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August 1, 2017 10:40 AM!

IT's Future Value Proposition - Gartner

IT's Future Value Proposition - Gartner | The MarTech Digest |
At its most basic, IT represents a means to support the organization and to help the organization realize its goals – whatever they may be.  Since organizations and hugely varied in a multitude of ways, from size, format, structure, purpose and so on, it is quite difficult to dumb down what IT does into simple buckets.  This picture provides a meant to identify the role of every aspect of IT.
Joemktg's insight:

Subscribe to The MarTech Digest: #MarTech

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May 4, 2017 10:10 AM!

How Adobe’s CIO blends IT and marketing -

How Adobe’s CIO blends IT and marketing - | The MarTech Digest |
Adobe’s IT shop has a group dedicated to managing data insights in constant collaboration with colleagues in marketing. Another IT group works with marketing systems and has developed core marketing business expertise to understand challenges and deliver more effective marketing programs and lead analysis, according to Adobe CIO Cynthia Stoddard.

“We’ve aligned the IT organizations around capabilities and services, and then we have different people in the business that we focus on different subject matter expertise,” she says. “We work very closely with the marketing organization and we definitely have a role.”

The prevailing goal for Stoddard and her colleagues is to take IT and its unnecessary complexities out of the organization. “Whatever we do within IT is to really eliminate IT,” she says. Her group is responsible for implementing self-service tools and making them readily available on any device. While these objectives are most noticeably blurred in the marketing analytics and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions space, the mission continues throughout Adobe.
Joemktg's insight:

Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


#MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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March 13, 2017 9:39 AM!

2017 Tech Forecast: IT Sharpens It's Focus - ComputerWorld

2017 Tech Forecast: IT Sharpens It's Focus - ComputerWorld | The MarTech Digest |

Get it here:


Joemktg's insight:

See it here:


Note Q#3, and where Marketing resides on the list. If MarTech spending is now exceeding IT spending, the for sure Marketing does not exist in the world of IT.


Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs: #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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Scooped by Joemktg
January 31, 2017 10:30 AM!

How to Ensure Marketing Processes Don’t Kill Your IT Team - ReadITquik

How to Ensure Marketing Processes Don’t Kill Your IT Team - ReadITquik | The MarTech Digest |
Here’s how you can do that:
  • Commit to understanding each other
  • Loop each other in from the start
  • Ask the right security questions early
  • Think Holistically: Use tools that connect with other tools
Joemktg's insight:

Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here.


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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Scooped by Joemktg
January 6, 2017 2:14 PM!

The Battle Over Analytics: Who Should Lead The Charge? - InformationWeek

The Battle Over Analytics: Who Should Lead The Charge? - InformationWeek | The MarTech Digest |
*Create the role of chief analytics officer -- Employed by organizations in diverse industries, including Duke University Heath Center, Macy’s, GoDaddy, EY, and even the City of New York, this role is responsible for mapping analytics needs and use cases throughout an organization. With a direct line to the C-suite, chief analytics officers match business needs and problems with analytics technology for answers.

*Form a cross-functional analytics team -- Bringing HR, marketing and other functional personnel together with IT can be one of the most beneficial ways to bridge the gap between IT and end users. Enabling these users to become citizen data scientists and use predictive analytics for their own unique needs creates meaningful results for everyone involved.
Joemktg's insight:

Own analytics before someone else owns it.


marketingIO executes your revenue-generating efforts with the right metrics and the appropriate reports. Contact us to learn more. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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December 19, 2016 11:09 AM!

My, How Technology Brings Us All Together - MarketingCharts

My, How Technology Brings Us All Together - MarketingCharts | The MarTech Digest |
Joemktg's insight:

MIA: Sales.


Let marketingIO create a new approach for your inbound and outbound marketing…and realize more revenue. Contact us. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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Scooped by Joemktg
December 7, 2016 9:50 AM!

