Why and How to Verify Your Email Marketing Lists - Marketing Technology Blog | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest | Scoop.it
Email marketing is a blood sport. In the last 20 years, the only thing that’s changed with email is that great email senders continue to get punished more and more by email service providers.


Utilization of these list hygiene services can improve the percentage of emails that make it to the inbox, reduce your risk of being blocked by the Internet Service Providers, and reduce the risk of getting fired by your Email Service Provider… they’re worth the investment if you’ve got an old list or collaborating on one.


  • BriteVerify – tools you need to remove invalid emails from your customer databases, email marketing campaigns, or online newsletters and keep them out for good. You can easily drag and drop a file, share the file via the cloud, and get detailed reporting on your list without ever contacting the company. They also have an API if you’d like to integrate your email verfication with them!
  • DataValidation – offers you an easy-to-use, customizable solution for maintaining a clean and accurate email database.
  • eHygienics is a professional email verification company. They remove bounces, threats, protestors, litigators and all other perceivable hazards from subscriber databases. eHygienics offers real time API platforms which are used daily by subscribers worldwide.
  • FreshAddress helps companies that depend on email to drive revenue by building, updating, segmenting, and cleaning their email lists.
  • Impressionwise‘s data intelligence platform is based on policy-driven rule sets and real-time scanning algorithms that use a multi-layered approach to identify, validate and protect against a wide range of e-mail-based threats.
  • LeadSpend – Remove harmful email addresses before you mail! Whether you have a single list to validate, or many, we provide several secure and easy-to-use list upload options.
  • StrikeIron – Quickly and effortlessly verify and validate email addresses and domains to ensure their accuracy before you spend unnecessary time, energy and money, increasing your message deliverability by 90%.