Customer Experience Matrix: Data Plus MarTech: HubSpot and Demandbase Join the Race | The MarTech Digest |
There were two industry announcements this week that were unexpectedly related. The first was HubSpot’s announcement yesterday that its CRM offerings would now include access to a 19 million account prospecting database. The second was Demandbase’s acquisition of data-as-a-service vendor WhoToo, which offers its own set of 250 million profiles relating to 70 million business processionals.

The HubSpot announcement is interesting mostly because it too recognizes the importance of giving marketers audience lists without acquiring the names for themselves. You could argue this makes HubSpot a player in the super-hot Account Based Marketing category, although they didn't use the term.  If they are, it's ABM-lite, in the sense that HubSpot will give CRM users basic profile information, usually including a phone number, but doesn't offer contact names or email addresses. It also pulls recent news stories.  This is pretty consistent with HubSpot's historic aversion to unsolicited outbound contacts.

The point here is that both HubSpot and Demandbase are adding data to their marketing technology, something we’ve seen in other deals like Oracle buying Datalogix. There are still plenty of stand-alone data vendors, especially when it comes to B2B prospecting lists. And there are plenty of vendors who combine prospect data with predictive – including LinkedIn itself since its recent FlipTop acquisition. But I think we can add “data plus tech” to the tote board of martech horse races.

This scoop comes to you compliments of marketingIO.