Why Marketing Needs Closer Ties to IT - HBR

While many teams within your organization contribute to your success, one that cannot be overlooked or understated is the relationship with your IT group. As marketing continues to shift and improve, we’ve come to rely on IT to provide expertise on current technology and, perhaps more importantly, to provide a road map that shows where technology will lead, where integration is critical, and how to make the best use of increasingly sophisticated tools.

In the past, marketing teams might have developed their own tools and databases or bought hardware and software without considering whether they had the know-how to maintain the systems — perhaps because IT was seen as a roadblock or didn’t move as fast as marketing thought they should.

At SAS, we’ve learned to embrace the IT team as our partner. Redefining our relationship in terms of accountability to each other was crucial. IT needs to rely on the business to define a direction and establish clear objectives. Marketing needs to rely on IT for technology, integration, and implementation expertise. The care and feeding of the data, the reliability of systems, and an eye toward futures.
Joemktg's insight:

CT for the lessons learned by SAS.


Predictive Analytics is the next step in Marketing Automation. Contact us to see how. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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November 3, 2015 9:18 PM!

For Success, Marketing And IT Aim For The Perfect Fit -

For Success, Marketing And IT Aim For The Perfect Fit - | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions.

Joemktg's insight:

At this point, if Marketing and IT are not working together, then Marketing needs to get out of the way of digital progress.

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Scooped by Joemktg
July 22, 2015 7:49 PM!

The Complexity Challenge Drives Shadow IT - Re/Code

The Complexity Challenge Drives Shadow IT - Re/Code | The MarTech Digest |

"We’re on the edge of a precipice in the enterprise-tech industry, and most people don’t even realize it.

The problem? The technology developments that have driven some of the greatest advancements in business — things like software as a service (SaaS), virtualization and analytics — have come with costs. Not just monetary costs, but also what I call complexity costs.

Shadow IT is essentially defined as skunkworks projects that provide some of the services or capabilities that IT traditionally offers, but that are done without the permission, or even knowledge in some cases, of the IT department. For example, a shadow IT project may leverage a cloud-based service to put together a simplified version of a mobile application like the one described earlier that delivers only, say, 80 percent of the functionality, but in significantly less time.

Many established IT vendors as well as IT departments themselves painted themselves into this complexity corner over the last 10 to 15 years, and the big question now is, how do they get out of it? The truth is there is no easy answer, and as long as companies continue to depend on any older, legacy systems, these kinds of complexity challenges will continue to exist."

iNeoMarketing’s MarTech Managed Services solves numerous B2B Marketing challenges. Contact us to see how.

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June 30, 2015 10:21 PM!

Marketers Should Protect The Customer Journey - ClickZ

Marketers Should Protect The Customer Journey - ClickZ | The MarTech Digest |

Let iNeoMarketing create a new approach for your inbound and outbound marketing…and realize more revenue. Contact us.

Joemktg's insight:

Yet another reason for Marketing and IT to work together.

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Scooped by Joemktg
March 30, 2015 6:35 PM!

Marketing and IT Execs Collaborating More [Infographic] - Profs

Marketing and IT Execs Collaborating More [Infographic] - Profs | The MarTech Digest |

This scoop comes to you compliments of                                           

Richard Guha's curator insight, April 1, 2015 8:59 AM

The CMO is becoming the largest spender of IT dollars, as Marketing become more and more Big Data dependent.

Scooped by Joemktg
February 18, 2015 8:23 PM!

How to Use Content to Market to CIOs and IT Professionals - Kapost Content Marketing Blog

How to Use Content to Market to CIOs and IT Professionals - Kapost Content Marketing Blog | The MarTech Digest |

► About Us: iNeoMarketing provides Marketing Technology services, applications and support to B2B companies who do not have the required resources, knowledge or expertise. Visit us at ◄

Joemktg's insight:

One of the best content creation roadmaps for IT Decision Makers that I've read. Take a real close look at the bottom table: it's gold.

