FREE Report - Big Data: Impact on Marketing Organizations | The MarTech Digest |

FREE report from Neolane, and this is a report that B2B marketers, especially those using or planning on using marketing automation, ought to download...

In Q3 2012, Neolane and the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) surveyed more than 250 mid-level and executive-level marketers in a wide range of industries to better understand big data’s impact on marketing organizations.  Overall, the survey revealed that many marketers are ill-equipped to handle the growing influx of data and are behind in planning for tremendous growth

Among the findings:

  • 60% do not currently have or are unsure if their company has a specific strategy for handling the challenges of Big Data
  • 81% feel that they are either somewhat or not very prepared when it comes to the new rules and regulations of marketing data governance
  • 50% say that skill sets are changing, especially with the growth of social and mobile channels