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Scooped by Joemktg
June 4, 2013 11:11 AM!

Announcing the MarketingProfs Bright Bulb B2B Awards - Profs

Announcing the MarketingProfs Bright Bulb B2B Awards - Profs | The MarTech Digest |
This year, we are introducing The MarketingProfs Bright Bulb B2B Awards, celebrating the excellence, innovation, and brilliance of today's B2B marketers, agencies, brands, and marketing campaigns.
Joemktg's insight:

Hey: get some free pub for yourself!

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  • iNeoMarketing drives more revenue and opportunities for B2B companies using marketing technologies. Contact us
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Scooped by Joemktg
June 3, 2013 7:36 AM!

The Impact of Contests on Email Leads [Infographic] - Profs

The Impact of Contests on Email Leads [Infographic] - Profs | The MarTech Digest |
Email Marketing - Landing pages running $500 giveaway contests generate 700% more email subscribers than landing pages not running contests, according to a recent study by Incentivibe.
Joemktg's insight:

Although B2C oriented, we are believers in gamification and contests for the B2B environment, especially when integrated with MA.

  • See the article at
  • Receive a daily summary of The Marketing Automation Alert directly to your inbox. Subscribe here (your privacy is protected).
  • If you like this scoop, PLEASE share by using the links below.
  • iNeoMarketing drives more revenue and opportunities for B2B companies using marketing technologies. Contact us

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Scooped by Joemktg
April 22, 2013 7:01 AM!

Viral Marketing: Month-long sweepstakes generates 1,170% ROI and 488% lift in email subscribers | MarketingSherpa

Viral Marketing: Month-long sweepstakes generates 1,170% ROI and 488% lift in email subscribers | MarketingSherpa | The MarTech Digest |

Contests and sweepstakes are a great way to promote a new product and grow email subscriber lists. Utilizing an existing audience to reach new prospects through email and social sharing is a tactic that expands the reach of an entire campaign.

This case study details how November Bicycles achieved a 488% increase in its email subscriber list, and generated 1,170% ROI from a month-long sweepstakes campaign built around a new product release.

Joemktg's insight:

This case study offers an 8 step process to setting up and executing on a contest. If you're thinking about a contest, you'll want to click through to understand the LOE behind setting up, promoting and managing the endeavor.

Felix Cheang's curator insight, November 10, 2016 7:44 AM

A very interesting ideas. Never really thought of using sweeptake to build up subscribers list.