Interview Advice & Tips
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Interview Advice & Tips
Helping you Accelerate your Career Success and Live on Purpose
Curated by Trish Sadar
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
July 22, 2014 11:30 AM!

Can we talk?

Can we talk? | Interview Advice & Tips |
Trish Sadar's insight:

Hey everyone,


First of all, just wanted to tell you how honored I am to be part of this this wonderful community! 


Over the last year it has been great to talk with many of you through the blog, over the phone or through email. 


I am putting together a course to help people with their careers, networking, resumes, and interviewing.  I want to make sure that I really cover everything. (Or atleast what is most important)


So can you help me out and tell me what your #1 challenge is, and what information, tools, or guidance would help you?  Not only will this help me to make sure that my course creates maximum value...I want to make sure that I am delivering maximum value to YOU here on


Really appreciate your help!!!



Strengths Leadership Coach

PS - Live on Purpose!



StrainX-THCA's comment, August 21, 11:15 PM
StrainX-THCA's comment, August 21, 11:15 PM
StrainX-THCA's comment, August 21, 11:15 PM
Scooped by Trish Sadar
June 6, 2015 12:16 PM!

From Bartender to CEO

From Bartender to CEO | Interview Advice & Tips |
Trish Sadar's insight:

When I was in my twenties, I was juggling multiple jobs and had to put my career goals and education on hold.  Everything changed for me when one leader noticed something in me – my spark and potential… and the rest is history. 


I know the power that lives inside of each of us, sometimes we just need someone who believes in us to show us the way.  Is your flame going strong?  My goal is to ignite your spark and flame. 


YOU have unique gifts and your true power begins when someone believes in you, and takes hold when you start believing in yourself.  


I am personally inviting you and every woman you know to get access to my FREE online virtual event! 


So I asked some amazing authors and speakers if I could interview them and they said yes!

Please share this information to all the wonderful women you knowJ 


Click here to save your seat and get your flame going strong!       


orloppisces's comment, October 18, 2016 1:41 AM
myhecm's comment, October 15, 2022 2:44 AM
Julie's comment, February 9, 2023 9:02 PM
Suggested by Dianne M. Kipp
April 29, 2015 5:45 PM!

What's Different About Job Searching in 2015 - U.S. News & World Report (blog)

What's Different About Job Searching in 2015 - U.S. News & World Report (blog) | Interview Advice & Tips |
What you should know if you're new to the job market.
Jon Parker's curator insight, May 14, 2015 2:24 PM

The times, they are a changing...

HongfengPackaging's comment, May 23, 2022 5:21 AM
Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 20, 2015 7:02 AM!

15 Nerve-racking #Job #Interview Questions and How to Answer Them | JobMob

15 Nerve-racking #Job #Interview Questions and How to Answer Them | JobMob | Interview Advice & Tips |
Preparation is the zen of the job interview.
Trish Sadar's insight:

Great suggestions to read in this article!  Most interviewers who I have come across start with "tell me about yourself", and ask atleast one of the listed questions.


Preparation is the key for you to be able to walk confidently into the interview ready to show them the best version of you. 


My call to action before any interview: 


1) Know why they should hire you, besides your experience.  If you don't know how will the interviewer know. 


2)  Review the job description/job posting and prepared to respond to questions related.  If the job lists job duties you are do not have experience with -- the next best thing is to research what the job duty entails, and what is required.  Perhaps you have experience with similar duties that you can explan. 


Instead of saying, "no, I do not have experience with xyz software, you can say ...I am familiar with xyz software, at my work we use a similar one which is abc.  If hired for the job, I found an online course on that I would take to be ready on my first day."


3)  Get to know the company -- what the company does, accomplishments, recent events, their history, their mission, vision, values, and service philosophy.  So when you are asked, why do you want to work here you should be able to answer sincerely.


---If you have any questions, comments, or best practices about careers or leadership…I am on it!  My goal is to share thoughts, tools, and inspiration to help you leverage your strengths, and achieve your goals!  Walt Disney said, "Whatever we have accomplished has been because other people have helped  us."  So don't be afraid to ask for help...that is what I am here for!


