Pedalogica: educación y TIC
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Pedalogica: educación y TIC
Pedalogica: educación y TIC
TIC, Educación, Pedagogía y noticas
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Rescooped by Alazne González from Entrepreunership, eCommerce, Management, Small Business & Work Orientation
December 16, 2012 6:35 AM!

Why Don't Companies understand Real Digital influence?

Why Don't Companies understand Real Digital influence? | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |
Influence is such a hot topic in the digital industry yet there remains widespread misunderstanding over how it works, argues Dr Michael Wu, Chief Scientist at social community specialists Lithium Technologies...

Via janlgordon, Dr. Luis Cañals, ThePinkSalmon
janlgordon's comment, December 15, 2012 12:56 PM
Robin Martin, thank you for rescooping this article and being a very loyal follower, I really appreciate it! I might not always be able to acknowledge everyone here because I am very busy launching Curatti at the moment and that is two full time jobs. Thanks again.
ThePinkSalmon's comment, December 15, 2012 9:22 PM
Very interesting!!
PaolaRicaurte's curator insight, December 16, 2012 9:21 AM

A really interest topic and something I've been trying to explain to some people: Social Network Analysis is science, nothing to do with your "cool" marketing tools...

Rescooped by Alazne González from Social Media and its influence
January 3, 2012 5:38 AM!

A Million Little Klouts | Adweek

A Million Little Klouts | Adweek | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |
Social media-loving ninjas, gurus, and wizards may once have touted their Klout. But if the recent spate of criticisms over the company’s privacy, transparency, and methodology is any indication, these days, Klout is out.

Via Gust MEES
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