Blog Analytics: How do you measure the company blog’s performance? | MarketingExperiments | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Measuring the performance of your company’s blog is not easy. By design, blogs don’t give up customer behavior secrets as easily or as comfortably as a landing page.

Intermediate/ Excerpts...

"I would include a social measurement of some sort based upon the Google Hummingbird algorithm update, such as +1s or tweets. The reason is because increasingly social syndication is highly correlated with performance in organic search rankings."


"Time on site and pages per visit. A blog is not a typical site where you build a specific funnel to accomplish a goal. These two metrics would be very useful to measure performance especially if your blog is meant to be informative and build brand awareness."


"I would recommend looking at metrics that help you assess the relevancy of your content to your audience. One good example of two metrics to help you do this would be number of visits divided by the number of page views."



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