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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
February 22, 2012 12:10 PM!

Advances in neuroscience by the military will make soldiers more deadly

Advances in neuroscience by the military will make soldiers more deadly | Science News |
Soldiers could have their minds plugged directly into weapons systems, undergo brain scans during recruitment and take courses of neural stimulation to boost their learning, if the armed forces emb...
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
February 16, 2012 4:35 PM!

More Than Human? The Ethics of Biologically Enhancing Soldiers

More Than Human? The Ethics of Biologically Enhancing Soldiers | Science News |
Our ability to "upgrade" the bodies of soldiers through drugs, implants, and exoskeletons may be outstripping the ethical norms of war as we've understood them.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 26, 2012 6:35 AM!

A morphologically specialized soldier caste improves colony defense in a neotropical eusocial bee

Here we provide evidence for a physical soldier subcaste in a bee. 

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 20, 2012 11:48 AM!

Thinking Underwear for Warriors : Discovery News

Thinking Underwear for Warriors : Discovery News | Science News |
Sensors in the fabric monitor respiration, heart rate, activity, body posture and skin temperature.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 5, 2012 5:31 PM!

Scientists Make Supersoldier Ants

Scientists Make Supersoldier Ants | Science News |
When eight bizarrely big-headed soldier ants turned up in a wild colony collected from Long Island, N.Y., scientists knew they had found something interesting.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
February 17, 2012 11:26 AM!

DARPA Wants to Give Soldiers Robot Surrogates, Avatar Style - IEEE Spectrum

DARPA Wants to Give Soldiers Robot Surrogates, Avatar Style - IEEE Spectrum | Science News |
Soldiers controlling bipedal robot surrogates on the battlefield?
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 27, 2012 3:01 AM!

What goes on in the mind of a sniper?

What goes on in the mind of a sniper? | Science News |
Snipers play a crucial part in modern warfare but how easy is it for them to justify taking aim at, then killing, individual men and women?
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 20, 2012 11:53 AM!

Special Forces Get Social in New Psychological Operation Plan

Special Forces Get Social in New Psychological Operation Plan | Science News |
The elite forces of the U.S. military think they've found a new way to sway opinion in the Pentagon's preferred directions: a voice-based so...
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 9, 2012 3:33 PM!

Soldier bees guard their nest against attack by robbers

Soldier bees guard their nest against attack by robbers | Science News |
Jatai bees are the first known bee species to have a specialised soldier class to protect their colony...
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 5, 2011 2:12 PM!

Maltreated children show same pattern of brain activity as combat soldiers

Maltreated children show same pattern of brain activity as combat soldiers | Science News |
Children exposed to family violence show the same pattern of activity in their brains as soldiers exposed to combat, new research has shown.
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