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Pedalogica: educación y TIC
Pedalogica: educación y TIC
TIC, Educación, Pedagogía y noticas
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Rescooped by Alazne González from Openness in Education and New "Trends" in Educational Technology
May 7, 2015 9:49 AM!

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Nearly 60% of Teens Use Their Own Mobile Devices in School for Learning

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Nearly 60% of Teens Use Their Own Mobile Devices in School for Learning | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |


This year’s report, Digital Learning 24/7: Understanding Technology – Enhanced Learning in the Lives of Today’s Students, provides landmark findings on the efficacy and value associated with popular digital learning initiatives: blended learning, online learning, school-assigned mobile devices and STEM learning.  The views, values and experiences of students taking part in these digital learning initiatives are compared with students in more traditional classroom-based education.
“We hope by highlighting the views and values of today’s students, especially those students who are living a digital learning experience, this year’s report stimulates new discussions around the effective use of digital tools, resources and content to support student learning,” said Julie Evans CEO of Project Tomorrow.

Via John Evans, xavier suñé, Victoria Marín
Ly Torn's curator insight, May 4, 2015 11:33 PM

Selles artiklis on kajastatud üht uuringut, mille tulemusena toodi välja, et ligikaudu 60% teismelistest kasutab oma nutiseadmeid koolis õppimise eesmärgil. 

Dennis Danielson's curator insight, May 6, 2015 7:27 PM

LOTS of new data here on Digital Learning from the Speak Up survey.

CTD Institute's curator insight, May 8, 2015 9:25 AM

A must for all educators involved with implementation of mobile projecst in K-12 institutions.

Rescooped by Alazne González from @Tecnoedumx
July 17, 2012 5:02 PM!

EduClick Flow: La herramienta definitiva para evaluación en el aula con dispositivos móviles

EduClick Flow es una sencilla herramienta que facilita al docente la aproximación las sensaciones y utilidad del la aplicación del sistema de votación intera...

Via EduClick_España, Jose Gregorio Noronha lopez, Mariano Fernandez S., Wilmer Ramírez
José Luis García's comment, July 17, 2012 9:35 AM
EduClick_España's comment, July 17, 2012 10:06 AM
Gracias José Luis, sí que lo conozco, está en mi scoop!!
Su interfaz me gusta muchísimo y es bastante completo, pero no está enfocado a tareas evaluativas en el aula.
Flow no solo permite usar combinadamente mandos físicos y virtuales, sino que además permite gestionar asistentes, conexión con Moodle y otros LMS, resultados en cloud... :)
Aprendiendo juntos's curator insight, April 30, 2013 8:39 AM

Permite integración con Moodle...en pendientes para estudiar¡


Rescooped by Alazne González from Modern Educational Technology and eLearning
August 31, 2012 6:33 PM!

How to Learn Online | Online and Distance Learning

How to Learn Online | Online and Distance Learning | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |
How to learn online? Find out how online learning is different to classroom learning, and how you can learn more effectively.


Thanks to




Via Gust MEES, John Rudkin
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Rescooped by Alazne González from Educational Boards (Pinterest &
February 27, 2012 4:50 AM!

The Increasing Demand for E-Education |

The Increasing Demand for E-Education | | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |
This infographic provides information about the growing online college community.

Via EduClick_España
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