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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
July 8, 2012 1:54 AM!

[VIDEO] Deep-Sea Cephalopods Hide Using Light

Many kinds of octopus, cuttlefish, and squid are masters of disguise. They conceal themselves using chromatophores—specialized skin cells that hold pigment and reflect light.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
June 8, 2012 4:49 PM!

[VIDEO] GFDL Global Sea Surface Temperature Model

This dataset shows how the global ocean's surface water temperatures vary over the course of few years. In addition to seeing the effects of the seasonal cycle, the viewer can see how surface ocean currents and eddies transport heat and water around the globe. The images were generated not from observations, but from a state-of-the-art computer model of Earth's climate created at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL).

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
May 25, 2012 12:46 PM!

[VIDEO] It's the Size of a Grain of Rice -- I Squid You Not!

Like a jewel dancing in the water, this baby opalescent squid (Doryteuthis opalescens), called a paralarva, sucks water into the main part of its body (the mantle cavity) and squirts it out a narrow siphon. This swimming motion is called jet propulsion.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
March 27, 2012 6:10 PM!

[VIDEO] - James Cameron's first footage from the deep sea floor

James Cameron releases the first ever video footage of the bottom of the Mariana Trench -- seven miles below the ocean's surface.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
March 19, 2012 12:14 PM!

Global sea level likely to rise as much as 70 feet for future generations

Global sea level likely to rise as much as 70 feet for future generations | Science News |

Even if humankind manages to limit global warming to 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F), as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends, future generations will have to deal with sea levels 12 to 22 meters (40 to 70 feet) higher than at present, according to research published in the journal Geology.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
February 11, 2012 7:15 AM!

Deep Sea Is Alive With Sound

Deep Sea Is Alive With Sound | Science News |

Whistle-like sound.] That’s not a bird whistling. This sound was recorded 2000 feet below the ocean’s surface.

oliviersc's comment, February 11, 2012 10:21 AM
Pas de son au bout du lien ; too bad ...
Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 19, 2012 4:05 PM!

Biofuel from beneath the waves : Nature News & Comment

Biofuel from beneath the waves : Nature News & Comment | Science News |

Bioengineers have devised a way to produce ethanol from seaweed, laying the groundwork for a biofuel that doesn't sacrifice food crops.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 25, 2011 3:31 PM!

Sea Snails Help Scientists Explore a Possible Way to Enhance Memory

Sea Snails Help Scientists Explore a Possible Way to Enhance Memory | Science News |
Efforts to help people with learning impairments are being aided by a species of sea snail known as Aplysia californica. The mollusk, which is used by researchers to study the brain, has much in common with other species including humans.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 10, 2011 8:21 AM!

Deep-sea Battery Comes To Light

Deep-sea Battery Comes To Light | Science News |

Scientists have discovered an unusual kind of battery at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean: a living one, fueled by microbes that live near hydrothermal vents.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
November 23, 2011 1:07 PM!

Dead Sea Scrolls probably written by the Essenes

Dead Sea Scrolls probably written by the Essenes | Science News |

The Dead Sea Scrolls may have been written, at least in part, by a sectarian group called the Essenes, according to nearly 200 textiles discovered in caves at Qumran, in the West Bank, where the religious texts had been stored.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
October 12, 2011 4:57 PM!

Fountains of Life at the Bottom of the Dead Sea | Video of the Week, Scientific American Blog Network

Fountains of Life at the Bottom of the Dead Sea | Video of the Week, Scientific American Blog Network | Science News |
Video of the Week #12, October 12, 2011

From: Fountains of Life Found at the Bottom of the Dead Sea by Jennifer Frazer at The Artful Amoeba.

Original ...
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
June 27, 2012 1:29 PM!

How Astronauts Train at the Bottom of the Sea

How Astronauts Train at the Bottom of the Sea | Science News |

Under the Sea To create conditions that better mimic microgravity, astronauts 63 feet below the ocean’s surface wear small pieces of foam on their wetsuits to become more buoyant.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
June 8, 2012 4:40 PM!

[VIDEO] Sea Surface Currents and Temperature
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
May 17, 2012 6:32 PM!

Wanna Learn Marine Biology? There's an App for That

Wanna Learn Marine Biology? There's an App for That | Science News |
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary released the app, which features more than 1,300 images of animals.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
March 27, 2012 5:41 AM!

Sub Sphere: What Protects Human Deep Divers?

When James Cameron dives to the lowest point of the Pacific's Mariana Trench, 36,000 feet of water pressure is bearing down on his sub, which feels like 13 cars weighing on each of his shoulders! But he's protected by sitting inside a 2 1/2 inch thick steel ball.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
February 12, 2012 4:51 PM!

Sounds of frozen sea. Odessa, Ukraine. February 2012

Weird sounds of frozen sea.Arcadia, Odessa video courtesy
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 30, 2012 3:16 AM!

Salvage divers find potential UFO on Baltic Sea floor. (video)

Salvage divers find potential UFO on Baltic Sea floor. (video) | Science News |

Salvage divers find potential UFO on Baltic Sea floor. They plan to return in May when the weather is better.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 19, 2012 5:31 AM!

Deep-Sea Diving Robot Can Do Dangerous Work

Deep-Sea Diving Robot Can Do Dangerous Work | Science News |
A team of researchers are exploring ways robots can be used for dangerous missions, like deep-sea diving in the wake of an oil spill.

Articles about robotics:

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 13, 2011 4:43 PM!

Not Finding Nemo becomes a reality

Not Finding Nemo becomes a reality | Science News |
( -- Three Simon Fraser University biologists and an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) scientist say it’s no longer fiction but fact. No one will be able to find Nemo if conservation action isn’t taken soon.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
November 29, 2011 5:50 PM!

Pictures: New Deep-Sea Worms Found—Have Big "Lips"

Pictures: New Deep-Sea Worms Found—Have Big "Lips" | Science News |
A dozen new species of brilliantly colored worms with large "lips" have been discovered deep in the Atlantic Ocean, scientists say.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
October 28, 2011 2:24 AM!

Dead Sea Scroll Objects On Display : Discovery News

Dead Sea Scroll Objects On Display : Discovery News | Science News |
A three-ton stone from Jerusalem's Western Wall is part of an exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls which includes pieces never before available for public viewing.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
September 26, 2011 6:07 AM!

Official Google Blog: From the desert to the web: bringing the Dead Sea Scrolls online

Official Google Blog: From the desert to the web: bringing the Dead Sea Scrolls online | Science News |

t’s taken 24 centuries, the work of archaeologists, scholars and historians, and the advent of the Internet to make the Dead Sea Scrolls accessible to anyone in the world. Today, as the new year approaches on the Hebrew calendar, we’re celebrating the launch of the Dead Sea Scrolls online; a project of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem powered by Google technology.

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