Hanin Abu Al Rub's curator insight, February 19, 2015 1:01 PM

This is how to make your IT Professionals understand your Content by using smart content...

Scooped by Joemktg
November 30, 2014 6:34 PM!

Yes, business leader, you have a tech budget. But you still need IT. Here’s why | VentureBeat | Business | by Mo Marshall

Yes, business leader, you have a tech budget. But you still need IT. Here’s why | VentureBeat | Business | by Mo Marshall | The MarTech Digest |

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Joemktg's insight:

Bingo! And THAT'S why you need (must!) incorporate IT on any and all decisions regarding MarTech acquisition, especially when considering using in-house data.

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Scooped by Joemktg
July 31, 2014 8:13 PM!

Flaws In Cloud Apps Could Put Marketing Data At Risk: Report -

Flaws In Cloud Apps Could Put Marketing Data At Risk: Report - | The MarTech Digest |


Marketers use the most cloud apps in an organization, yet 98 percent of their apps are not “enterprise-ready” and put data at risk, according to a new report on app usage trends by cloud security company Netskope.


Enterprises are continuing to adopt cloud apps at a rapid pace, with an average of 508 apps per organization in the second quarter of 2014, up from 461 in the previous quarter, according to the report. Marketing departments, specifically, have seen an increase of 14 apps per enterprise since Q1, for an average total of 61 in use during Q2.


But the majority (88.4 percent) of those 500-plus apps are deemed not enterprise-ready, which means they scored a “medium” or “below” on the Cloud Confidence Index. The problem, of course, is that many marketing apps–nearly all of which are not considered enterprise-ready by Netscope–contain customer data.


Other factors examined included whether the app enables the auditing of a user, administrator, and data access activities; offers security features, such as support for multifactor authentication, encryption of data at rest, and separation of tenant data in the cloud; and has a well-defined business continuity plan in the event of a technology outage or natural disaster.


These include cloud storage apps–one of top categories used by marketing professionals–she said, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. Other cloud-based apps with a high level of sharing in marketing departments “aren’t apps you’d think about,” such as Evernote, Salesforce, Trello, and Zoho. Often such apps are used to share content with unauthorized users, she said.



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Joemktg's insight:

And you needed a reason to work with IT on your marketing technology strategy? Bingo. And it will kill you if you don't first go through the audit/review process.

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Scooped by Joemktg
June 24, 2014 8:50 AM!

How Marketers Can Learn to Speak “IT” - Marketo

How Marketers Can Learn to Speak “IT” - Marketo | The MarTech Digest |


Here are four easy steps to get IT on your side.

-- >  Explain objectives. Tell IT what you’re trying to accomplish to help them understand application requirements. IT will map your objectives to theirs and create a two-way checklist. During the selection process IT will send that checklist in the form of a “Request for Information or Proposal” to your preferred vendors.

-- >  Handling objections. Understand why IT is pushing back. Usually it’s an integration or security concern. Sometimes the objective can be handled with a workaround. But other times, the solution is just a horrible fit and you need to find an alternative.

-- >  Bribery.  When everything goes right, IT goes unnoticed. When something goes wrong, IT gets the blame. Go thank them with a beer for creating solutions that DO make your lives easier, and maybe next time they’ll be much more inclined to help you look for that next solution.

-- >  Speak their language. When IT is evaluating new technology, they want to first understand how it aligns with their existing architecture in place. Ensure that your technology provider is able to answer questions in a clear, succinct, and proactive manner.  This will go a long way to getting IT’s buy-in on and support with new technologies.



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Joemktg's insight:

In short, empathy and a locked-down business case. What you don't want to do is to be in a position to justify non-IT issues to IT: once the conversation drifts into that realm, you'll need to roadblock and keep everyone on the IT path.

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Scooped by Joemktg
March 17, 2014 8:00 AM!

Influencing B2B Technical Buyers [Infographic] - Smart Insights | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Influencing B2B Technical Buyers [Infographic] - Smart Insights  | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |


FREE: AgileContent™ delivers more quality content to your market! Get your FREE 14 Day Trial NOW!: No credit card required!