Until next time...PS - Live on Purpose!


Brandon Denton's comment, June 25, 2015 5:57 PM
While reading all of these questions, I noticed a common theme. This is that the interviewer wants to hear personal stories or experiences that you (the interviewee) has encountered before. This shows them that you have "been through the ringer" and are comfortable in otherwise uncomfortable situations.
Ryan Luehrman's curator insight, June 21, 2020 8:15 PM
There is nothing worse than when you get asked a hard question by an employer. So I added this section to prepare for the inevitable. 
worshipguitarlesson's comment, May 17, 2022 5:58 AM
Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 19, 2015 8:34 AM!

The 3 Types of College Interviews and How to Be a Rockstar at All of Them

The 3 Types of College Interviews and How to Be a Rockstar at All of Them | Interview Advice & Tips |
As the next admissions season comes, many colleges and universities have already started their interview processes. While interviews are often portrayed as nerve-wracking, intense interrogations in...
Trish Sadar's insight:

Great advice on preparing for college interviews!!!

Lillian Budd's curator insight, January 20, 2015 1:14 PM

I honestly didn't even know that there were college interviews until recently. I would imagine that there are a lot of other people like me who don't know about this, and this would definitely help them prepare for these interviews. Publishing this will help those who aren't confident in their ability to "rock" these interviews. I chose this for that specific reason.

Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 17, 2015 7:10 AM!

When it comes to #Job #Interviews, Stay Patient and trust your journey

When it comes to #Job #Interviews, Stay Patient and trust your journey | Interview Advice & Tips |
Trish Sadar's insight:

If you are going through countless interviews now, this quote is for you.  I know that interviews can be like going through endless emotional rollercoaster rides, not to mention nobody likes being rejected.


I want to remind you that if you didn't get the job it wasn't about you.  Do your best to take something away from each interview.  Reflect on what you learned, and what you would do differently the next time.  Did you ramble?  Did some questions stump you?  Did you forget to ask questions?  Did you forget to get the business card of the person who was interviewing you?  Decide that you are getting better and more confident each day.  (You will)


Remember why you are interviewing, and stay focused on your goal and what success looks like.  The path you are walking is your very own.  Know where you are going, stay focused on your milestones, read the signs along the way, and remember that you are the driver. :)))


---If you have any questions, comments, or best practices about careers or leadership…I am on it!  My goal is to share thoughts, tools, and inspriation to help you leverage your strengths, and achieve your goals!  Walt Disney said, "Whatever we have accomplished has been because other people have helped  us."  So don't be afraid to ask for help...that is what I am here for!


Until next time...PS - Live on Purpose!

Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 13, 2015 2:29 PM!

Preparing For Five Different Types of #Interview Questions | Sports ...

Preparing For Five Different Types of #Interview Questions | Sports ... | Interview Advice & Tips |
By Dr. Howard Gauthier If you are going to get the job, you need to be prepared for your interview. This includes being prepared to answer the interview questions you will be asked. During your interview you will be judged on ...
Trish Sadar's insight:

I agree that preparation is the key to a successful interview.  The truth is that every interview is different, because every person, role, and company is unique. 


The one way to focus efficiently on what you need to know to walk into the interview confident and empowered is to prepare 3 things.  In my interview book I call it a triangle. 


The top of the triangle is to know yourself.  That means that you need to know why the employer would hire you.  The top way to feel confident walking into the interview is to know your value.  What are your strengths, what are your traits, what makes you stand apart from all of the other candidates?  Be honest, if you don't know why someone would hire you how will the interviewer know.  Einstein says that if you can't explain it simply you don't know it well enough.


The second thing to prepare is the job role.  Go through the job posting bullet by bullet.  If there are any duties, skills, or software you are not familiar with circle them and be ready to discuss similar duties or projects.


The third is to know about the company, and if possible the interviewer.  Know what the company does, their mission, vision, values, and service philosophy.  Have they been in the news, have they won recent awards?  Why do you want to work for the company?


