 11:01 AM

Mobile internet use has surpassed the use of the laptop and PC's which means that most consumers and businesses are doing their research on their phones. And while the B2C companies have mastered reaching the consumer through their mobile devices B2B businesses might want to consider doing the same. They want to be thinking about the following four things;

Mobile website:

-Businesses want to make sure that your website is mobile friendly

-make sure it loads fast and is easy to navigate

Articles and content:

-make sure your content can be found quickly and is organized in a responsive format 

Social Friendly:

-make sure that readers can share your content easily 

-do this by installing social media buttons that link them to social media sites 


-most consumers are on mobile apps when on their mobile devices

-make sure that you have a mobile presence in the apps


In my opinion this article is correct in the thinking that businesses should be aware and take advantage of the mobile market. I use my mobile devices more than my laptop in order to gain information about different companies. And if I can't find the content quickly or it doesn't load I will most likely move on to the next thing. I feel like this is also true for many other people especially people in a B2B transaction. Their time is probably very strained and valuable so if they can't get the information about your company quickly or if it doesn't seem like you have kept up with the growing trends in society they may pass you up for another competitor. 


Scooped by Joemktg
August 4, 2014 7:19 PM!

Study: Soon B2B mobile traffic will outstrip B2C - Mobile Marketing - BizReport

Study: Soon B2B mobile traffic will outstrip B2C - Mobile Marketing - BizReport | The MarTech Digest |


Business to Consumer (B2C) businesses have traditionally led Business to Business (B2B) brands in both online and mobile traffic. However, according to new data out from Usablenet that is about to change. Their data shows, thanks to the rapid adoption of mobile by B2B brands, mobile traffic to their sites will soon outpace B2C traffic.


Reading reviews, comparing features and pricing are just a few of the things B2B customers are doing in the mobile space, and their adoption of mobile platforms is what will soon push B2B brands ahead of B2C's for mobile traffic. That according to new data out from Usablenet which shows that while m:commerce accounts for less than 10% of B2B sales more than half are shifting transactions from offline to online or self-serve options.


The data further shows:

• 56% of B2B customers read reviews via mobile
• 55% read product details
• 50% compare features
• 48% compare prices



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Joemktg's insight:

If this doesn't give you perspective regarding B2B mobile, I don't know what else would.

Mobinee's curator insight, August 6, 2014 10:05 PM

It's quite interesting to see B2B companies quickly adopting mobile to research products and compare features and prices.

Scooped by Joemktg
December 16, 2013 4:39 AM!

Mobile Email From Name and Subject Line Displays [INFOGRAPHIC] « Mass Transmit | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Mobile Email From Name and Subject Line Displays [INFOGRAPHIC] «  Mass Transmit | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Infographic showing email Subject Line and From Name character lengths for many popular smartphone and tablet mobile devices.



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Joemktg's insight:

This is a handy tip sheet, giving you an idea as to the cramped real estate from which you have to work. Speaking of tip: h/t to

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Scooped by Joemktg
November 9, 2012 4:37 PM!

Five Ways to Optimize Email for Mobile

1) Practice the KISS principle. Keep It Simple, Stupid. Smartphones enable lightning-fast deletion—so keep subject lines short, sweet, and intriguing.


2) Test ad infinitum. Never stop testing technical aspects of your campaigns. Images should load properly and layouts should be readable on any device or screen. Subscribers will lose interest if they have to keep scrolling to understand your message or if they get stuck waiting for data to download.


3) Give links prominent placement. Smaller screens can obscure links, especially when they're surrounded by clutter. Set links apart and make them easy to click on.


4) Define your call to action. You rarely have the full attention of a subscriber—so your offer must be compelling and targeted, and she must have a clear path to action. If she's not sure what she's supposed to do, don't expect her to stick around.


5) Get your timing right. When are your customers using mobile email? If you don't know, find out.


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