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Scooped by Joemktg
March 15, 2017 10:39 AM!

Empathy Is Key To Engaging B2B Buyers - Forrester

Empathy Is Key To Engaging B2B Buyers - Forrester | The MarTech Digest |
Simply put, the customer needs to be the primary design point for your content strategy – and your website will be the right place to foil content devils with great execution details. Buyers spend more time online researching and buying products, which means your content marketing practices must keep pace.

Joemktg's insight:

Blocking and tackling...


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Tonny Raval | Data Scraping Services's comment, March 16, 2017 1:02 AM
Scooped by Joemktg
January 13, 2017 11:06 AM!

The Three Cs of Messaging and Positioning in Marketing: Pick Any Two - Gartner

The Three Cs of Messaging and Positioning in Marketing: Pick Any Two - Gartner | The MarTech Digest |
Clear, compelling or complete: pick any two.

You see, while each of these things are important aspirations, they often work at cross purposes. Your efforts to be clear are undermined by your efforts to be complete, which are undermined by your efforts to be compelling. Something has got to give.

Because when you aim for clarity you’re forced to leave something behind. Same is true when compelling is your goal. You simply can’t capture it all and expect it to be each of these things.

As I’ve said before, positioning is an exercise in sacrifice. It’s bound by constraints. And when you try to defy these immutable laws, you end up with messaging that fails on each of these dimensions.
Joemktg's insight:

All sitting on a base of Concise.


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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Scooped by Joemktg
February 29, 2016 8:36 PM!

Why Tailoring Copy for Segments Isn't Enough - Crazy Egg

Why Tailoring Copy for Segments Isn't Enough - Crazy Egg | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

Joemktg's insight:

And upon CT, you'll find details as to how to approach each level.

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Scooped by Joemktg
April 19, 2015 3:05 PM!

The State of B2B Sales Messaging [Infographic] - Profs

The State of B2B Sales Messaging [Infographic] - Profs | The MarTech Digest |

iNeoMarketing’s MarTech Managed Services solves numerous B2B Marketing challenges. Contact us to see how.

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Scooped by Joemktg
September 24, 2014 7:11 AM!

How to Increase Landing Page Conversions With the Psychology of Desire - Unbounce

How to Increase Landing Page Conversions With the Psychology of Desire - Unbounce | The MarTech Digest |


Desire is made up of two key elements: individual incentive and social norms.


Individual incentives

At a basic level, humans are motivated to take action either to gain pleasure or avoid pain.

In the context of your marketing campaigns, desire is created when people can see how your product or service can help them to either gain pleasure or alleviate pain.


Social norms

All that isn’t to say that humans will simply seek out whatever creates pleasure or alleviates pain with no thought to the consequences. We are inherently social beings and are driven to act in a way we believe will be considered normal.


>> When including hero shots of your product or service on your landing page, use professionally-shot photography to increase individual incentive.

>> When including pictures or screenshots of your product or service on your landing page, show them in the context of how they will help the user either create pleasure or avoid pain.

>> If you have a number of noteworthy customers who use your product or service, feature them prominently on your landing pages.

>> Whenever you can, collect testimonials from your customers to feature on your landing pages. To increase their relevance and efficiency, have them support the benefits you’ve listed on your landing page.

>> If you have an impressive number of people who have signed up for your product, then feature that number prominently on your landing pages.



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Joemktg's insight:

Blocking and tackling for not only landing pages, but any copy!

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Scooped by Joemktg
September 24, 2014 6:57 AM!

5 Quirks of the Human Brain Every Marketer Should Understand - HubSpot

5 Quirks of the Human Brain Every Marketer Should Understand - HubSpot | The MarTech Digest |


1) Attribution Error

Humans have an innate tendency to explain the behavior of others in terms of their personality. It’s how we’re wired to think about things. The problem is this: We often ignore context and circumstances, attributing everything to a person or organization’s personality.


2) Confirmation Bias

Another quirk of the human brain is our tendency to explore information that agrees with our preconceptions and existing beliefs. In other words, we want to justify what we already believe, and we are more likely to dismiss information that challenges those beliefs.


3) Self-Serving Bias

This is a tendency to ignore information that challenges our ego. A good example is just how difficult it is to take criticism, even constructive criticism, and use it to your benefit. The self-serving bias has been tested in a wide variety of settings. Laboratory experiments typically involve feeding participants randomized, bogus feedback on a task and then evaluating their response to the feedback. The results almost always indicate that people will attribute positive feedback to their own performance, and negative feedback to faults in the evaluation process.


4) Belief Bias

This might sound like just another name for confirmation bias, but it’s actually a very different phenomenon. Belief bias is our tendency to reject conclusions just because they sound extreme or outrageous, even if the logic and evidence behind the argument are completely sound.