Hope this article and my advice help to empower not confuse you. 


---- If you have any questions around Careers or Leadership...I am on it!  My goal is to share thoughts, tools, and inspiration to help you leverage your strengths, and get to where you want to be faster!  I am grateful and fortunate to work with best in class global organizations and talented leaders, and I love to pass along lessons I gained from my experiences.

PS - Live on Purpose!



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Scooped by Trish Sadar
October 31, 2014 9:05 AM!

What To Bring To A Job Interview

What To Bring To A Job Interview | Interview Advice & Tips |
The more prepared you are for a job interview, the better, of course -- but how exactly should you prepare yourself?
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Suggested by Ryan Niessen
October 30, 2014 1:26 PM!

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your For-Benefit Dream Job (Part 1)

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your For-Benefit Dream Job (Part 1) | Interview Advice & Tips |
Getting 100% clear on exactly what you want to do is half the battle. Arguably more.

That’s why I created The Ultimate Guide To Discovering Your
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
October 9, 2014 12:22 PM!

Want a #Job #Interviewer to like you? Here are some tips!

Want a #Job #Interviewer to like you?  Here are some tips! | Interview Advice & Tips |
Here are some easy steps to take to get the interviewer more interested in hiring you
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Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Leading self & others
October 4, 2014 9:51 AM!

CEOs Share Their Favorite Job #Interview Questions

CEOs Share Their Favorite Job #Interview Questions | Interview Advice & Tips |
Guest Post by Jeff Haden Interview questions: Everyone has them. And everyone wishes they had better ones. So I asked smart people from a variety of fields for their favorite interview question and...

Via Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff
Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff's curator insight, September 29, 2014 8:06 AM

Here are mines:

- imagine you are in my shoes and I'm in yours: what would you evaluate in my profile? What is the most important question you would have for me?

- what are you incorruptible at?

- what is your level of intolerance and why?

- how do you measure talent?


Scooped by Trish Sadar
September 10, 2014 9:15 PM!

Closing the Deal - The Wrong Way to Go in #Interviews - Social-Hire

Closing the Deal - The Wrong Way to Go in #Interviews - Social-Hire | Interview Advice & Tips |
RT @tonyrestell: Job Interviews: Closing the Deal
Jessie Toledo's curator insight, September 17, 2014 3:59 PM

Few things has important as important as a good first impression.

Jessie Toledo's comment, September 17, 2014 4:00 PM
thank you for this! I have a interview coming up and this is going to be very useful.
GoJobio's comment, November 3, 2014 9:36 PM
A very useful and informative post. You guy such a good author. We are in our way in promoting a video resume this sounds very good to us. Thanks!
Scooped by Trish Sadar
September 7, 2014 1:31 PM!

The Power the Four “A’s” Have On Your #Job #Interview

The Power the Four “A’s” Have On Your #Job #Interview | Interview Advice & Tips |
Jennifer Grasz from CareerBuilder reveals the top five mistakes people make during job interviews and what you should do instead.
Kyra Mohn's curator insight, September 10, 2014 11:07 AM

Senior seminar is a great time to prepare for job interviews

Rescooped by Trish Sadar from Strategy and Leadership
May 18, 2018 4:12 AM!

5 Job Interview Questions That Reveal What a Candidate Has Really Accomplished

5 Job Interview Questions That Reveal What a Candidate Has Really Accomplished | Interview Advice & Tips |
Want to ask job interview questions that let you find out what a job candidate has really accomplished? Here are some great questions, along with some of the best answers.
Via Chad Manske
Andrea Ross's curator insight, May 23, 2018 6:28 AM

Morning all. I've recently compiled a comprehensive list of behavioural based interview questions for agency recruitment and in-house clients over the last week. It can be pretty daunting with the amount of information out there. If anyone is out there that has just started interviewing talent then please take a read of this article it has 5 relevant questions that will help verify the suitability of the person for the role. Happy Interviewing!!

georgiasalestaxes's comment, January 1, 2020 1:26 AM
Julie's comment, February 9, 2023 9:01 PM
Scooped by Trish Sadar
April 30, 2015 5:47 PM!

