How to Increase Landing Page Conversions With the Psychology of Desire - Unbounce | The MarTech Digest |


Desire is made up of two key elements: individual incentive and social norms.


Individual incentives

At a basic level, humans are motivated to take action either to gain pleasure or avoid pain.

In the context of your marketing campaigns, desire is created when people can see how your product or service can help them to either gain pleasure or alleviate pain.


Social norms

All that isn’t to say that humans will simply seek out whatever creates pleasure or alleviates pain with no thought to the consequences. We are inherently social beings and are driven to act in a way we believe will be considered normal.


>> When including hero shots of your product or service on your landing page, use professionally-shot photography to increase individual incentive.

>> When including pictures or screenshots of your product or service on your landing page, show them in the context of how they will help the user either create pleasure or avoid pain.

>> If you have a number of noteworthy customers who use your product or service, feature them prominently on your landing pages.

>> Whenever you can, collect testimonials from your customers to feature on your landing pages. To increase their relevance and efficiency, have them support the benefits you’ve listed on your landing page.

>> If you have an impressive number of people who have signed up for your product, then feature that number prominently on your landing pages.



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