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Scooped by Howard Rheingold
May 24, 2013 4:49 PM!

Peer Learning Handbook |

Peer Learning Handbook | | Peeragogy |

Welcome to the Peeragogy Handbook!

This book presents a range of techniques that self-motivated learners can use to connect with each other and develop stronger communities and collaborations. The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in how learning works, whether you’re an educator, a hobbyist, an artist, a home-school student, an employee, a parent, an activist, an archivist, a mathematician, or a tennis player.  The book was written by a bunch of people who think learning is cool.

Howard Rheingold's insight:

The Peeragogy Project involved a couple of dozen volunteers from four continents. We created and continue to update (and invite contributors to) a handbook for self-organizing self-learners.

Vivianne Amaral's curator insight, August 12, 2013 8:24 PM

Um guia interativo, elaborado por muitos pessoas e beta sobre co -aprendizagem. Comecei a ler.

Scooped by Howard Rheingold
May 24, 2013 4:23 PM!

The pedagogical foundations of massive open online courses | Glance | First Monday

The pedagogical foundations of massive open online courses
Howard Rheingold's insight:

I foresee a schism between future OOCs -- Open Online Courses that clump into groups of 20-30, so drop the "Massive" -- and the kind that rely on lectures, quizzes, projects involving disciplines in which there are machine-gradeable exact answers (mathematics or coding, for example.) The first MOOCs conducted by Cormier, Downes, and Siemens involved self-organized groups that used blog comments to form study communities. My Rheingold U courses are limited to 30. 

Kathleen Johnson's comment, October 4, 2013 6:33 PM
I agree with you Howard and I was glad you limited your class this summer. The lockstep MOOCs are not so fun. Siemens/Downes and DS106 were very energizing.