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November 8, 2019 11:29 AM!

Top 10 Lead Management Software Systems for 2020 | MarTech Advisor

Top 10 Lead Management Software Systems for 2020 | MarTech Advisor | The MarTech Digest |
Lead management software can accelerate business growth. We analyze the 10 best software systems you can use in 2020.
Joemktg's insight:

CT for details, and put a pin in it.


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December 7, 2017 11:43 AM!

How CRM Companies Can Borrow a Page from the AI Playbook - insideBIGDATA

It’s imperative that sales people can monitor (and then adjust) the likelihood that a sales opportunity will close to maximize profitability. One way to do this is through integrating natural language processing (NLP) techniques (a field of AI centered around interactions between computers and humans) into a cloud platform. An example of this is Einstein Opportunity Insights on the cloud, a feature which monitors for key words to help minimize risk and secure opportunities. However, any CRM leader can (and should) integrate NLP into their own cloud platforms, looking for items including:

1) The presence and/or absence of a positive/negative term via digital communications between the prospect and the sales rep. Identifying specific terms (or lack thereof) can help make clearer where the prospect is within the decision process.

2) The amount of time that passes between communications among the customer and the sales rep. Monitoring the cadence of interactions can help reps determine how often to contact a customer to generate the most favorable outcomes.

3) The presence and/or absence of competitor research by the prospect via monitoring of digital communication channels. Understanding who else the prospect is considering doing business with is another way for sales reps to better target and course correct their outreach.
Joemktg's insight:

How CRM Companies Can Borrow a Page from the AI Playbook - insideBIGDATA


Scooped to provide insight as to SFDC's Einstein feature.


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November 27, 2017 12:45 PM!

How CRM and marketing automation have delivered $5m in revenue to this ASX-listed company -

How CRM and marketing automation have delivered $5m in revenue to this ASX-listed company - | The MarTech Digest |
Silver Chef had been using Salesforce CRM for about four years before D’Alessandro started in 2015, but was seeing a decline in use.

“The big issue was we were using it just to track sales behaviour but had none of our customer data in there,” he said. “What we identified was a need for sales people to access better information about their dealers and customers, the contracts and assets.”

The first step was integrating CRM with finance and contract management systems in order to expose data to the sales team and in turn, the marketing function. The second step was adopting Salesforce B2B marketing automation platform, Pardot.

“Sales is now using that for day-to-day activities to make sure they’re meeting with the right dealers and customers, while marketing is using it to make sure we are segmenting the market right, and providing the right offers to the right people at the right time,” D’Alessandro said. “We couldn’t have done that just by tracking sales behaviour, we need to use it as an aggregation point for our business. So we have built a 360-degree view of our customers, dealers, assets and our contracts.”
Joemktg's insight:

How CRM and marketing automation have delivered $5m in revenue to this ASX-listed company -




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November 17, 2017 10:50 AM!

10 Best Free CRM Tools for Businesses | G2 Crowd

10 Best Free CRM Tools for Businesses | G2 Crowd | The MarTech Digest |
Free CRM tools provide small businesses the opportunity to manage their leads and contacts while staying within a tight budget.
Joemktg's insight:

Take a look at the new SFDC Essentials before you commit to a free solution.


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This news comes to you compliments of #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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November 13, 2017 11:20 AM!

Playmaking, AI Revolution, CRM Evolution: Highlights from Dreamforce 2017 - Forbes

Playmaking, AI Revolution, CRM Evolution: Highlights from Dreamforce 2017 - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |
1 . CRM is declining. 

2. The #FourthIndustrialRevolution. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff spoke at length about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which technologies such as mobile, artificial technology and nano technology are converging in ways that create, by his estimate, 3.3 million jobs and $859 billion of additional GDP by 2022. Conversely, however, the nature of work will be shifting dramatically, which will have a profound impact on many within the current workforce. It will be vital within this transition to help the thousands or even millions of people who will need to gain new skills in the burgeoning arena of tech.

