Marketing: Digital, CPG, B2B
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The 7 Most Common SEO Mistakes
There are many different types of SEO mistakes that people make, and today I am going to outline the most common ones.
Gina Tucker:

Don't fall for SEO "Myths", and don't have "thin" content. Fill your site with relevant, relatable content that your viewers can share, and watch the return on SEO.!
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T-Mobile touted a partnership with Taco Bell in one of its Super Bowl ads this year, breaking the fast-food chain's one day sales records, said T-Mobile's Nicholas Drake.!
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Recent months have seen a whole bunch of brands take bold stances on controversial issues. But should every brand be looking to launch such campaigns?!
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This not-to-scale visualization of what is happening on the internet every single minute of every single day this year should underscore why you have a hard time getting anything done....!
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It’s important to have a unified voice, but courting an international customer base presents unique challenges. Here’s how to overcome them. Defining your overarching identity and tone is an important yet challenging step toward creating a strong marketplace presence.!
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Sometimes, the pivot in your business model is just a short leap from your original idea.!
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Fyre Festival was an immense marketing success, which set it up to be an epic failure in execution.!
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Branded content can engage your biggest fans, but you'll have to rethink what storytelling means now.!
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Brandwatch users can now go beyond ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ to build a deeper understanding of how their customers feel about their brand.!
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Social media analytics show brands that sustainable packaging trends are on the rise and that they should be joining the movement towards sustainability.!
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A new study looks ahead at which businesses could be the latest members of the nine-figure club.!
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The holidays are over and everything has returned to ‘normal’ online. The buying frenzy has passed and brands can sit back and relax for a while. That’s certainly one way to go.But the other, more lucrative path has you clicking on, “continue mastering Instagram as if my brand’s life depended on ...!
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US digital ad spending is set to grow by 19.1% to $129.34 billion this year, accounting for 54.2% of total US ad spend.!
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As commercial trends change, are brands in touch with what consumers want this Super Bowl? Here's the social listening and sentiment breakdown from last night's game.!
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Instagram announced it is developing tools to battle the acquisition of fake followers and engagement on its platform, but these tools fail to reveal an important metric for advertisers.!
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"One of the barriers to overcome is the expectation that because something is socially lead, it must be a free service."...!
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People have come to expect values from the brands they support, and here are examples of inclusive marketing from leading brands.!
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Guest blogger Jake Rheude from Red Stag Fulfilment shares tips on supply management when social demand is taking off.!
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The customer journey is a circuitous one, with the path to purchase riddled with distractions at every touchpoint. Understanding where your customer is now and predicting where they’re headed will help you avoid losing them along the way.!
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Face it: Consumers don't automatically trust your brand or anyone else's. Whaddaya gonna do?!
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Using influencers is now a common practice across brands. But what things do influencers look for in order to work with your brand?!
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Young buyers are tech-savvy and can spot marketing-speak a mile away. Show them your authentic brand voice instead.!
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When you're thirsty, do you order a soda or a Coke? If you have a cold, do you ask for a tissue or a Kleenex? This is brand awareness in action.!
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Updating your company's brand is a regular need. Here are some things to keep in mind as you weigh how best to present your organization.!
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The ad is part of a broader brand repositioning that turns Gillette's 30-year-old tagline, "The Best a Man Can Get," on its head.!
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Scoop it Creator

Gina Tucker