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Faber Content | marketing et contenus
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Scooped by Fabrice
April 11, 2016 10:54 AM

Content marketing : une brève histoire du seul marketing restant - Balises Infos

Share this on WhatsApp « Le content marketing est le seul marketing qui nous reste », annonce le gourou du marketing Seth Godin. Si la discipline est quasiment aussi ancienne que l’humanité, l’obsolescence annoncée du marketing de l’interruption accélérée par l’explosion du digital la remet sur le devant de la scène. Grand prosélyte du contenu, le Content Marketing Institute (CMI) a réalisé un documentaire sur la passionnante histoire du marketing de contenu. En 40 minutes, le CMI revient sur la genèse de ce pan du marketing en expliquant pourquoi il est désormais incontournable. L’argumentaire est simple. Avec l’avènement des mass-médias et de la publicité à partir des années 20-30, les marketeurs ont largement utilisé ces canaux de diffusion pour persuader et convaincre le consommateur d’acheter leur produit. La publicité règne en maîtresse absolue et l’avènement de la télévision dans les années 50 érige la pub comme levier absolu de persuasion. Les marques n’ont qu’une obsession, convaincre en martelant leur message et en citant la marque et le nom du produit autant que faire se peut. Avec un retour sur investissement mesurable, la publicité est l’arme préférée des marketeurs. Une arme qui vient promouvoir le produit lancé après moult études et …
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Rescooped by Fabrice from Content Curation World
January 4, 2014 10:50 AM

Snowfallen StoryTelling: 150+ Examples of Long-Format Multimedia Stories

Snowfallen StoryTelling: 150+ Examples of Long-Format Multimedia Stories | Faber Content | marketing et contenus | Scoop.it

Via Robin Good
Robin Good's curator insight, January 4, 2014 8:07 AM

Snowfallen definition: "to publish a whopping great story online that’s stuffed full of integrated multimedia elements — in the manner of the New York Times’ Snow Fall, the epic report on a brutal avalanche that was released late last year to much acclaim."

(source: Matter)

Whether you think that the SnowFall-like journalism format is a great thing or not, this new storytelling format characterized by long narrative texts accompanied by many multimedia elements, seems to see no stop to its growth.

Bobby Johnson of Matter / Medium, is not quite convinced that this format is always the best way to go, but besides his interesting pros and cons for the use of the snowfallen format, he has done a fantastic job of curating a great an "open" collection of all of the "snowfallen" examples already published out there.

The collection provides in a chronological order, "snowfall"-like examples essentially for the last three years, though there are a few dating back as far as to 1996. 

Excellent. 9/10

SnowFallen Examples Collection: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnWYxsUNHS4FdGVYMnpkdGdTNTU0RS1SXzktcnZwRWc&usp=sharing#gid=0 

malek's curator insight, January 4, 2014 8:26 AM

A frowing different species in the Storytelling kingdom. Save it in your Google Doc, enjoy at your leisure.

Rescooped by Fabrice from Content Curation World
August 17, 2012 8:39 AM

Curate Your Own Web Magazine by Picking the Best from the Web with Zeen

Curate Your Own Web Magazine by Picking the Best from the Web with Zeen | Faber Content | marketing et contenus | Scoop.it

Robin Good: I have just received an invitation to test the new content curation platform Zeen, and here I am with some early impressions on what I have seen.


Zeen is a content curation tool designed to create good-looking magazines on a specific topic or theme. Setup and configuration is very easy and straightforward and it allows you to connect your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.


Once you are in, you can immediately set up a Zeen magazine, by selecting a title, a description and a cover image. From there on you are free to use the integrated search feature to find web articles, news, images, video clips or tweets relevant to your magazine. You just start a search after having selected what kind of content you are looking for and Zeen presents you with a set of relevant results. One-click on any of them and they are inserted instantly in your magazine.


You can also create as many "tags" (Zeen calls them "labels") as you like and assign each content item to a specific label.


The final magazine issue offers an automatic visual table of contents, in which you can organize by dragging and dropping the order of your selected contents.


A Zeen magazine can be made of multiple issues, instead of being like Scoop.it, a continuously growing content holder. You select the content items and you produce an issue (which can be still edited after publication).