5) The Framing Effect (aka Loss Aversion)

The framing effect is our tendency to take risks when an outcome is presented as a loss, but avoid those same risks when an outcome is presented as a gain -- even when the objective outcome is actually the same.



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Joemktg's insight:

This post impacts messaging more than anything else we, as marketers, face each day. Click through to read more, and be sure to include a review of the Comments section.

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Scooped by Joemktg
August 11, 2014 8:12 PM!

Email Marketing: Does your copywriting accomplish these 6 key objectives? | MarketingExperiments

Email Marketing: Does your copywriting accomplish these 6 key objectives? | MarketingExperiments | The MarTech Digest |


Objective #1. Arrest attention

You can arrest their attention with a striking visual (although, with image blocking technology in many email readers, this can be reduced to a big blank space with a little red X) or a compelling headline.


Objective #2. Build a connection

Now you must build a connection with that prospect. You can start by bridging the gap between the headline or visual that caught their attention, and something that is meaningful to their lives.


Objective #3. Build the problem

The analog for email copywriting is building the problem. What pain points does the customer have? What is that situation of the world before your product, service or nonprofit comes into their lives?


Objective #4. Build interest

You must build interest in solving that problem, and show how it can be solved by your company.


Objective #5. Build suspense

You need to keep them on the hook to get them to the landing page since, after all, the conversion is not going to happen in the email. You just need to get the click to ultimately convert them on the landing page. That’s where the actual sale should happen.


Objective #6. Transfer momentum

Make sure wherever you send them to resolve the conflict created in your email copy – likely a landing page – continues the dialogue initiated by your email. You want a natural flow from one channel to the next, not a disjunctive change in the conversation.



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Joemktg's insight:

It's the same formula that you see across many different emails: attention, problem, solution, benefits, convert.

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Scooped by Joemktg
August 7, 2014 7:51 PM!

6 Neuromarketing Principles For Designing More Persuasive Websites - Marketing Land

6 Neuromarketing Principles For Designing More Persuasive Websites - Marketing Land | The MarTech Digest |


Below are six proven techniques that you can easily apply to your website to make it more persuasive.


1. Leverage Scarcity to Persuade A Visitor To Buy Now

People want what they can’t have. Likewise, when something is in short supply, prospective buyers inherently feel a sense of urgency to act before availability runs out. This is the scarcity principle, and it works whether it is supply driven (e.g., there is a limited quantity available to sell) or deadline driven (as when there is a time limit set on the availability or the price of an item). People have a natural aversion to loss–they’d rather act too hastily, knowing full well that they haven’t given the matter proper consideration, than risk missing out.


2. Use A Decoy To Steer Visitors Toward A Certain Product

Also known as the asymmetric dominance effect, the decoy effect uses an alternate (less desirable) choice as a benchmark against which to compare the real product or service you wish to sell.


3. Use Anchoring To Help Visitors Justify Their Selection

People have a tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information presented when making decisions. This becomes the “anchor” against which subsequent products will be compared. Sound illogical? It may be, but you can use this anchoring bias to help visitors justify their purchase selection.


4. Make Visitors Feel Indebted To You

Marketers can use this impulse to spur site visitors to action. By giving your site visitors something of value, with no expectation of anything in return, you can begin to harness the power of reciprocity.

Offer exclusive information, free samples, or even a free in-home trial — anything that has real value and is obviously and exclusively for the benefit of the recipient. That last point is especially important — nobody wants to feel that they are being manipulated or receiving a gift with “strings attached.”


5. Offer Things You Don’t Expect To Sell

On the surface, it may seem odd to try to sell a product or service on your website that you don’t really expect anyone to buy. Yet, according to a compliance technique called door-in-the face, this strategy will actually help you sell lower priced options.


6. Throw Out A Lifeline With The Hurt & Rescue Principle

In this method, the marketer allows the prospect to see that they have a problem, and then offers a way to fix it. One excellent way to do this is through online quizzes. This technique can be especially effective in the B2B environment. Use your web copy to point out to visitors how much money they are losing, time they are wasting, or stress they are experiencing, and then offer them a solution. Hurt and rescue sounds negative, but it’s really nothing more than emotion-based selling.



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Joemktg's insight:

The basics behind the copy.

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Scooped by Joemktg
July 28, 2014 7:04 PM!

Easy Email Copywriting with the PAS Formula - Email on Acid

Easy Email Copywriting with the PAS Formula - Email on Acid | The MarTech Digest |


PAS stands for “Problem-Agitate-Solve” and is not only incredibly simple, but also extremely effective.

The formula breaks down as follows:

• Problem: Identify a problem

• Agitate: Agitate that problem

• Solve: Find and present the solution


PAS is applicable to any business/service/product that helps solve a problem. Since businesses exist to offer solutions to problems, chances are PAS will work for what you’re selling.