3. #Playmakers are everywhere. In a nutshell, playmakers use data, science and smart applications to win at the sales game and to achieve revenue outcomes (career progress, too) at a level that has never been an option before. Playmakers don’t take guesses, but take strategic actions to increase and accelerate their conversations with ideal sales leads. They follow proven game strategies, assisted by AI sales data, to accelerate their success. In fact, we used the show as the launching ground of our newest features in sales acceleration, the Predictive PowerDialer and Predictive Playbooks, to make these aspects of AI available for every salesperson, to equip them with the best possible tools.
Joemktg's insight:

Technology is society's splitter. We need to tread with caution.


Click/tap to view the original article.

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September 29, 2017 10:30 AM!

CRM software roll out: Agile or waterfall? - Marketing Tech News

CRM software roll out: Agile or waterfall? - Marketing Tech News | The MarTech Digest |
For CRM implementation, there are no solutions that work in all situations. The image represents a set of key differences between waterfall and agile methodologies.
Joemktg's insight:

The table is helpful, and you'll want to click through for the details should this be applicable. And this is definitely applicable to a marketing automation rollout to a dispersed marketing team.


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September 19, 2017 10:02 AM!

What to do when your CRM project fails - CIO

What to do when your CRM project fails - CIO | The MarTech Digest |
Many IT articles discuss how to avoid project failures…which is great, but according to industry analysts, at least one-third of CRM projects fall short. Here, we’re going to explore what to do if you’re in that unlucky 33 percent.
Joemktg's insight:

Please click through for the what to do's, but these are the questions you need to ask so as to drill down and find the issues.


Predictive Analytics is the next step in Marketing Automation. Contact marketingIO to see how. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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September 18, 2017 10:10 AM!

2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for CRM Lead Management - Marketo

2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for CRM Lead Management - Marketo | The MarTech Digest |
The full report includes:

Market evaluation and analysis of 15 CRM lead management vendors
Insights for selecting a vendor based on your organization's requirements
Opportunities and challenges faced when deploying lead management systems
Joemktg's insight:

What's surprising is the loss of visionary status for SFDC. No surprise from Marketo, and expect Act-On to continue to move NE.


Report compliments of Marketo. bridges the gap between your MarTech and your in-house experience. Contact us. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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September 14, 2017 11:30 AM!

10 signs your CRM system needs an overhaul - IT World

10 signs your CRM system needs an overhaul - IT World | The MarTech Digest |
1. Your in-house CRM system is brittle — and sucking up resources

2. New sales leadership has new CRM priorities

3. That one CRM expert leaves

4. Integrations are more manual than effective

5. Standard reports take several days to create

6. CRM governance is missing or ineffective

7. You want to take advantage of new data sources

8. Customized add-ons stop working after an update

9. Adoption and usage is low

10. Data quality issues lead to competing definitions of the customer
Joemktg's insight:

Not necessarily the top 10, but right up there.


marketingIO’s MarTech Managed Services drives more leads faster. Contact us to see how. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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September 8, 2017 10:50 AM!

Comparing Apptivo, Base, bpm’online, Insightly, & Prosperworks CRMs - TechnologyAdvice

Comparing Apptivo, Base, bpm’online, Insightly, & Prosperworks CRMs - TechnologyAdvice | The MarTech Digest |
For those currently in the market for a CRM software provider, there is no limit to the products available. Ranging in focus from small business to enterprise to fully mobile, CRM providers have diversified features that offer customer specific solutions to businesses in all industries. CRM software allows users to manage customer interactions, leads, proposals, sales opportunities, projects, and tasks from one place. Cloud-based iterations allow users to access from any device and review adjustments in real time.

Researching CRM software providers, you’ve most likely come across many platforms. Each product varies in deployment and system sizing. And each offers a carefully curated set of features that benefit different organizations in different ways. In this article, we’ll compare a few favorites, Prosperworks, Apptivo, bpm’online, Base, and Insightly, and look at their systems, pricing, features, and integrations to help you identify which is best for your needs.

