The MarTech Digest
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Scooped by Joemktg
February 28, 2016 1:28 PM!

6 automated customer lifecycle marketing trends for 2016 - Smart Insights

6 automated customer lifecycle marketing trends for 2016 - Smart Insights | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

Joemktg's insight:


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Scooped by Joemktg
April 9, 2015 9:17 PM!

The Truth About Lifecycle Marketing Automation - Relevance

The Truth About Lifecycle Marketing Automation - Relevance | The MarTech Digest |

From MarTech 101 to Advanced Techniques, iNeoMarketing has you covered. Contact us.

Joemktg's insight:

4 Lifestyle Groups x 3 Personas x where each resides in the buyer's journey = Just forget it and focus on pure 1:1.

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