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Scooped by Joemktg
December 12, 2017 10:17 AM!

Strengthening Predictive Analytics with Intent Data - MarTech Series

Strengthening Predictive Analytics with Intent Data - MarTech Series | The MarTech Digest |
A complete predictive analytics solution combines a sound understanding of your target market and multiple sources of intent data and real-time engagement data to accurately predict and target new accounts. Target market data includes current customer intelligence and lookalike modeling, plus firmographic data derived from organization characteristics and technographic data that looks at organizations’ current solutions to glean information about purchase behavior. Real-time engagement data comes from responses to various sales and marketing tactics, including direct mail, display advertisements, inside and field sales outreach, and email campaigns to help round the solution out.

Intent data can build on target market intelligence with first-party and third-party data by helping uncover the content research and engagement trends for solutions in your stack. This type of data includes first-party data such as website traffic monitoring that companies can already access internally, and can be an invaluable advantage for a predictive solution. True intent data incorporates third-party data such as intelligence from the B2B web, making it even more powerful as a contributor to a predictive strategy.

Combined, this internal and external intent data provides a framework from which sales and marketing teams can begin to characterize the accounts that make up their current and prospective customers. Intent data forms part of a solid groundwork from which a predictive customer acquisition strategy can build if it has broad coverage of the target market. Real-time engagement provides the final piece to a true predictive solution.
Joemktg's insight:

Strengthening Predictive Analytics with Intent Data - MarTech Series


And everything goes into a CDP.


This news comes to you compliments of #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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Scooped by Joemktg
December 17, 2013 5:27 AM!

Customer Experience Matrix: 4 Marketing Tech Trends To Watch in 2014 | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Customer Experience Matrix: 4 Marketing Tech Trends To Watch in 2014 | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Advanced/ Digest...

I'll share below what I think will be most important marketing technology trends of 2014. 

Customer Data Platforms mature.  Systems that build such databases for specialized purposes such as lead enhancement, cross-channel campaign management, retention programs, and advertising audience management will increasingly provide more value to their clients by exposing the databases to other execution systems.

Digital advertising and customer marketing converge.  Data management platforms, which store semi-anonymous cookies for online ad networks, will converge with conventional customer databases, which store profiles tied to actual identities. The advantage will be marketing programs that span both channels, delivering personally targeted information via display advertising and simplifying personalized marketing on mobile platforms that don’t support conventional cookies.

Predictive analytics finally take center stage.  More accessible customer data and broader opportunities to deliver personalized messages will support the long-expected mass deployment of automated predictive analytics tools.

The privacy dog won’t bark. Efforts to limit such tracking through government regulations will not result in significant limitations, at least in the United States.



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Joemktg's insight:

Completely agree with Predictive taking center stage, and there will be a significant amount of complaints until all the kinks are worked out.

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