There are many CRM software providers to choose from and it’s important to narrow down what type of provider your business needs. Here, we break down CRM providers into four categories: enterprise, small business, mobile, and social.
Joemktg's insight:

Not your typical collection of CRMs. Definitely intriguing.


Not having a fun time with IT? Contact marketingiIO: we can act as your buffer to get the job done. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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September 5, 2017 10:30 AM!

Freshworks Delivers AI-Powered CRM Solution For Sales Teams

Freshworks Delivers AI-Powered CRM Solution For Sales Teams | The MarTech Digest |

The Freshsales CRM solution includes features such as:

  • Auto enrichment, designed to save time and trouble by enhancing leads with social and publicly listed information;
  • Lead scoring capabilities to identify high-potential leads via by lead property, website, in-app and email behavior;
  • Real-time alerts on email opens, link clicks, and more;
  • Built-in phone, which enables users to buy numbers, assign them to sales reps and start making calls within the platform; and
  • Behavior analytics, which can help get the context sales teams need with intelligent tracking of the buyer’s journey.
Joemktg's insight:

The pricing is excellent, but AI may be pushing it a little.


marketingIO’s Outsourcing delivers the vetted talent you need under your complete management and control. Contact us to see how. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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August 16, 2017 4:45 PM!

The Demand For Industry-Specific CRM Explodes · Forrester

The Demand For Industry-Specific CRM Explodes · Forrester | The MarTech Digest |
Horizontal CRM solutions — as mature as they are (and they have been around for 20+ years) — don't always do a good job at supporting industry-specific business processes. Consider these examples: CRM users in manufacturing need capabilities to track projects, schedules, time sheets, labor efficiencies, and equipment inventory in addition to core CRM attributes. …
Joemktg's insight:

Commonly referred to "out-of-the-box" solutions.


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July 28, 2017 11:39 AM!

Transform Customer Experiences by Harnessing the Power of AI in CRM - MIT Technology Review

Transform Customer Experiences by Harnessing the Power of AI in CRM - MIT Technology Review | The MarTech Digest |

"What is AI in CRM exactly? It all starts with customer data. Intelligent systems collate customer data into one central location, which could include previous communications, purchases, complaints or browsing history. AI uses this data in order to correctly anticipate customer needs.


The biggest challenge faced by all businesses is consolidating this data and sifting through it for relevant information. Businesses tend to store customer data over several disparate systems, including a CRM, marketing, and a customer care app. Bringing this data into one central location and gleaning meaning from it is difficult at best. In this scenario Big Data looks like Bloated Data, impossible to penetrate or navigate.

Joemktg's insight:

Download the report.


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July 25, 2017 11:56 AM!

How to Make Your CRM and Your Marketing Automation Get Along - DestinationCRM

How to Make Your CRM and Your Marketing Automation Get Along - DestinationCRM | The MarTech Digest |

Once your process is laid out and both teams are in agreement, it’s time to put the technology in place that will enable your strategy. As noted in the example above, it is essential for marketing automation platforms to be natively integrated with the sales CRM.

Without this integration, it is difficult to create a consistent experience for your prospects and customers. And on top of that, too much time and too many resources will be drained trying to coordinate activities to ensure leads don’t fall through the cracks.

Companies can drive 5 to 36 percent of growth simply through alignment, according to SiriusDecisions, so integrating your platforms from day one without using third-party tools makes sense. From the first day of your MAP and CRM integration you can:

  • automatically push leads to CRM and assign to sales at the right time;
  • sync all activities between the two systems so sales can track each lead’s engagement;
  • help prioritize outreach to create efficiency in the sales cycle;
    provide full visibility into each lead’s digital footprint so sales can customize conversations around interests;
  • give sales influence over the buyer’s journey from inside the CRM—sales can add leads back to marketing campaigns from inside the CRM if they need further nurturing; and
  • capture marketing’s impact on closed opportunities with built-in reporting. 
Joemktg's insight:

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July 21, 2017 10:57 AM!

