Are Tiny Houses Allowed in the Newtown Area? | Newtown News of Interest |

A Newtown resident contacted me because she was interested in knowing if there were any restrictions on the types of property in Newtown that a tiny house can be placed or built on. She also wanted to know if it was allowable to place a tiny house on another person’s private property with that person’s permission.

It just so happened that I was planning to attend the monthly meeting of the Joint Zoning Council (JZC) that night, so I decided to email members and experts associated with the Council to see if they had the answers. 

After some back and forth via email, the topic of tiny houses was added to the January 9, 2020, JZC agenda. The following recording is an excerpt from the discussion. Participating in the discussion were Chester Pogonwski (Wrightstown Supervisor), Chair, Tom Cino (Upper Makefiled Supervisor), Vice Chair, Phil Calabro (Newtown Supervisor), Lisa M. Wolff, Bucks County Planning Commission, myself and others.


Listen to the discussion here.