Pedalogica: educación y TIC
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Pedalogica: educación y TIC
Pedalogica: educación y TIC
TIC, Educación, Pedagogía y noticas
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Rescooped by Alazne González from Digital Delights - Images & Design
May 14, 2020 11:30 AM!

17 imaginative web comics to inspire you

17 imaginative web comics to inspire you | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |
Take a break and unleash your creativity with these great free web comics.

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by Alazne González from Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
December 6, 2012 10:08 AM!

#Witty Comics - crea tus propias tiras en formato cómic #recomiendo #eng

#Witty Comics - crea tus propias tiras en formato cómic #recomiendo #eng | Pedalogica: educación y TIC |
Make your own comic strips...


Start here:


Via Gust MEES, Alfredo Corell
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