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Scooped by Joemktg
June 13, 2014 7:18 AM!

Your Google Algorithm Cheat Sheet: Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird - Moz

Your Google Algorithm Cheat Sheet: Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird - Moz | The MarTech Digest |


There is probably a good percentage of the Moz audience that is still confused about the effects that Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird can have on your site.


The point of this article is to explain very simply what each of these algorithms are meant to do. It is hopefully a good reference that you can point your clients to if you want to explain an algorithm change and not overwhelm them with technical details about 301s, canonicals, crawl errors, and other confusing SEO terminologies.



What is an algorithm change?


What is the Panda algorithm?

   -- >  Thin content

   -- >  Duplicate content

   -- >  Low-quality content

   -- >  How to recover from a Panda hit


What is the Penguin algorithm?

   -- >  Why are links important?

   -- >  How to recover from a Penguin hit?


What is Hummingbird?

So how do I recover or improve in the eyes of Hummingbird?



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Joemktg's insight:

Impossible to summarize this article, as it is a wonderful primer on the three different types of Google updates. And it's an easy read (really).

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Scooped by Joemktg
December 5, 2013 4:28 AM!

What Cookies, Hummingbird & gTLDs Mean for Digital Marketers in 2014 - ClickZ | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

What Cookies, Hummingbird & gTLDs Mean for Digital Marketers in 2014 - ClickZ | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Not only are digital marketers grappling with new social media sites popping up daily, they also face new challenges to integrate mobile apps, messaging and track data across platforms. CMOs have more to manage than ever before.

Advanced/ Condensed...

The new gTLDs are launching and will start to have an impact in 2014. What's so interesting about the unique opportunities the gTLDs provide is that it is happening during this time of digital transformation. Unlike the .com boom of the 1990s where .com was the only game in town (and no one really knew how to use a domain, nor the potential of the internet), the new gTLDs are launching during a data boom with new sophisticated technologies changing the way marketers think about their strategies as they respond to accelerating consumer adoption in a rapidly changing global marketplace.


For marketers with content, this is a good thing, but for those relying on old SEO strategies with the emphasis on keywords, the cost to drive eyeballs to the site may have just gone up with Hummingbird in charge of quality control. Hummingbird will look for content that is good, dynamic and related to what the searcher is seeking -- like a human researcher might do.


Another big change in digital is in the use of cookies. While cookies have long been a tool marketers relied upon to track consumers, the big players such as Microsoft, Facebook, Google and others are quickly moving away from cookies and into their own technology to track consumers across platforms. This valuable data, of course, comes at a cost to advertisers. While advertisers are used to shelling out money for this data, the impact will be felt by the Ad Tech industry, which has relied heavily upon cookies for data.


The sheer scale and number of new top level domains entering the root of the internet coupled with Hummingbird's search for good content will mean that authentic domains in new TLDs related to their content and business category will likely rank higher in organic search.



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Joemktg's insight:

If you haven't started for gTLD work, get to it (AND BUDGET FOR IT!).

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Scooped by Joemktg
November 18, 2013 4:27 AM!

What Is Hummingbird and How Do I Know If It’s Affecting My Site’s Ranking? | WebHostFace | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

What Is Hummingbird and How Do I Know If It’s Affecting My Site’s Ranking? | WebHostFace | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


Receive a FREE daily summary of The Marketing Technology Alert directly to your inbox. To subscribe, please go to  (your privacy is protected).

Joemktg's insight:

An easy overview of Hummingbird.

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Scooped by Joemktg
November 14, 2013 5:40 AM!

Should You Change Your SEO Strategy Because of Google Hummingbird? - KISSmetrics | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Should You Change Your SEO Strategy Because of Google Hummingbird? - KISSmetrics | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Keep in mind, search engines are the ONLY web properties with a goal to have their users spend as little time as possible on their website.


That Darn Traffic Stealing Information Card – Hummingbird is supposed to answer the search question. It does this by giving us an answer in the form of an “Information Card” taken from its Knowledge Graph and displaying it right at the top of the results page either above or to the right (sometimes both). While this is new and exciting, it is also a clear message by Google that it does not owe us anything.


SEO is not affected by Hummingbird. You can still improve your ranking in the search engines by always striving to improve your SEO and provide original content (can’t stress that enough). Now, however, you also will have to compete with Google’s Information Cards that may already have the answer to the search in them. At the moment, this just applies to Google Chrome. How long will it be before other browsers find a way to follow suit?


Claim authorship if you have not done so already. If you need to ask what authorship is, you are already behind in the game and need to start doing a little bit of catch up. Here is the deal… Google loves Google. If your website and corresponding blog is not already tied to your Google+ account, it needs to be.


Tying your efforts to Google+ allows your content efforts to be seen in the work section of your plus account by everyone in your circles, which should be half of the planet’s population. Check out this link for details on how you can take control of your Google authorship.



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Joemktg's insight:

This is a post that is bookmark-worthy as it is a full tutorial on Hummingbird. I scooped the highlights as it relates to content, but there's so much more in this article.

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