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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
November 10, 2012 2:17 PM!

Indus Valley 2,000 years older than thought

Indus Valley 2,000 years older than thought | Science News |

The beginning of India’s history has been pushed back by more than 2,000 years, making it older than that of Egypt and Babylon. Latest research has put the date of the origin of the Indus Valley Civilisation at 6,000 years before Christ, which contests the current theory that the settlements around the Indus began around 3750 BC.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
March 15, 2012 6:37 PM!

Study links past changes in monsoon to major shifts in Indian civilizations

Study links past changes in monsoon to major shifts in Indian civilizations | Science News |
( -- A fundamental shift in the Indian monsoon has occurred over the last few millennia, from a steady humid monsoon that favored lush vegetation to extended periods of drought, reports a new study led by researchers at the Woods Hole...
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 24, 2012 3:33 PM!

Young Indians in social network 'fatigue'

Young Indians in social network 'fatigue' | Science News |
India's urban youth are suffering social-media 'fatigue,' prompting a number to delete their Facebook and other accounts, according to a new study.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 29, 2011 5:04 AM!

Understanding ancient Indian mathematics

Understanding ancient Indian mathematics | Science News |

Quite often I find that conversations, with people from various walks of life, on ancient Indian mathematics slide to “Vedic mathematics” of the “16 sutras” fame, which is supposed to endow one with magical powers of calculation. Actually, the “16 sutras” were introduced by Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, who was the Sankaracharya of Puri from 1925 until he passed away in 1960, associating with them procedures for certain arithmetical or algebraic computations. Thus, this so-called “Vedic mathematics (VM)” is essentially a 20th century phenomenon.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 11, 2011 4:52 PM!

Social media to drive movement against corruption: Survey

Social media to drive movement against corruption: Survey | Science News |
Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Orkut are emerging as an important tool to drive movement against corruption and bring positive change in the society, a survey has revealed.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
March 27, 2012 4:58 PM!

India Looks Toward Mars

India Looks Toward Mars | Science News |
On March 16, India took a big step toward a Mars orbiter mission with the release of its budget. The proposal itself might not be particula...
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
February 24, 2012 3:49 PM!

New Indus Valley site discovered in Pakistan

New Indus Valley site discovered in Pakistan | Science News |

The lifting of mud from a site in east of Khairpur Joso has resulted in the discovery of an archaeological site locally called Nathar-j-Daro

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 4, 2012 2:58 AM!

1.4 million orders for world's cheapest tablet in India

1.4 million orders for world's cheapest tablet in India | Science News |
The world's cheapest tablet computer has clocked 1.4 million bookings since it was put up for sale online two weeks ago in India, a spokeswoman told AFP on Tuesday.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 21, 2011 2:00 AM!

Indian Ocean vents challenge ridge theory

Indian Ocean vents challenge ridge theory | Science News |

The discovery of huge fields of submarine hydrothermal vents in the Southwest Indian Ocean is reason for both excitement and surprise: the area was thought to be largely devoid of such structures.

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