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Joemktg's insight:

This is tech-buyer oriented. Regardless, the growing influence of social continues to impress.

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Scooped by Joemktg
March 14, 2014 8:00 AM!

Mastering Tech Content Marketing | CYNC Marketing | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Mastering Tech Content Marketing | CYNC Marketing | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |


FREE: AgileContent™ delivers more quality content to your market! Get your FREE 14 Day Trial NOW!: No credit card required!


Receive a FREE daily summary of The Marketing Technology Alert directly to your inbox. To subscribe, please go to  (your privacy is protected).

Joemktg's insight:

Nice simple summary specifically for the IT industry.

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Scooped by Joemktg
February 19, 2014 7:00 AM!

[FREE] Neustar | Align Marketing And IT To Meet Today’s Business Goals Report

[FREE] Neustar | Align Marketing And IT To Meet Today’s Business Goals Report | The MarTech Digest |
Neustar and Forrester conducted a study of 260 enterprise marketing and IT decision makers to research the alignment between IT and marketing.

Intermediate/ Excerpt...

In today’s age of increasingly connected consumers, market leaders are those who create exceptional digital experiences while protecting customer data. Download this thought leadership paper today to see the results of a Neustar-commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting about IT and marketing priorities and concerns, and the different business unit group interactions that enable — or hinder — key business initiatives today.



FREE: AgileContent™ delivers more quality content to your market! Get your FREE 14 Day Trial NOW!: No credit card required!


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Joemktg's insight:

It's a quick registration to access the report, and although it's a bit of a derivative from previous Forrester pubs, it's a worthwhile read.

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Scooped by Joemktg
February 11, 2014 6:31 AM!

7 things marketing wants to say to IT - | #TheMarketingTechAlert

7 things marketing wants to say to IT - | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Attention, IT: As marketing goes all-digital, your CMO needs more from you than back-office support. Are you ready to be a marketing partner?

Advanced/ Digest...

Computerworld caught up with several CMOs and marketing executives to find out what they'd ask of IT if they could speak frankly. Read on to discover their seven key requirements.

1. Understand our new KPIs

2. Deliver on analytics

3. Guide my technology spend...

4. ... but let me run my own systems

5. Loosen the handcuffs, please

6. Teach us how to dive deep

7. Help us meet our customers wherever they are


CMOs say they need IT to have a keener understanding of these requirements so they can design systems with the agility that marketing now requires. In many organizations today, marketing handles all customer interactions -- outbound, inbound and those happening on social media -- and they need technology that allows them to interact with customers at any time in any of those media.



FREE: AgileContent™ delivers more quality content to your market! Get your FREE 14 Day Trial NOW!: No credit card required!


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Joemktg's insight:

Probably the best article I've read outlining marketing's requirements from IT: sensible, defensible and logical. It can act as a blueprint for your internal discussions.

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Scooped by Joemktg
April 23, 2013 8:29 AM!

Big Data, Analytics, and Cloud Drive Enterprise Software Growth in 2012, According to IDC

Big Data, Analytics, and Cloud Drive Enterprise Software Growth in 2012, According to IDC | The MarTech Digest |


Three primary segments comprise the total software market in IDC's software taxonomy: Applications; Application Development & Deployment (AD&D); and Systems Infrastructure Software. Among the three primary segments, the AD&D segment, which comprised nearly 24% of total software revenues in 2012, was the fastest growing market with a 4.6% year-over-year growth rate. Growth in the AD&D segment was largely driven by the performance of the Data Access, Analysis, and Delivery and the Structured Data Management secondary markets with 6.0% and 5.9% growth rates, respectively. Business Intelligence and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) solutions are pushing the growing trend for these markets because of widening Big Data and Analytics adoption. Big data and analytics are also closely tied to the fast growth social business software markets, where the combination of contextual data and the "right" expertise is becoming critical for supporting enterprise decision making and data driven customer experience solutions. Oracle continued to lead the AD&D segment with steady market share of 21.6%, followed by IBM, Microsoft, SAP, and SAS. Among these vendors, Microsoft and SAP stood out by each gaining almost a half point of market share year over year.

