7 Most Popular Types of YouTube Video You Can Make Today | tecno4 | Scoop.it

Sitting in front of your PC (or tablet, games console, smartphone, or smart TV) you’ve probably absorbed many YouTube videos. Some of these might have been adverts; others tutorials. You might have witnessed some unboxing videos (good and bad!), observed people applying makeup, enjoyed some young singer/songwriters performing, or chuckled over some reaction videos.
But which of these are the most popular? And if you were to begin a YouTube channel, which of these popular video types should you start with?
Let’s take a look at the options.

1. The Unboxing Video

2. Everybody Loves Time-Lapse Videos

3. Video Game Walkthroughs

4. How To/Tutorials

5. Product Reviews

6. Fan Videos, Reviews and Commentaries

7. Show Off Your Reactions

Other Video Types

You’ve probably seen other video types, such as pranks, bad karaoke, and mashups. These are all fine, but not necessarily things that you can start making right away after you finish this post (pranks are particularly tricky to setup and record).