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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
April 28, 2013 9:56 AM!

Atheists as stressed as believers when daring God to do bad things

Atheists as stressed as believers when daring God to do bad things | Science News |

A new study provides tentative support for this idea. Marjaana Lindeman and her colleagues report that atheists get just as stressed as religious people when they ask God to do nasty things, as in "I dare God to make someone murder my parents cruelly."

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
April 28, 2012 5:45 PM!

Atheism & Belief in God: Countries Get Ranked

Atheism & Belief in God: Countries Get Ranked | Science News |
Some countries are more certain of God's existence than others.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
April 18, 2012 4:01 PM!

Reminders of secular authority reduce believers' distrust of atheists

Reminders of secular authority reduce believers' distrust of atheists | Science News |
What's the group that least agrees with Americans' vision of their country? According to many sociological surveys, it's atheists.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
February 5, 2012 12:49 PM!

Are Evolution And Belief Incompatible?

Are Evolution And Belief Incompatible? | Science News |

A few years ago, Sir David Attenborough seemed to think so: Attenborough recently changed his tune: I don't think an understanding and an acceptance of the 4 billion-year-long history of life is any way inconsistent with a belief in a supreme being. And I am not so confident as to say that I am an atheist.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 27, 2012 1:28 PM!

Why are people friendly?

Why are people friendly? | Science News |

Without selection between competing groups, the advantages of co-operation are not great enough to make it spread, or maintain itself within a population. Our benevolent instincts are the products of our social nature, and to analyse human society as essentially an association of individuals is not just morally but scientifically wrong, since that kind of analysis doesn't predict our behaviour accurately.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 14, 2011 12:57 PM!

Richard Dawkins to David Cameron: An open letter: Do you get it now, Prime Minister?

Richard Dawkins to David Cameron: An open letter:  Do you get it now, Prime Minister? | Science News |
A diverse and largely secular country such as Britain should not privilege the religious over the non-religious, or impose or underwrite religion in any aspect of public life. A government that does so is out of step with modern demographics and values. You seemed to understand that in your excellent, and unfairly criticised, speech on the dangers of "multicul­turalism" in February this year. Modern society requires and deserves a truly secular state, by which I mean not state atheism, but state neutrality in all matters pertaining to religion: the recognition that faith is personal and no business of the state. Individuals must always be free to "do God" if they wish; but a government for the people certainly should not.

With my best wishes to you and your family for a happy Christmas,

Richard Dawkins

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 2, 2011 4:56 AM!

Some atheist scientists with children embrace religious traditions

Some atheist scientists with children embrace religious traditions | Science News |
Some atheist scientists with children embrace religious traditions for social and personal reasons, according to research from Rice University and the University at Buffalo -- The State University of New York (SUNY).
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
April 30, 2012 6:45 PM!

Highly religious people are less motivated by compassion than are non-believers

Highly religious people are less motivated by compassion than are non-believers | Science News |

"UC Berkeley study finds atheists, agnostics and less religious people are more driven by compassion to be generous.

Articles about COMPASSION:

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
April 25, 2012 6:56 PM!

[VIDEO] Neil deGrasse Tyson: Atheist or Agnostic?

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson claims the title "scientist" above all other "ists." And yet, he says he is "constantly claimed by atheists." So where does he stand? "Neil deGrasse, widely claimed by atheists, is actually an agnostic."

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
April 6, 2012 6:06 PM!

[VIDEO] Alain de Botton: Religion for Atheists

Religion: not just for believers anymore. Philosopher and author Alain de Botton says non-believers can learn a lot from religion - without believing in God. He sits down with Steve Paikin.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 31, 2012 5:21 PM!

Polling location may influence how you vote

Cathedrals or government buildings could influence voting, a recent Baylor study showed.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
January 22, 2012 2:22 PM!

Alain de Botton: Atheism 2.0 | Video on

What aspects of religion should atheists (respectfully) adopt? Alain de Botton suggests a "religion for atheists" -- call it Atheism 2.0 -- that incorporates religious forms and traditions to satisfy our human need for connection, ritual and transcendence.

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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
December 2, 2011 3:12 PM!

Why Atheists Celebrate Christmas | Atheism & Religious Attendance | Religion, Church & Tradition | LiveScience

Why Atheists Celebrate Christmas | Atheism & Religious Attendance | Religion, Church & Tradition | LiveScience | Science News |
Despite not believing in God, about 17 percent of atheist scientists participate in religious services at least twice a year.
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Scooped by Sakis Koukouvis
November 30, 2011 11:11 AM!

Study explores distrust of atheists by believers

Study explores distrust of atheists by believers | Science News |
Distrust is the central motivating factor behind why religious people dislike atheists, according to a new study led by University of British Columbia psychologists.
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