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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
May 23, 2012 4:35 PM!

Heart rules the head when we make financial decisions

Heart rules the head when we make financial decisions | Science News |
Our 'gut feelings' influence our decisions, overriding 'rational' thought, when we are faced with financial offers that we deem to be unfair, according to a new study.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 31, 2012 5:44 PM!

The Realities of Reason

The Realities of Reason | Science News |

The theory holds that when we reason, we generate models of what is possible given not only the stated premises but also our own knowledge. Our limited working memory makes it difficult for us to think of all possible models, and this limitation, according to Johnson-Laird, is one of our biggest cognitive failures.
We also assume that our mental models only represent what is true, which can lead to systematic fallacies. Some of these fallacies are so powerful that they seem to be cognitive illusions. Such fallacies present a dilemma for theories of reasoning that involve formal rules of inference, because we shouldn’t be making these kinds of mistakes as long as we have valid rules.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 29, 2011 3:04 PM!

People don't just think with their guts; logic plays a role too

People don't just think with their guts; logic plays a role too | Science News |
For decades, science has suggested that when people make decisions, they tend to ignore logic and go with the gut.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
May 18, 2012 4:04 PM!

Taming The Wild Mind | Can creativity be Scheduled?

Taming The Wild Mind | Can creativity be Scheduled? | Science News |

Myths have developed around and researchers have studied how the human brain juggles creativity and organization. Popular theory tells us that the left brain is structured and logical, while the right brain is artistic and imaginative, and that all human beings use predominantly one side of the other.


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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 9, 2012 6:30 AM!

The Idiocracy Theory | Are we getting dumber?

The Idiocracy Theory | Are we getting dumber? | Science News |

Are we getting dumber? By Michael Michalko...

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