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November 21, 2016 9:10 AM!

Are marketing technologists held back by the marketing technology stack? - Diginomica

Are marketing technologists held back by the marketing technology stack? - Diginomica | The MarTech Digest |
If marketing uses on average between two and seven technologies, that’s a full-time job for any technologist to deal with. And let’s remember something; many of these technologies don’t require a developer or IT person to set up or work with. Many are cloud-based. So the marketing technologist doesn’t really have to be tech-savvy – they have to be configuration savvy. There’s a big difference between the two.

The CMO might be involved in leading digital business transformation, along with the CIO and possibly the CMTO (if there is one), but the marketing technologist who spends his or her time working on getting that martech stack to work? She’s not going to play a key role.

The role of the marketing technologist will live on, but it will evolve and I think will split into two levels. Most will slide into the bottom level where they will focus on managing the martech stack because they won’t have the time, experience or ability to master the triad of skills required for a senior position that knows how to drive forward a transformation strategy.
Joemktg's insight:

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November 10, 2016 10:59 AM!

The Critical Role of the Marketing Technologist in the Digital Era - SapientNitro

The Critical Role of the Marketing Technologist in the Digital Era - SapientNitro | The MarTech Digest |
Joemktg's insight:

CT for the study (behind a reg form).


Curated for you by marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions.  

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August 18, 2016 8:00 AM!

10 Factors Fueling The Rise Of Marketing Technologists - Forbes

10 Factors Fueling The Rise Of Marketing Technologists - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |
Joemktg's insight:

NEW: Experience Remarkable Planning Accuracy With New, FREE Growth Hacking Tool. Go here:   

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August 8, 2016 8:10 AM!

Study: Marketing technology is a critical skill - FCMO

Study: Marketing technology is a critical skill - FCMO | The MarTech Digest |
Technology is widely recognized as a driving force behind the marketing discipline, and a new study found that more organizations are now turning to one person to oversee marketing tech.

The "Modernizing the Mix: Transforming Marketing Through Technology and Analytics" study from DataXu polled more than 530 global marketers to gauge the role of technology within their organizations and how it is structured. "In this study, understanding marketing technology was ranked only behind creativity – and ahead of understanding digital media, managing people and being data literate – as an increasingly important skill for successful senior marketers," Scott Brinker wrote in this Chief Marketing Technologist Blog post.

Speaking of chief marketing technologists, the study found that 13 percent of U.S. marketers said that they plan to hire someone to manage their marketing technologies within the next year. A total of 53 percent of U.S. marketers stated that their company currently has a CMT in place, though 26 percent of U.S. marketers surveyed who did not currently have a CMT in place said their organization will look to fill a CMT role in the year ahead.
Joemktg's insight:

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July 13, 2016 9:10 AM!

5 Reasons to Bring Technologists Into Your Marketing Campaign Immediately - SEMrush

5 Reasons to Bring Technologists Into Your Marketing Campaign Immediately - SEMrush | The MarTech Digest |
1. Streamline Your Planning

Bring technologists on board early, and you can benefit from more streamlined planning. 

2. Bring Physical and Digital Together

Technologists can help bring your digital and physical strategies together to give people the richest experience possible.

3. Map Your Campaign Journey

4. Get a Head Start on Tech Issues

5. Provide Personalization From Day One
Joemktg's insight:

NEW: Experience Remarkable Planning Accuracy With New, FREE Growth Hacking Tool. Go here:   

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June 29, 2016 8:50 AM!

Where unicorns come from -- feeder roles for marketing technologists - Chief Marketing Technologist

Where unicorns come from -- feeder roles for marketing technologists - Chief Marketing Technologist | The MarTech Digest |
#1. There’s a huge variety of feeder roles to the marketing technologist function, but digital marketing/e-commerce roles are most prevalent. 

#2. Some of these precursor roles are really cool! Check out the list below to see which ones stand out to you, but some of my favorites are:

E-commerce Production, Content & Operations Leader
Marketing & Sales Information System Analyst
Manager, Digital Innovation
Manager, Global Sales Enablement
#3. While marketing tech is a hybrid function, there are far more marketing technologists coming from marketing than from tech. 

#4. Marketing technologists appear to skew junior to mid-level. 

#5. At the same time, 17% of this sample had previous titles of “entrepreneur” or consultant of some stripe, representing a range of seniorities. 

#6. I didn’t see as many people with histories in marketing operations as I had expected. 
Joemktg's insight:

I'm surprised as well not to see more from MarketOps.


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March 27, 2016 1:34 PM!