Agitate:  Now that you have uncovered their problem, it’s time to agitate this problem and make it seem even scarier than the reader originally thought. Do this by making the problem more emotional. However, don’t strike with your words too hard.



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Joemktg's insight:

I highlighted the "agitate" portion of the formula, as it is a step that needs to be finessed.

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Scooped by Joemktg
July 11, 2014 7:39 AM!

It’s Time to Forget the Fold - FutureLab

It’s Time to Forget the Fold - FutureLab | The MarTech Digest |


In a recent TIME article, What You Think You Know About the Web Is Wrong, Chartbeat CEO Tony Haile (@arctictony) upends the “above the fold” gospel by noting, 66% of attention on a normal media page is spent below the fold. That leaderboard at the top of the page? People scroll right past that and spend their time where the content not the cruft is.


The conclusion one can draw is that the coveted top-of-page leaderboard isn’t so desirable after all. First, users may tune it out due to experience-based banner blindness. They have learned that the long rectangle at the top of the page is usually irrelevant to what they visited the page for.


Second, the top placement will get exposed to everyone who visits the page, but those impressions will include plenty of disengaged visitors who are about to hit the back button, click away, or close the window. Even those visitors who will ultimately engage with the content may not be “hooked” yet.



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Joemktg's insight:

Is the ol' direct response rule that long copy converts better than short copy coming back? First, not applicable to email (we know that) but more applicable towards web copy. Second, attention is different from engagement, so the rule is applicable should deep engagement be your objective.

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Scooped by Joemktg
May 12, 2014 8:20 AM!

How Personal Emotions Fuel B2B Purchases - Forbes

How Personal Emotions Fuel B2B Purchases - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |

Basic/ Digest...

In a recent study performed by the CEB, which examined the impact of personal emotions on B2B purchases, it was found that 71% of buyers who see a personal value in a B2B purchase will end up buying the product or service. In fact, personal value had two times the impact on the buyer than business impact did. In short, the survey found that without question personal value, perhaps better read emotional value overwhelmingly outweighed logic and reason in driving purchase decisions.


The data in this study shouldn’t come as a surprise to anybody, but what it should do is come as an important reminder to people that the reasons that people buy are usually attached much closer to their emotional center than their rational thinking. And while buyers will often push hard for specifications, data sheets and statistics in order to help them justify a buying decision, more often than not these requests are really their way of telling you that they are not yet seeing the personal value in the product being sold to them.



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Joemktg's insight:

So how to you meet the challenges of emotion? You bake it into your personas!

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Scooped by Joemktg
December 2, 2013 4:36 AM!

Greeks in plaid: the art of digital marketing persuasion - Econsultancy | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Greeks in plaid: the art of digital marketing persuasion - Econsultancy | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Basic/ Digest...

Logos marketing: the power of data

Using logic (data and facts) to persuade your audience is particularly important in the digital marketing space because of the virtual nature of the interface. It’s crucial, on the web, to give consumers ways to measure and evaluate your product and brand.


Ethos marketing: Optimizing identity

Where do I even start? Good credibility and character are of paramount importance to being persuasive in digital marketing. Authorship, for one. As most of you know, CTRs are higher for search results with authorship images.


Pathos marketing: Manufacturing love

Pathos marketing, the appeal to emotions, has a special significance in digital marketing.  What your brands must do is capture their consumers’ love. It’s a particular kind of “love”, and in the context of marketing; he means is creating “'loyalty beyond reason.” It’s a powerful thing.


Kairos marketing: The right site

We’re at kairos, which Aristotle refers to as the element of timing. The digital marketers who were the first to apply the spirit of the times (kairos marketing) to their site, adopting clean slate brands, have received big payoffs. The takeaway here is to keep your eyes and ears open to changing consumer desires and associations; apply them to your logos, ethos, and pathos digital marketing strategies. That's the essence of kairos marketing.



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Joemktg's insight:

Take a look at the optimized landing page: it has logic, it has testimonials, and it appeals to emotions. The three pillars to everything we do.

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Scooped by Joemktg
July 31, 2013 10:41 AM!

Messaging Mistakes - Gartner | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Messaging Mistakes - Gartner | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Key excerpt...

Here are the keys to success:

  1. Start with outcomes (for buyers) and draw them in with a compelling opening
  2. Follow with why these outcomes matter (now more than ever to establish urgency)
  3. Provide the right level of proof on ability to deliver it (or how you do it)
  4. In all of these, structure your communications from the customer perspective, not yours.
  5. Close with an action recommendation, guide the buyer toward what they should do next.
Joemktg's insight:

As crazy as it is, I still see these same mistakes made over and over. Every Marketing degree needs to include a required course on Copywriting.

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