N.B.: There is no way to edit or modify the content picked and added to your magazine, including the use of images.


You can't create new content but only pick and organize existing resources.


Here is an example of a Zeen magazine: http://zeen.com/read/ODgO94/toc

and here is another one on barbeques: http://zeen.com/read/KuJoAW



More info: http://zeen.com/


Via Robin Good
Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com's comment, August 16, 2012 8:58 AM
After receiving an invite yesterday and also gave it a try. They have a long way to go as far as a mobile user using the site to currate content.

In find when viewing a magazine the layout has to much going on around it that takes away from the content.
Robin Good's comment, August 16, 2012 9:02 AM
Brian, I agree with you 1000%!
Rescooped by Fabrice from Content Curation World
February 12, 2014 3:43 AM

Create, Publish and Curate Your Company Social Hub with Uberflip

Create, Publish and Curate Your Company Social Hub with Uberflip | Faber Content | marketing et contenus | Scoop.it

Via Robin Good
Robin Good's curator insight, February 11, 2014 5:26 PM

Uberflip is a new web publishing tool that allows a company to easily create a social hub populated with the most relevant content coming from their main media properties, including blogs, RSS feeds, social media channels, images and videos, presentations and PDF documents.

Uberflip publishing metaphor is the "hub" in which, similarly to Rebelmouse and Pressly you can create multiple channels where you either aggregate or curate theme-specific content.

Among Uberflip unique features there is the ability to import and convert PDF documents into editable flipbooks, an array of widgets that can be added to integrate more functionalities (e.g.: Disqus comments) and a call-to-action feature allowing you to integrate customizable and elegant subscription boxes that directly connect to your newsletter provider (e.g.: Malchimp). 

Check my test site to get an idea of what you can do with it: http://robingood.uberflip.com/h/ 

My comment: Compared to Rebelmouse, Pressly, Uberflip is a tough contender. Its key strengths are the elegant and clean output design, which displays excellently also on tablets and smartphones and the breadth of features for curating and collecting content (e.g.: custom collections). Uberflip is also the only tool of this kind that integrates a PDF to flipbook conversion engine, allowing you to integrate any company PDF into one or more collections in a beautiful format to view.

The Basic version, which allows for one hub with multiple channels, one custom collection and one CTA costs $49.95/month. Higher priced versions at 199 and 499/mo allow for using your custom domain, more collections, CTAs and additional features including analytics and other features.    

Pricing info: http://www.uberflip.com/pricing 

Free 14-day trial.

Ty it out now: http://www.uberflip.com/ 

My test site: http://robigood.uberflip.com 

-> Added to Social Media Aggregators & Hubs in the Content Curation Tools Supermap

Rescooped by Fabrice from Content Curation World
September 21, 2012 1:19 PM

Five Good Guidelines for Content Curators from Joshua Merritt

Five Good Guidelines for Content Curators from Joshua Merritt | Faber Content | marketing et contenus | Scoop.it

Robin Good: If you are looking for ways to improve your content curation efforts, Joshua Merritt has published five useful guidelines to follow.

These include abandoning high frequency / high-volume practices, integrating your opinion whenever possible, researching deeper, citing sources and treating curation like original content production.

Joshua writes: "If two different people curate and distribute the same content (which happens every day times thousands), what makes the experience of your followers more valuable?

The answer doesn’t have to lie in a single piece of content, but it must lie in the story arch of the greater body of work, and the more you treat each item you curate as a diamond in the rough that needs some extra cutting and polishing to be ready for your audience, the better your content will perform and the more loyalty you will drive in your followers."

Rightful. 7/10

Full article: http://www.joshuamerritt.com/2012/09/20/if-curating-content-is-easy-youre-doing-it-wrong-5-tips-for-effective-content-curation/

Via Robin Good
Ken Morrison's comment, October 1, 2012 11:23 PM
Hello Avivajazz thank you for the rescoop. Best of luck to you.
Ken Morrison's comment, October 1, 2012 11:23 PM
Hello Avivajazz thank you for the rescoop. Best of luck to you.Ken