Marketing Technologists: Who They Are and Why They Matter [Infographic] - Profs

Marketing Technologists: Who They Are and Why They Matter [Infographic] - Profs | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions.  

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February 24, 2016 8:48 PM!

What do marketing technologists want? This recruiter found out... - Chief Marketing Technologist

What do marketing technologists want? This recruiter found out... - Chief Marketing Technologist | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

Joemktg's insight:

Very smart...

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Scooped by Joemktg
July 19, 2015 10:49 PM!

The Rise Of The 'Chief Marketing Technologist' - MediaPost

The Rise Of The 'Chief Marketing Technologist' - MediaPost | The MarTech Digest |
Just over one-in-four (26%) respondents said that over 50% of their day-to-day job routine involves the use of marketing technology -- not counting email or social media -- while another one-third (31%) says that between 26% and 50% of their job uses marketing technology. Another third (34%) fell in the “up to 25%” category, while 11% said that no aspect of their role involves the use of marketing technology.

About half (49%) of respondents think that their responsibilities will continue to rely on marketing technology the same amount in the next five years, while 38% expect their role to depend more on the use of marketing technology in that span. Only 6% of those surveyed think marketing technology will become less important to their day-to-day routine over the next five years.

As marketing and technology merge, the majority of respondents (70%) believe that more companies will begin hiring Chief Marketing Technologists (CMT), or tech-focused marketers, in the next five years. One-in-three (31%) of those surveyed hoped to end up in that position themselves, while 14% said they are already operating as a marketing tech guru for their company.

From MarTech 101 to Advanced Techniques, iNeoMarketing has you covered. Contact us.

Joemktg's insight:

Not nearly as insightful as the HBR article under the same name, but you get the point.

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May 25, 2015 5:12 PM!

Similarities and differences of marketing technologists - Chief Marketing Technologist

Similarities and differences of marketing technologists - Chief Marketing Technologist | The MarTech Digest |

Orange #MarTech is the New Black

Joemktg's insight:

Moral of the story: the gap is not as great as it would seem. And I think that if the marketer gained a greater understanding of DB management, analytics and integration, the jump would be easy.

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Scooped by Joemktg
May 11, 2015 5:42 PM!

The Evolving Role of the Marketing Technologist: Best Practices for Blending Marketing Art and Science - Act-On

The Evolving Role of the Marketing Technologist: Best Practices for Blending Marketing Art and Science - Act-On | The MarTech Digest |

From MarTech 101 to Advanced Techniques, iNeoMarketing has you covered. Contact us.

Joemktg's insight:


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Scooped by Joemktg
April 27, 2015 8:51 PM!

Analyzing the Chief Marketing Technologist - SapientNitro

"To help us shed more light on the emerging profession of marketing technologists, SapientNitro partnered with Scott Brinker, the host of the MarTech conference and popular chiefmartec blog to conduct a first-of-its-kind study of marketing technologists’ skills, career paths, attitudes and behaviors. For the first time, we have been able to ‘x-ray’ the professional marketing technologist, and the results are striking."

MarTech is the best tool available to bridge the gap between Sales and Marketing. Contact us to see how.

Joemktg's insight:

Very smart analysis, and not what you would expect. Based on this analysis, marketing technologists are not quite the unicorn people think.

GregW's curator insight, April 29, 2015 3:11 PM

Great insight into the still crystalizing role of the Chief Marketing Technologist

Scooped by Joemktg
April 5, 2015 6:45 PM!

3 Reasons Why Marketing Technologists Are Your Next Hire - HuffPost

3 Reasons Why Marketing Technologists Are Your Next Hire - HuffPost | The MarTech Digest |

MarTech is the New Black. Get fashionable. Contact us to see how.

Joemktg's insight:

Based on these three descriptors, it's not that much of a jump from the Marketing Technologist to the Marketing Operations Manager. 

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Scooped by Joemktg
March 31, 2015 8:18 PM!

Martech unicorns: Why true marketing technologists are so desperately rare | VentureBeat

Martech unicorns: Why true marketing technologists are so desperately rare | VentureBeat | The MarTech Digest |

Not having a fun time with IT? Contact us: we can act as your buffer to get the job done.

Joemktg's insight:

The last paragraph is so damn true: marketing technologists are a pretty smart crew, and they can easily learn tech OTJ, but it's not complete tech, i.e., there are many holes. Logic can carry you only so far.

CIM Academy's curator insight, April 2, 2015 4:32 AM

Resent research shows how difficult it is for marketing professionals to bridge the technology gap.