Joemktg's insight:

If you've been following along, you know that we've been highlighting Big Data and the potential tug of war between IT and Marketing. The one issue that continues to resonate is the more global nature of Big Data beyond Marketing, i.e., the role Big Data plays in helping ALL functions, not just Marketing. Take that, plus this article that highlights the growth of RDBMS, and we're starting to doubt Gartner's statement that Marketing spending on technology will exceed IT spending by 2017.

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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Scooped by Joemktg
April 16, 2013 7:44 AM!

The Rise of the Digital CMO - HBR

The Rise of the Digital CMO - HBR | The MarTech Digest |
Many CMOs see their digital future, but still struggle to make the case across the executive ranks.

Key excerpt...

What do these "digital CMOs" do differently? They experiment aggressively. They hire smart digital natives — and empower them. They partner with great agencies. They have the humility to admit what they don't know, the courage to toss out the old playbook, and the confidence to allow digital metrics to illuminate the results.

Some hire a chief technologist. Sometimes it's a peer to the CMO, perhaps a chief digital officer, which Gartner predicts will be present in 25% of enterprises by 2015. Sometimes it's a chief marketing technologist reporting to the CMO, which Gartner already finds in 70% of marketing organizations today. In both cases, this role is the designated left brain to the CMO's right.

Digital CMOs also think beyond digital marketing. They look for opportunities to create digital experiences and revenue streams enabled by the nexus of forces, which is Gartner's description of the convergence and mutual reinforcement of social, mobile, cloud and rich information. The collision of these factors unlocks opportunities to reach and engage with consumers across the physical and virtual worlds, drawing them closer with targeted, contextually relevant experiences and offers.

Joemktg's insight:

In the article, the author points to the often-repeated Gartner projection "that by 2017, the CMO's technology budget will exceed the CIO's." We can restate this to read that marketing technology budget will exceed the IT budget. Do you honestly believe that the CIO will not state the case to control this budget? Example: the role of the Business Analyst falls in the IT domain. Could this concept be extended to cover digital marketing? Of course it can. The CMO MUST lay claim to the marketing technologist, otherwise the CMO will be marginalized.

  • See the article at
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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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Scooped by Joemktg
April 16, 2013 7:25 AM!

Report: CMOs Face Challenges to CMO-CIO Alignment | Business 2 Community

Report: CMOs Face Challenges to CMO-CIO Alignment | Business 2 Community | The MarTech Digest |


As marketing and big data become increasingly intertwined, it’s more important than ever for CMOs and CIOs to create collaborative partnerships—yet according to a new study, that alignment isn’t happening.

Big Data’s Biggest Role: Aligning the CMO and CIO,” a new report from the Chief Marketing Officer Council and SAS Institute, revealed that 85% of CMOs and CIOs surveyed say they’re still challenged with alignment. What’s more, only 41% of senior marketers say they’re aligned with their IT counterparts, while 39% of senior IT executives report alignment with marketing.

Joemktg's insight:

We can point to stats that show the lack of alignment between Marketing and Sales. We can point to stats that show the lack of alignment between Marketing and IT. What's the common theme here? Is it difficult to deal with Marketing? Is there some sort of institutionalized barrier that prevents Marketing from building bridges? Why does it seem that Marketing is constantly on the defensive?

  • See the article at
  • Receive a daily summary of The Marketing Automation Alert directly to your inbox. Subscribe here (your privacy is protected).
  • If you like this scoop, PLEASE share by using the links below.
  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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Scooped by Joemktg
April 10, 2013 12:32 PM!