Getting Past the Empty State: How 5 Popular CRM Tools Onboard Users - Appcues

Getting Past the Empty State: How 5 Popular CRM Tools Onboard Users - Appcues | The MarTech Digest |
How top CRM tools—including Salesforce, HubSpot, and Freshsales—lower cognitive overload with brilliant user onboarding.
Joemktg's insight:

An excellent review. 


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July 20, 2017 10:04 AM!

Driving growth in B2B sales and marketing increasingly tied to more navigable CRM tools - The Drum

Driving growth in B2B sales and marketing increasingly tied to more navigable CRM tools - The Drum | The MarTech Digest |
B2B sales professionals are increasingly asking for a better playbook citing they lack the power to share content with prospects and track them.

In fact, according to a recent report in eMarketer, who cite 2017 data from digital marketing company Regalix and enablement platform ShareDemos, these sales and marketing professionals are actually looking for features that make their jobs easier.

According to a large share of respondents (76%) said they want quick navigable sales tools. Nearly half (48%) said they want the ability to create and edit content in a rapid manner, and 40% want the power to share content with prospects and track them.
Joemktg's insight:



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July 6, 2017 10:15 AM!

What's Trending in CRM: 3 Forward-Thinking Platforms You Can Try Out Today - Capterra

What's Trending in CRM: 3 Forward-Thinking Platforms You Can Try Out Today - Capterra | The MarTech Digest |


  • ProsperWorks
  • Pipeliner
  • bpm’online


5 trending features in CRM
Trend #1: All-in-one platforms
Trend #2: Predictive reporting and analytics
Trend #3: Marketing automation integration
Trend #4: Social media integration
Trend #5: Mobile access"

Joemktg's insight:

AI is needed now.


RYZZ: It’s a new approach to MarTech for B2B Marketers.


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June 15, 2017 12:44 PM!

Is Your Company Behind In Adopting A.I. For CRM? - Forbes

Is Your Company Behind In Adopting A.I. For CRM? - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |
Leading market intelligence firm IDC, in collaboration with Salesforce, released a report today on the economic impact of using AI for CRM activities, ranging from sales and marketing to customer support and retention. Out of 1,028 global companies analyzed, 28% of companies already use AI and 41% planned to do so in the next two years, with 2018 expected to be a pivotal year for enterprises AI adoption.

Within CRM specifically, 50% of business activity is already executed in the cloud. No wonder cloud vendors ranging from Salesforce, Microsoft, IBM, and Google have doubled down on the
war for market share of the enterprise cloud
. “For enterprise AI to be truly effective, it needs to be a seamless part of business workflows, embedded where people work and accessible to every business user – not just data scientists,” cautions Allison Witherspoon, Director of Product Marketing, Salesforce Einstein.
Joemktg's insight:

And you know who has been incorporating AI into CRM.


Monetize your excess MarTech with RYZZ. It’s a new approach to MarTech for B2B Marketers.


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June 14, 2017 12:40 PM!

Next up for CRM? Customer Retention Through Contextual Messaging - InformationWeek

Next up for CRM? Customer Retention Through Contextual Messaging - InformationWeek | The MarTech Digest |
But a less flashy, more labor-intensive practice is gaining steam and yielding big ROI: the individuation of messaging to customers. The once-unthinkable challenge of marketing to customers with virtual one-on-one content presentation is now doable, thanks to the growing ubiquity of analytics and the increasing sophistication of social media platforms -- even when customers number in the millions.

Two techniques, leveraged in concert with one another, enable that virtual one-on-one connection: hypertargeting and microsegmentation.

Hypertargeting is the delivery of highly refined content to highly specific sub-groups in a customer population. The more specific the sub-group, the more refined the message. The idea is to craft content for customers in such a way as to make it seem intimate -- a personal communication, which makes the customer feel special.

