Pedalogica: educación y TIC
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Pedalogica: educación y TIC
Pedalogica: educación y TIC
TIC, Educación, Pedagogía y noticas
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Rescooped by Alazne González from Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
January 8, 2021 4:28 AM!

How to teach critical thinking

How to teach critical thinking | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |
Individuals vary in their views of what students should be taught. How should teachers discuss the misdeeds of a nation’s founders? What is the minimum accomplishment expected of each student in mathematics? But there is no disagreement on the importance of critical thinking skills. In free societies, the ability to think critically is viewed as a cornerstone of individual civic engagement and economic success.

But is there evidence that explicitly teaching critical thinking brings any benefit? There is, and such evidence is available for different subject matters. For example, in one experiment researchers taught college students principles for evaluating evidence in psychology studies – principles like the difference between correlational research and true experiments (Bensley and Spero, 2014). These principles were incorporated into regular instruction in a psychology class, and their application was practised in that context. Compared to a control group that learned principles of memory, students who learned the critical thinking principles performed better on a test that required evaluation of psychology evidence.

Via Elizabeth E Charles
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Rescooped by Alazne González from Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
January 3, 2021 9:47 AM!

Things you may find useful when using Twitter that you might have slipped past you!

Things you may find useful when using Twitter that you might have slipped past you! | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |
As the old saying goes “Every day’s a learning day’.  Social Media including Twitter seems to be always changing things. Whilst introducing new features in the main can be useful, they sometimes pass you by.  For me it was saving a draft of a Tweet. How did I miss that?! This post highlights some tips that I hope you will find useful. For keyboard shortcut fans there are a list of commands towards the end of the post.

Via Elizabeth E Charles
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