In the land of marketing, operations may become king - Chief Marketing Technologist

In the land of marketing, operations may become king - Chief Marketing Technologist | The MarTech Digest |

Key excerpt...

But listening to Craig frame the rapid evolution of marketing operations, it struck me that marketing operations may be the right home for marketing technology leadership. Either the head of marketing operations is effectively the chief marketing technologist, or a chief marketing technologist reports to him or her.

This wasn’t a particularly brilliant leap of intuition on my part — Craig came right out and said it: “The marketing operations leader becomes the CIO of marketing. Dealing with the marketing systems and the way that marketers use them is a role for marketing operations.”

The difference between a marketing technology office and a marketing operations group, however, is that marketing operations encompasses a broader collection of interrelated operational responsibilities, covering ROI, accountability, process optimization, and marketing enablement:

  • Reporting and analytics
  • Budget management
  • Planning
  • Process management
  • Best practice syndication and training
  • Marketing systems
  • Data management and quality
  • Market intelligence

Joemktg's insight:

Easy to say that we've always believed this, but having said that, we've always believed this! Our take: it's not the CMO who should interact with the CIO on a tactical basis, rather, it's the IT manager who interacts with the Marketing Operations guru (who is a part of the CMO's organization). The MOM(!) knows technology, MOM knows marketing, MOM understands all the pieces. Without MOM, the CMO is subject to the Business Process analyst (ugh).

  • See the article at
  • Receive a daily summary of The Marketing Automation Alert directly to your inbox. Subscribe here (your privacy is protected).
  • If you like this scoop, PLEASE share by using the links below.
  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
Mayer Becker's curator insight, April 23, 2013 10:42 AM

No collection of articles about marketing operations and technologies is complete without a few words from Scott Brinker.

Mayer Becker's comment, April 23, 2013 11:50 AM
Absolutely agree! As marketing operations lead, I held a weekly meeting with our IT Service Manager to review objectives and budgets, and handle issues as they came up (like budget reductions).
Scooped by Joemktg
February 25, 2013 7:17 AM!

Should IT Select Your Marketing Automation? - LeadLife

Should IT Select Your Marketing Automation? - LeadLife | The MarTech Digest |
IT should be a support mechanism to help marketing reach their business objectives, not deter them by driving decisions that may not meet marketing’s needs.

Key excerpt...

Obviously, with SaaS-based software, the onus on IT naturally becomes significantly less. With SaaS offerings such as marketing automation, IT’s role needs to evolve into that of a service organization versus one that deploys and maintains software. IT should be included in the selection and alignment of processes, but not own the final decision. Marketers know what they need. And, in fact, based on the robustness and complexity of many back-end systems, SaaS-based software, especially for front office systems like marketing automation, actually provides a big sigh of relief for IT. So why is it that in some organizations marketers are taking a step back and still deferring to their IT brethren? If companies expect marketing and sales to drive revenue, then they need to let those departments decide what tools they need to do it and how to best accomplish their goals.

Joemktg's insight:

We completely agree. And conversely: the marketer does not want to be in a situation to justify all aspects of the MAP, as inevitably the marketer will need to explain/instruct as a part of the process of justifying the recommendation. Own it, and incorporate IT as a part of the decision making process.

  • See the article at
  • Receive a daily summary of The Marketing Automation Alert directly to your inbox. Subscribe here (your privacy is protected).
  • If you like this scoop, PLEASE share by using the links below.
  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us

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Scooped by Joemktg
November 13, 2012 7:31 AM!

'Economist' study finds disconnect between marketing, IT

There is a significant disconnect between marketing and IT departments when it comes to corporate innovation, according to a new study by The Economist.


Only 17% of the respondents mentioned IT when asked which business units help bring innovative ideas to market, while 47% cited marketing. More than 40% said Big Data was the most crucial component in improving customer experiences and developing new marketing channels.


More than half of the respondents (51%) said the predominant role of their IT department is to implement, rather than generate; 13% said the IT function is not involved in innovation at their company



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