How to Ace the 50 Most Common Interview Questions

How to Ace the 50 Most Common Interview Questions | Interview Advice & Tips |
Most people’s biggest job-hunting fear is being put on the spot by oddball interview questions such as these (which are real):“Describe the color yellow to someone who’s blind.” – Spirit Airlines“If you were asked to unload a 747 full of jelly...
Emily Rose's comment, December 30, 2016 6:17 AM
Great presentation!!! We have created a free online course with new trends and strategies on “Essentials of Interview” you can access course at
Gabrielle's curator insight, April 30, 2017 11:13 PM
future job interview/diversity project 
myhecm's comment, October 15, 2022 2:44 AM
Scooped by Trish Sadar
February 2, 2015 12:06 PM!

5 tips for surviving the digital interview - USA TODAY

5 tips for surviving the digital interview - USA TODAY | Interview Advice & Tips |
Question: I will be video recorded answering pre-recorded questions, but not talking to a live human. Any tips?
Trish Sadar's insight:

You are probably thinking.....What???  Now I have to worry about digital interviews! 


There is a silver lining to digital interviews for both hiring managers and stay with me okay?  Here are just a few pros to digital interviews.



- You get time to practice and rehearse

- You can video yourself at a time that works for you, or over a few days

- You can re-shoot if you are not happy with how you sound on the interview

- You can step into the shoes of the interviews to see for yourself how you sound and look from their lens



- You can view the videos on your time when it is convenient for you

- You can watch the videos, and pause like a movie if you have meetings or schedule commitments

- You can fast forward if an applicant takes the long road to get to the response


What do you think about the digital interview?


myhecm's comment, October 15, 2022 2:44 AM
Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 19, 2015 8:51 AM!

It Pays to Ask Smart Questions at a Job #Interview - Wall Street Journal

It Pays to Ask Smart Questions at a Job #Interview - Wall Street Journal | Interview Advice & Tips |
Job seekers spend all of their time preparing answers, but the questions that they ask can be as revealing to hiring managers.
Trish Sadar's insight:

Asking the right type and the right amount of questions is important.


If the interview is with HR, and the interview is a screening interview -- then you should prepare questions that will help you prepare for the next round of interviews.  Questions regarding the position, the team, the goals, if appropriate the supervisor, and the company.


If the interview is with the hiring manager of the department, then asking questions about the role to demonstrate your interest in the position and the contributions you plan on bringing to the team is important.


Remember guys even if as the interview starts winding down you realize that the particular job is not for you, still move forward and ask some questions.  It is not unusual for the HR team to love you as a candidate, and suggest you for other positions.


---If you have any questions, comments, or best practices about careers or leadership…I am on it!  My goal is to share thoughts, tools, and inspiration to help you leverage your strengths, and achieve your goals!  Walt Disney said, "Whatever we have accomplished has been because other people have helped  us."  So don't be afraid to ask for help...that is what I am here for!


Until next time...PS - Live on Purpose!

Kimberly Kachadoorian's curator insight, January 22, 2015 9:29 AM


Teveion Jenkins's curator insight, April 22, 2015 10:40 AM

tips that will help you succed in your upcoming interviews.

Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 18, 2015 12:13 PM!

Script: Answering The Question 'How Much Did You Earn At Your Last Job?'

Script: Answering The Question 'How Much Did You Earn At Your Last Job?' | Interview Advice & Tips |
Rrring! Emily: Emily Brooks! Shaun: Hi Emily, this is Shaun Jimenez from Angry Chocolates. Have you got a second? Emily: Sure. Let me just turn this heat down a bit here. I'm making supper. Shaun: Oh, sorry!
Trish Sadar's insight:

Great advice!


So tell me, what bloopers have you said or done during an interview to respond to this question?  What did you learn from it?


Would love to hear from you.


Until next time...PS - Live on Purpose!

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Scooped by Trish Sadar
January 16, 2015 3:13 PM!