Microsegmentation is the method by which the sub-groups to which hypertargeting is applied are defined. CRM has gotten better and better at this, as more and more data pours into the process. The original foundation was parsing populations by demographics. It's effective, but general. Next came personal profile data, served up by social media, identifying everyone's favorite this or that. Finally, as analytics have burrowed more deeply into CRM, patterns of behavior have expanded from buying histories to online travel patterns. In short, it's possible to know an individual customer as well as or better than they know themselves (as a customer).
Joemktg's insight:

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June 2, 2017 9:41 AM!

CRM Features and Why you Need Them - Capterra

CRM Features and Why you Need Them - Capterra | The MarTech Digest |
  • "Interaction Tracking
  • Email Integration
  • Document Storage
  • Mobile Access
  • Pipeline View
  • Social Media Integration
  • Custom Reporting
  • Marketing Automation Integration
  • Quote or Proposal Management
  • Enterprise Features
  • Call Center Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Help Desk Management
  • Referral Tracking
  • Sales Automation
  • Niche Features
  • Product tracking
  • Territory management
  • Web forms"
Joemktg's insight:

Why important: As you continually evaluate/reevaluate CRM, you need to create requirements, and this post is a good place to start.


RYZZ is coming. It’s a new approach to MarTech for B2B Marketers.

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May 22, 2017 10:50 AM!

Gartner Releases the CRM Sales 2017 Cool Vendors Report - Gartner

Gartner Releases the CRM Sales 2017 Cool Vendors Report - Gartner | The MarTech Digest |
We review three vendors with innovative, algorithm-based solutions that improve coaching and sales execution.

  • improves sales training and coaching with semantic analysis of sales calls.
  • Tact offers a compelling voice-driven user interface that improves how sales users interact with SFA systems.
  • Vymo provides mobile lead qualification tools for field-based sales representatives.
Joemktg's insight:

Worthwhile?: Yes. If you're a Gartner client, CT for the link. Otherwise you'll want to kick the tires via their websites.


RYZZ is coming. It’s a new approach to MarTech for B2B Marketers.


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May 15, 2017 10:30 AM!

10 Top Sales CRM Tools for Small Businesses - AeroLeads

10 Top Sales CRM Tools for Small Businesses - AeroLeads | The MarTech Digest |
1. Insightly

2. Instream

3. Nimble

4. Streak

5. Zoho CRM

6. Apptivo

7. Batchbook

8. Bitrix24

9. Capsule CRM

10. Hubspot CRM
Joemktg's insight:

Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


#MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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March 24, 2017 9:30 AM!

5 Easy and Affordable CRMs for Small Business - Capterra Blog

5 Easy and Affordable CRMs for Small Business - Capterra Blog | The MarTech Digest |
Below are our five picks based on combined scores and some additional, small-business-specific, metrics:

  • Teamgate
  • HubSpot
  • Less Annoying CRM
  • amoCRM
  • Pipedrive
Joemktg's insight:

And with HubSpot, the price is right.


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Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free.
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March 15, 2017 8:47 AM!

HubSpot CRM Vs. Salesforce for Managing Customer Relations - Bluleadz

HubSpot CRM Vs. Salesforce for Managing Customer Relations - Bluleadz | The MarTech Digest |
For larger businesses with deep pockets and the need to integrate with a lot of the different apps that are available in the Salesforce marketplace, Salesforce is a great tool. However, for smaller businesses that don’t have thousands of contacts (or are already on HubSpot’s inbound marketing platform), the HubSpot CRM is the easier, more affordable solution.
Joemktg's insight:

CT for a detailed comparison. Really, it's apples and oranges.


Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs: #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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March 9, 2017 9:13 AM!

[FREE] How CRM buyers can negotiate the best deal -

[FREE] How CRM buyers can negotiate the best deal - | The MarTech Digest |
The 28-page IBISWorld report also provides the following:

  • The market share and financial risks of ten CRM vendors
  • A scorecard for making purchase decisions
  • Key RFP elements
  • Negotiation questions
Joemktg's insight:

Yes, you have to register with, but this is a damn good report to receive gratis.


Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs: #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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