Logic behind #Interview Questions

Logic behind #Interview Questions | Interview Advice & Tips |
Concept and Logic Behind Typical Interview Questions
Trish Sadar's insight:

I agree that most of the interview question goals are to find out:


1.  Can you do the job/are you within our salary range

2.  Are you professional

3.  Are you are the right for the department and organizational culture


After you read the article, do you have other interview questions you wondered why that question was asked?


If so, we would love to hear from you!

---If you have any questions, comments, or best practices about careers or leadership…I am on it!  My goal is to share thoughts, tools, and inspriation to help you leverage your strengths, and help you achieve your goals!  I am grateful and so fortuante to travel the world as a speaker and coach.  I get to work with some of the best in class organizations, and I love to pass along lessons I learn from you to others.


Until next time....PS - Live on Purpose!




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Scooped by Trish Sadar
December 5, 2014 8:29 AM!

Get the Job You Want: The Interview Question that Can Help You - Business 2 Community

Get the Job You Want: The Interview Question that Can Help You - Business 2 Community | Interview Advice & Tips |
In previous posts we looked at the Most Important Interview Question Ever and the Second Most Important Interview Question. Today I share with you another very important interview question that yo…
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
October 31, 2014 7:05 AM!

How to Fail at a Job Interview!

How to Fail at a Job Interview! | Interview Advice & Tips |
Once the interview is done and everything is done, you expect to relax. Well don’t just yet. The last thing that an interviewer asks is if you have any questions.
Jessie Toledo's comment, November 5, 2014 4:59 PM
This was very informative and funny
Suggested by Ryan Niessen
October 30, 2014 1:26 PM!

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your For-Benefit Dream Job (Part 2)

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your For-Benefit Dream Job (Part 2) | Interview Advice & Tips |
If you want to get your dream job, you need modern job-seeking strategies that work.

In part 1 of this series, I showed you why just 1% of resumes
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Suggested by Careering
October 9, 2014 12:19 PM!

How To Dress For A Job Interview

How To Dress For A Job Interview | Interview Advice & Tips |
Creating a positive first impression in your job search is vital to success. Most people develop a first (and often lasting) impression within the first six seconds of meeting you. That's well befo...
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
September 17, 2014 7:46 PM!

Prepare For an Online #Job #Interview in 24 Hours

Prepare For an Online #Job #Interview in 24 Hours | Interview Advice & Tips |
Job hunters, how do you prepare for an online interview when you have limited time -- say, only 24 hours? Check out this timetable as a guide.
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Scooped by Trish Sadar
September 10, 2014 9:13 PM!

The 5 Best #Job Interview Questions a Candidate Ever Asked

The 5 Best #Job Interview Questions a Candidate Ever Asked | Interview Advice & Tips |
Some of the best advice ever shared among job seekers: when in a job interview, interview the employer right back. After all, you’re the one who is...
Jessie Toledo's comment, September 24, 2014 2:13 PM
this is so important and too many people don't ask questions back to the interviewee to get to know more about the company they are applying for
Scooped by Trish Sadar
August 27, 2014 11:17 AM!

#Interviewing - don't throw in the towel!

#Interviewing  - don't throw in the towel! | Interview Advice & Tips |
Trish Sadar's insight:

I can't say that I have met many people who said that they love interviewing.  As a matter of fact, most people have found it to be hard work and a bit stressful.


While you may not have much choice about the resume, application, and interview always have a choice of how you approach it.  Remember why you are interviewing, and keep your goals in sight. 


Do your best to surround yourself with people who will lift and support you.  Don't ever think that you are alone -- that is what this community is all about -- helping eachother reach our goals!


Until next time...Hoping these articles, tips, and quotes help you accelerate your success and live on Purpose!



Sunday Jones's curator insight, August 29, 2014 2:28 PM

Sometimes, it's good to know when to quit...and go another direction. You're not quitting for good--you're quitting because what you've been doing isn't working.  There's a huge difference, and continuing to beat your head against a brick wall isn't going to help at all.